The 10 Essential Skills of a Good School Principal (2024)

The role of a principal

Before discussing what skills are needed to become a good principal, let’s first discuss what the role of a principal is.

The definition of a school principal, according to OECD, is: the link between teachers, students and their parents or guardians, the education system and the wider community.

A principal essentially has to oversee all aspects of school life, including but not limited to:

  • Class scheduling
  • Management and creation of the curriculum
  • Evaluating teacher performance
  • Managing the school budget
  • Disciplining students

What skills are required to be a successful principal?

1- Leadership skills

As a principal, you are in charge of a large team of staff, as well as a huge number of students and you are the mediator between students, teachers, and their parents. Therefore, as principal you must be a strong leader so that students, staff, and parents respect you and listen to what you say.

It can be useful for principals to have previous experience in various other teaching leadership roles, such as head of a department or organizer of a co-curricular activity (many principal postings will require you to have this previous experience anyway). This gives you the opportunity to develop your leadership skills by managing a smaller team before taking on the role of principal where you are in charge of everyone in the school.

The 10 Essential Skills of a Good School Principal (1)

2- An ability to adapt and innovate

One of the skills that all educators, not just principals, should have is the ability to adapt and innovate. We live in a world where technology is constantly evolving and there are constantly new teaching techniques emerging. Principals have to lead by example and must not be afraid of change but rather make changes to the curriculum and teaching style as these new trends and techniques emerge.

3- IT skills

Furthermore, in order to remain innovative and keep the curriculum and teaching styles relevant, principals must feel confident with the latest technology. As with everything that principals do, they must lead by example because if they don’t try to use this new technology, they cannot expect their teachers to.

Are you interested in improving your IT skills for the classroom but not entirely sure where to start? Check out our course ‘ICT​ ​as​ ​a​ ​Tool​ ​for​ ​a Student-Centered​ ​Classroom

The 10 Essential Skills of a Good School Principal (2)

4- Communication skills

As a principal, you come into contact with many different people: parents, students, and staff members. You therefore need to make sure that you communicate any necessary information to them, and in an appropriate way- the way that you would address a student would be different from how you would communicate with a parent or staff member.

The most important thing is that you keep all parties informed about what is going on at the school. To communicate with parents, for example, you could send out a weekly newsletter, outlining events happening at the school and student achievements for the week. If you are especially interested in building a strong parent-teacher collaboration, check out our course and dig deeper on this topic.

To communicate with staff you could send out a weekly bulletin with any relevant information they may need to know about students.

5- An ability to delegate

There is a common misconception that a good leader is someone who is able to do everything themselves. Whereas, in fact, the best leaders (and therefore the best school principals) know when they should delegate a certain task to someone else. There might be some tasks which other staff members would be better equipped to complete, or sometimes a principal may simply have far too much work to complete themselves and requires help from other members of staff to get everything done. This is where being able to delegate specific tasks to other members of staff comes in very handy!

Are you interested in helping your teaching staff become their best version? Check out our course on coaching and mentoring your educators and learn to lead them towards excellence.

6- Be decisive

Another essential quality for a school principal is that they are decisive. Being decisive gives the impression to both staff and students that you know what you are doing and you are confident in your abilities. This, in turn, increases their confidence in your ability to lead the school. In addition, usually, if you act decisively and therefore quickly, it means that the issue which you are trying to address is also solved more quickly.

7- Problem-solving skills

Problem-solving skills are arguably one of the most important skills for a principal to have, since on a daily basis, principals are presented with a range of problems from funding issues to students’ home issues. If anyone (staff or students) has any kind of problem then the principal is the person that they will go to in order to help them solve it.

If you wish to develop your problem-solving skills, among other fundamental competencies, check out our course on 21st Century Teaching Skills and learn about innovative approaches and techniques to be applied in your school.

The 10 Essential Skills of a Good School Principal (3)

8- An ability to prioritize

Following on from the previous point, while a principal hears about many different issues even on the same day, they are not all equally as important. Therefore, it is absolutely essential that a principal is able to prioritize the most important issues so that they can be dealt with as swiftly as possible.

9- Be sensitive and empathetic

Throughout a school, there will be students, parents, and staff from a wide variety of socio-economic backgrounds and situations at home. As a principal, you have to be able to empathize with people even though you may not have experienced what they are experiencing. You need to be able to listen actively and give advice and solutions to help them. A kind, empathetic school principal also comes across as far more approachable. You want staff and students to feel like they are able to come to you with any issue.

10- Be visible

It is extremely important that principals are seen in the corridors and that they directly interact with students, staff, and parents. This once again makes a principal seem far more approachable to both staff and students. It is also extremely valuable for the principal, as it gives them the opportunity to get to know the community that they serve and allows them to better understand them and their needs.

The 10 Essential Skills of a Good School Principal (4)


In order to become a good leader, and therefore a good principal, you should not only ensure that you have good communication and IT skills. But that most importantly, you are approachable. Staff and students should feel that they can come to you about any issue and that you will react efficiently and appropriately.

If you have any other skills which you think would be useful for a principal, share them with us in the comments!

Do you want to learn about how to be a successful principal or school leader? Check out our course ‘Leadership and Management in Schools‘ to find out more!

The 10 Essential Skills of a Good School Principal (2024)


What are the skill for a principal? ›

The principal must be fair, honest and transparent but not be afraid of being firm and demanding. It is an isolated job that requires the building of relationships with people and engaging them in a common purpose. They must manage budgets and large teams of people while establishing a positive culture.

What makes an excellent school principal? ›

The ability to establish and share a vision of academic success. Encouraging cooperation and collaboration among teachers, staff, and students. Developing leadership skills in school staff.

What are the professional skills of a headmaster? ›

The headmaster of a school should be a man of sound morale character, an able administrator, an efficient organizer, competent manager and a role model for his students and society. In this regard he can be regarded as a visionary figure for his students and society and he shows new light and vision to them.

What makes a great school leader? ›

They Empower Teachers and Cultivate Leadership Skills

They know that they must surround themselves with great teachers and colleagues and, not only that, they must fully support teachers and staff by encouraging them to continually learn, develop and, perhaps most important, become leaders themselves.

What is the most important quality of a principal? ›

Student-Centered Focus: Teachers value principals who prioritize the well-being and success of students. Principals who actively engage with students, understand their needs, and support initiatives that benefit the student body contribute to a positive school culture.

What are the 4 duties of a principal? ›

Elementary, middle, and high school principals typically do the following:
  • Manage school activities and staff, including teachers and support personnel.
  • Establish and oversee class schedules.
  • Develop, implement, and maintain curriculum standards.
  • Counsel and discipline students.

What are the core beliefs of a school principal? ›

Respect the school, staff, students, and families. partnerships. Support teachers in the classroom.

What is the principal personality type? ›

Personality Map

The average Principal is likely an autonomous, assertive person who is motivated by measurable improvements and efficient workflows. They may hold everyone accountable to being quicker and more effective.

What are the duties of a school principal? ›

As heads of school, principals play key roles in the following areas:
  • Academic Leadership. School principals oversee all aspects of academics within the school. ...
  • Strategic Planning. ...
  • Building Community. ...
  • Supporting All Students. ...
  • Financial Stewardship. ...
  • Leadership. ...
  • Communication. ...
  • Innovation.

What is good quality headmaster? ›

Desirable qualities of the Headmaster

The Headmaster should be enthusiastic and should work for the development of the school. He should have vision, initiative, originality, sell-reliance and confidence. He should have qualities like sincerity, frankness and genuineness.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of a school principal? ›

Strengths may include effective communication skills, strong instructional leadership, or the ability to build positive relationships. Weaknesses could be a lack of experience in certain areas or difficulty with conflict resolution.

What is a principal strength? ›

'the principal strength' is correct and usable in written English. You can use it to refer to the primary or most important advantage or asset of a person, group, or situation. For example: “The principal strength of our team is our determination and perseverance.”.

What are the 5 qualities of a good leader? ›

5 Characteristics Every Good Leader Should Have
  • Decisiveness. The ability to make decisions, particularly when under pressure, is an important skill to master. ...
  • Trustworthiness. ...
  • Empowerment of others. ...
  • Clear communication. ...
  • Resilience.

What are the 21 characteristics of a leader? ›

These qualities are as follows: Character, Charisma, Commitment, Communication, Competence, Courage, Discernment, Focus, Generosity, Initiative, Listening, Passion, Positive Attitude, Problem Solving, Relationships, Responsibility, Security, Self-Discipline, Servanthood, Teachability, and Vision.

What makes an effective school administrator? ›

Through effective communication, administrators can build trust, foster a positive school culture, and align everyone toward common goals. One of the most important communication skills is active listening. Administrators who listen well can understand the perspectives and concerns of their community.

What are the top skills for an assistant principal? ›

Top 5 Common Skills for Assistant Principals

As for common skills, communications was the most desired skill found in job postings for assistant principals, followed by leadership, teaching, management, planning and operations.

What are the three duties of the principal? ›

Principal duties and responsibilities
  • Ensuring that academic policies and curriculum are followed.
  • Developing and tracking benchmarks for measuring institutional success.
  • Helping teachers maximize their teaching potential.
  • Meeting and listening to concerns of students on a regular basis.

What experience should a principal have? ›

Educational Leadership Experience

Some school principal roles require that the person has school leadership experience. This means that many school principals start out as vice or assistant principals. Leading a department or being a school board representative are also good avenues for school leadership experience.

What skills a teacher should have? ›

Crucial Teacher Skills
  • Communication. Communication is undeniably the most critical skill for an educator because it underpins all aspects of their work. ...
  • Critical Thinking. ...
  • Patience. ...
  • Leadership. ...
  • Organization. ...
  • Time Management. ...
  • Teamwork. ...
  • Listening.
Jun 25, 2023

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