Conjugating Dormir in all Spanish tenses | Ella Verbs App (2024)

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Dormir is the Spanish verb for "to sleep". It is an irregular verb, and one of the most popular 100 Spanish verbs. Read on below to see how it is conjugated in the 18 major Spanish tenses!

Similar verbs to dormir include: dormirse.

Infinitivedormirto sleep
Past participledormidoslept

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Indicative Tenses of Dormir

Dormir in the Indicative Present

The Indicative Present of dormir is used to talk about situations, events or thoughts that are happening now or in the near future. It is also used to talk about facts and truths. For example, "duermo", meaning "I sleep".

In Spanish, the Indicative Present is known as "El Presente".

Yoduermo I sleep
duermes you sleep
Ella / Él / Ustedduerme s/he sleeps, you (formal) sleep
Nosotras / Nosotrosdormimoswe sleep
Vosotras / Vosotrosdormísyou (plural) sleep
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedesduermen they sleep, you (plural formal) sleep

The red dot () above denotes an irregular conjugation.

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Dormir in the Indicative Preterite

The Indicative Preterite of dormir is used to talk about actions completed in the past, at a specific point in time. For example, "dormí", meaning "I slept".

In Spanish, the Indicative Preterite is known as "El Pretérito Indefinido".

YodormíI slept
dormisteyou slept
Ella / Él / Usteddurmió s/he slept, you (formal) slept
Nosotras / Nosotrosdormimoswe slept
Vosotras / Vosotrosdormisteisyou (plural) slept
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedesdurmieron they slept, you (plural formal) slept

The red dot () above denotes an irregular conjugation.

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Dormir in the Indicative Imperfect

The Indicative Imperfect of dormir is used to describe regular and repeated actions that happened in the past and descriptions of things you used to do. For example, "dormía", meaning "I used to sleep".

In Spanish, the Indicative Imperfect is known as "El Pretérito Imperfecto".

YodormíaI used to sleep
dormíasyou used to sleep
Ella / Él / Usteddormías/he used to sleep, you (formal) used to sleep
Nosotras / Nosotrosdormíamoswe used to sleep
Vosotras / Vosotrosdormíaisyou (plural) used to sleep
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedesdormíanthey used to sleep, you (plural formal) used to sleep

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Dormir in the Indicative Present Continuous

The Indicative Present Continuous of dormir is used to talk about something that is happening continuously or right now. For example, "estoy durmiendo", meaning "I am sleeping".

In Spanish, the Indicative Present Continuous is known as "El Presente Progresivo".

Yoestoy durmiendo I am sleeping
estás durmiendo you are sleeping
Ella / Él / Ustedestá durmiendo s/he is sleeping, you (formal) are sleeping
Nosotras / Nosotrosestamos durmiendo we are sleeping
Vosotras / Vosotrosestáis durmiendo you (plural) are sleeping
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedesestán durmiendo they are sleeping, you (plural formal) are sleeping

The red dot () above denotes an irregular conjugation.

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Dormir in the Indicative Informal Future

The Indicative Informal Future of dormir is used to talk about something that will happen in the future, especially in the near future. For example, "voy a dormir", meaning "I am going to sleep".

In Spanish, the Indicative Informal Future is known as "El Futuro Próximo".

Yovoy a dormirI am going to sleep
vas a dormiryou are going to sleep
Ella / Él / Ustedva a dormirs/he is going to sleep, you (formal) are going to sleep
Nosotras / Nosotrosvamos a dormirwe are going to sleep
Vosotras / Vosotrosvais a dormiryou (plural) are going to sleep
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedesvan a dormirthey are going to sleep, you (plural formal) are going to sleep

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Dormir in the Indicative Future

The Indicative Future of dormir is used to talk about something that will happen in the future. For example, "dormiré", meaning "I will sleep".

In Spanish, the Indicative Future is known as "El Futuro Simple".

YodormiréI will sleep
dormirásyou will sleep
Ella / Él / Usteddormirás/he will sleep, you (formal) will sleep
Nosotras / Nosotrosdormiremoswe will sleep
Vosotras / Vosotrosdormiréisyou (plural) will sleep
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedesdormiránthey will sleep, you (plural formal) will sleep

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Dormir in the Indicative Conditional

The Indicative Conditional of dormir is used to talk about something that may happen in the future, hypothesis and probabilities. For example, "dormiría", meaning "I would sleep".

In Spanish, the Indicative Conditional is known as "El Condicional Simple".

YodormiríaI would sleep
dormiríasyou would sleep
Ella / Él / Usteddormirías/he would sleep, you (formal) would sleep
Nosotras / Nosotrosdormiríamoswe would sleep
Vosotras / Vosotrosdormiríaisyou (plural) would sleep
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedesdormiríanthey would sleep, you (plural formal) would sleep

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Dormir in the Indicative Present Perfect

The Indicative Present Perfect of dormir is used to describe actions that started recently (in the past) and are still happening now or things that have been done recently. For example, "he dormido", meaning "I have slept".

In Spanish, the Indicative Present Perfect is known as "El Pretérito Perfecto".

Yohe dormidoI have slept
has dormidoyou have slept
Ella / Él / Ustedha dormidos/he has slept, you (formal) have slept
Nosotras / Nosotroshemos dormidowe have slept
Vosotras / Vosotroshabéis dormidoyou (plural) have slept
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedeshan dormidothey have slept, you (plural formal) have slept

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Dormir in the Indicative Past Perfect

The Indicative Past Perfect of dormir is used to talk about actions that happened before another action in the past. For example, "había dormido", meaning "I had slept".

In Spanish, the Indicative Past Perfect is known as "El Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto".

Yohabía dormidoI had slept
habías dormidoyou had slept
Ella / Él / Ustedhabía dormidos/he had slept, you (formal) had slept
Nosotras / Nosotroshabíamos dormidowe had slept
Vosotras / Vosotroshabíais dormidoyou (plural) had slept
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedeshabían dormidothey had slept, you (plural formal) had slept

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Dormir in the Indicative Future Perfect

The Indicative Future Perfect of dormir is used to talk about something that will have happened in the future after something else has already happened. For example, "habré dormido", meaning "I will have slept".

In Spanish, the Indicative Future Perfect is known as "El Futuro Perfecto".

Yohabré dormidoI will have slept
habrás dormidoyou will have slept
Ella / Él / Ustedhabrá dormidos/he will have slept, you (formal) will have slept
Nosotras / Nosotroshabremos dormidowe will have slept
Vosotras / Vosotroshabréis dormidoyou (plural) will have slept
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedeshabrán dormidothey will have slept, you (plural formal) will have slept

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Dormir in the Indicative Conditional Perfect

The Indicative Conditional Perfect of dormir is used to talk about something that would have happened in the past but didn’t due to another action. For example, "habría dormido", meaning "I would have slept".

In Spanish, the Indicative Conditional Perfect is known as "El Condicional Perfecto".

Yohabría dormidoI would have slept
habrías dormidoyou would have slept
Ella / Él / Ustedhabría dormidos/he would have slept, you (formal) would have slept
Nosotras / Nosotroshabríamos dormidowe would have slept
Vosotras / Vosotroshabríais dormidoyou (plural) would have slept
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedeshabrían dormidothey would have slept, you (plural formal) would have slept

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Subjunctive Tenses of Dormir

Dormir in the Subjunctive Present

The Subjunctive Present is used to talk about situations of uncertainty, or emotions such as wishes, desires and hopes. It differs from the indicative mood due to the uncertainty of the events which are being spoken about. For example, "duerma", meaning "I sleep".

In Spanish, the Subjunctive Present is known as "El Presente de Subjuntivo".

Yoduerma I sleep
duermas you sleep
Ella / Él / Ustedduerma s/he sleeps, you (formal) sleep
Nosotras / Nosotrosdurmamos we sleep
Vosotras / Vosotrosdurmáis you (plural) sleep
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedesduerman they sleep, you (plural formal) sleep

The red dot () above denotes an irregular conjugation.

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Dormir in the Subjunctive Imperfect

The Subjunctive Imperfect is used to speak about unlikely or uncertain events in the past or to cast an opinion (emotional) about something that happened in the past. For example, "durmiera", meaning "I slept".

In Spanish, the Subjunctive Imperfect is known as "El Imperfecto Subjuntivo".

Yodurmiera I slept
durmieras you slept
Ella / Él / Usteddurmiera s/he slept, you (formal) slept
Nosotras / Nosotrosdurmiéramos we slept
Vosotras / Vosotrosdurmierais you (plural) slept
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedesdurmieran they slept, you (plural formal) slept

The red dot () above denotes an irregular conjugation.

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Dormir in the Subjunctive Future

The Subjunctive Future is used to speak about hypothetical situations, and actions/events that may happen in the future. For example, "durmiere", meaning "I will sleep".

In Spanish, the Subjunctive Future is known as "El Futuro de Subjuntivo".

Yodurmiere I will sleep
durmieres you will sleep
Ella / Él / Usteddurmiere s/he will sleep, you (formal) will sleep
Nosotras / Nosotrosdurmiéremos we will sleep
Vosotras / Vosotrosdurmiereis you (plural) will sleep
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedesdurmieren they will sleep, you (plural formal) will sleep

The red dot () above denotes an irregular conjugation.

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Dormir in the Subjunctive Present Perfect

The Subjunctive Present Perfect is used to describe past actions or events that are still connected to the present day and to speak about an action that will have happened by a certain time in the future. For example, "haya dormido", meaning "I have slept".

In Spanish, the Subjunctive Present Perfect is known as "El Pretérito Perfecto de Subjuntivo".

Yohaya dormidoI have slept
hayas dormidoyou have slept
Ella / Él / Ustedhaya dormidos/he has slept, you (formal) have slept
Nosotras / Nosotroshayamos dormidowe have slept
Vosotras / Vosotroshayáis dormidoyou (plural) have slept
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedeshayan dormidothey have slept, you (plural formal) have slept

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Dormir in the Subjunctive Past Perfect

The Subjunctive Past Perfect is used to speak about hypothetical situations, and actions/events that occurred before other actions/events in the past. For example, "hubiera dormido", meaning "I had slept".

In Spanish, the Subjunctive Past Perfect is known as "El Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto de Subjuntivo".

Yohubiera dormidoI had slept
hubieras dormidoyou had slept
Ella / Él / Ustedhubiera dormidos/he had slept, you (formal) had slept
Nosotras / Nosotroshubiéramos dormidowe had slept
Vosotras / Vosotroshubierais dormidoyou (plural) had slept
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedeshubieran dormidothey had slept, you (plural formal) had slept

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Dormir in the Subjunctive Future Perfect

The Subjunctive Future Perfect is used to speak about something that will have happened if a hypothetical situations occurs in the future. For example, "hubiere dormido", meaning "I will have slept".

In Spanish, the Subjunctive Future Perfect is known as "El Futuro Perfecto de Subjuntivo".

Yohubiere dormidoI will have slept
hubieres dormidoyou will have slept
Ella / Él / Ustedhubiere dormidos/he will have slept, you (formal) will have slept
Nosotras / Nosotroshubiéremos dormidowe will have slept
Vosotras / Vosotroshubiereis dormidoyou (plural) will have slept
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedeshubieren dormidothey will have slept, you (plural formal) will have slept

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Imperative Tenses of Dormir

Dormir in the Imperative Affirmative

The Imperative Affirmative is used to give orders and commands, to tell someone to do something. For example, "duerma", meaning "(to you formal) sleep!".

In Spanish, the Imperative Affirmative is known as "El Imperativo Afirmativo".

duerme (to you) sleep!
Ella / Él / Ustedduerma (to you formal) sleep!
Nosotras / Nosotrosdurmamos let's sleep!
Vosotras / Vosotrosdormid(to you plural) sleep!
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedesduerman (to you plural formal) sleep!

The red dot () above denotes an irregular conjugation.

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Dormir in the Imperative Negative

The Imperative Negative is used to give orders and commands, telling someone not to do something. For example, "no duerma", meaning "(to you formal) don't sleep!".

In Spanish, the Imperative Negative is known as "El Imperativo Negativo".

no duermas (to you) don't sleep!
Ella / Él / Ustedno duerma (to you formal) don't sleep!
Nosotras / Nosotrosno durmamos let's not sleep!
Vosotras / Vosotrosno durmáis (to you plural) don't sleep!
Ellas / Ellos / Ustedesno duerman (to you plural formal) don't sleep!

The red dot () above denotes an irregular conjugation.

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About Ella Verbs

👋 Hola! We built Ella Verbs to help people (and ourselves!) master one of the hardest parts of Spanish – verb conjugation. It guides you through learning all tenses in an easy-to-follow way, giving you levels of bite-sized lessons and fun quizzes. Here is a 6 minute overview of all of the app's features:

It has changed a lot over the 6+ years we have been working on it, but the goal remains the same – to help you master Spanish conjugation! You can download and try it for free, and, if you do, please send any and all feedback our way!

- Jane & Brian

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Conjugating Dormir in all Spanish tenses | Ella Verbs App (2024)


Conjugating Dormir in all Spanish tenses | Ella Verbs App? ›

Dormir Conjugation: Verbals

For these dormir conjugations, there are two forms of dormir that you need to learn. The infinitive form of the verb is dormir. The past participle of dormir is dormido. The gerund form of dormir is durmiendo.

How do you conjugate Dormir in Spanish? ›

Dormir Conjugation: Verbals

For these dormir conjugations, there are two forms of dormir that you need to learn. The infinitive form of the verb is dormir. The past participle of dormir is dormido. The gerund form of dormir is durmiendo.

Is the Ella Verbs app free? ›

Yes, you can download and get started for free, learning all of the present tense (6 levels and 2 milestones) and 100 of the most popular verbs. If you want to learn past that, or access additional features, you can upgrade within the app.

What is the best website for Spanish verb conjugation? › is the BEST Online Spanish Verb Conjugator. Here, you will find: Conjugations for well over 1,000 Spanish Verbs — even though you'll probably only ever use 10 or 20!

How do you conjugate verbs in all tenses? ›

For this example, we'll use first person singular form, I.
  1. Simple Present: I work.
  2. Simple Past: I worked.
  3. Simple Future: I will work.
  4. Present Continuous: I am working.
  5. Past Continuous: I was working.
  6. Future Continuous: I will be working.
  7. Present Perfect: I have worked.
  8. Past Perfect: I had worked.
May 5, 2019

What are the irregular verbs for dormir? ›

9 more rows
Feb 21, 2020

Why is dormir irregular? ›

Dormir is considered irregular as it doesn't follow the usual pattern for Spanish verbs. However, it is more accurately called a stem-changing verb, just like pensar or servir, as only the last vowel of the stem tends to change. In this case, the “o” in “dorm” tends to change to “ue”.

What is the best app to practice Spanish verb conjugations? ›

ConjuGato will help you master the trickiest part of Spanish – verb conjugations. Try it free and become fluent faster! With ConjuGato, you don't need to type the answers – just think or say the correct verb and tap to check for yourself (you can enable the typing option in settings, if you wish).

Is Ella verb worth it? ›

"I highly recommend Ella Verbs! Ella Verbs really helped me understand the verb conjugation much better after I had studied Spanish for about 4 months.

Is ConjuGato free? ›

ConjuGato is free for the first two tenses and 250 of the most popular verbs. If you need more advanced practice, there's an affordable one-time upgrade that unlocks everything in the app forever.

What are the 12 most used verbs in Spanish? ›

In order of frequency, they are: ser, estar, haber, poder, tener, hacer, decir, deber, ir, ver, parecer and dar.

Which language has the hardest verb conjugation? ›

While English has a relatively simple conjugation, other languages such as French and Arabic or Spanish are more complex, with each verb having dozens of conjugated forms. Some languages such as Georgian and Basque have highly complex conjugation systems with hundreds of possible conjugations for every verb.

How do you memorize all tenses? ›

  1. First take one sentence and through this sentence try to make all possible sentences.
  2. Example:— I go (simple present)
  3. I went ( simple past)
  4. I am going( present continuous)
  5. I have been going ( present perfect tense)
  6. I have been going to market senice 10 o'clock ( present perfect tense+ time) …
Feb 16, 2023

What languages have no conjugation? ›

Examples of tenseless languages are Burmese, Dyirbal, most varieties of Chinese, Malay (including Indonesian), Thai, Maya (linguistic nomenclature: "Yukatek Maya"), Vietnamese and in some analyses Greenlandic (Kalaallisut) and Guaraní.

What are the two rules of conjugation in Spanish? ›

In Spanish, you conjugate verbs by changing the ending. If the subject is I (yo), conjugate by dropping the ending and add -o. If the subject is you – informal (tú), conjugate by dropping the ending and add -as (for -ar verbs) or -es (for -er and -ir verbs).

What is the difference between dormir and se dormir? ›

If you are asking about Spanish, “se dormir" does not exist. However, “dormirse" does. It means “to fall asleep, doze off, or conk out,” while “dormir" means “to sleep."

How do you conjugate sleep? ›

Verb Conjugation Tool
  1. I sleep. You sleep. We sleep. ...
  2. I am sleeping. You are sleeping. We are sleeping. ...
  3. I slept. You slept. We slept. ...
  4. I was sleeping. You were sleeping. We were sleeping. ...
  5. I will sleep. You will sleep. ...
  6. I have slept. You have slept. ...
  7. I have been sleeping. You have been sleeping. ...
  8. I had slept. You had slept.

When to use dors and dormir? ›

In French, the verb "dormir" is conjugated across different tenses including the present (je dors), the passé composé (j'ai dormi), the imparfait (je dormais), the future simple (je dormirai), and the conditional (je dormirais).

What is the conjugation of Dar? ›

The verb "dar" is irregular in the first person form and in the second person plural informal form. These are the present tense conjugations of "dar": yo doy, tú das, él/ella/Usted da, nosotros damos, vosotros dais, and ellos/ellas/Ustedes dan.

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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.