Configurar Correo IMAP (Thunderbird) (2024)

Configurar Correo IMAP (Thunderbird) (1)

Configurar Correo IMAP (Thunderbird)

Manuales relacionados:Ir

Formularios relacionados:Ir

Thunderbird, como cliente IMAP con Autenticación Modernapuede utilizarse tanto con el correo PAS/PDI como con el de Alumnos.

Para descargar el programa podemos acceder a su pagina oficial en:

Una vez finalizada la instalación se ejecuta el programa y se siguen los pasos detallados a continuación.

Es importante disponer de la última versión de Thunderbird para así asegurarnos de que soporta Autenticación Moderna (OAuth 2.0)

Configuración de una cuenta principal

Paso 1: En el menú "Herramientas", seleccionamos "Configuración de las cuentas".

Configurar Correo IMAP (Thunderbird) (2)

Paso 2: En el desplegable de la parte inferior "Operaciones sobre la cuenta" seleccionamos "Añadir cuenta de correo".

Configurar Correo IMAP (Thunderbird) (3)

Paso 3:Rellenamos los datos que nos solicita.En la ventana que aparece se introduce la información según la siguiente tabla:

PAS/PDI (en nube)​Alumnos​
​Entrante (IMAP)​
​ 993 SSL/TLSoutlook.office365.com993 SSL/TLS
​Saliente (SMTP) 587 STARTTLS​smtp.office365.com587 STARTTLS
​​Nombre Usuario​ (p. ej​
​​Método de Autenticación​OAuth 2OAuth 2

Primero rellenamos nuestros datos básicos, como son el nombre real y la dirección de correo. no es necesario indicar la contraseña en este punto;

Configurar Correo IMAP (Thunderbird) (4)

A continuacion pulsamos la configuración manual y rellenamos los campos con los datos mostrados en la tabla anterior, y pulsamos "Hecho":

Configurar Correo IMAP (Thunderbird) (5)

Paso 4:Nos aparecerá la ventana de validación de servicios en la nube: esta pantalla tiene un aspecto ligeramente distinto entre PAS/PDI y Alumnos. Ahora es cuando debemos introducir nuestro nombre de usuario (en el formato antes indicado) ycontraseña.

Configurar Correo IMAP (Thunderbird) (6)

Ya tenemos la cuenta configurada. Las carpetas se sincronizaran y aparecerán​ a la izquierda de la pantalla.

Configurar Correo IMAP (Thunderbird) (7)


Configurar Correo IMAP (Thunderbird) (8)

Configuración de un buzón adicional común

Con Thunderbird con autenticación moderna podemos configurarnos por IMAP el acceso a unbuzón común con nuestra cuenta de PAS/PDI.

Igual que con unEn el menú"Herramientas", seleccionamos"Configuración de las cuentas" en el desplegable de la parte inferior"Operaciones sobre la cuenta"seleccionamos"Añadir cuenta de correo".

Ponemos losdatos del buzón común (nombre para mostrar y dirección de correo) y pulsamos en "Configuración manual"

Configurar Correo IMAP (Thunderbird) (9)

Debemos poner estos datos. como nombre de usuario debemos poner la dirección principal del buzón común. En la imagen de ejemplo hemos utilizado, y como ejemplo, pero naturalmente habrá que poner la dirección correspondiente al buzón que queremos configurar y nuestra direccion personal (con acceso a dicho buzón).

Configurar Correo IMAP (Thunderbird) (10)​​

Pulsamos sobre "Hecho"y saltará la pantalla de validación de servicios cloud. En ella debemos sustituir el nombre de usuario por nuestro nombre de usuario (en, y poner nuestra contraseña.

Configurar Correo IMAP (Thunderbird) (11)

Una vez validados correctamente el buzón común (al que hemos accedido con nuestras credenciales de empleado) se añadirá a Thunderbird.

Si la página de validación no le deja avanzar es que no está aceptando las cookies. Vaya a las Opcionesde Thunderbird -> Privacidad -> Aceptar Cookies (Siempre)

Configurar Correo IMAP (Thunderbird) (2024)


How do I configure Thunderbird for IMAP? ›

Create the IMAP account
  1. Open the File > New > Existing account menu.
  2. Set up your account with the help of the assistant.
  3. When it asks if you want to use POP or IMAP, select IMAP (remote folders).
  4. Your new IMAP account will be created and appear at the bottom of your existing mail accounts.

What is the IMAP limit for Thunderbird? ›

The default number of maximum allowed IMAP connections in Mozilla Thunderbird is set to 5. Depending on the specific IMAP configuration on the server hosting your account, this may result in the following error message: Unable to connect to your IMAP server.

Should I use IMAP or POP for Thunderbird? ›

Does your email provider support IMAP or POP3? Most of them support both, but you should verify first. What is the size limit of your mailbox? Most mail providers provide more than enough space to keep everything on the server, but if you plan on storing more than 15GB, choose POP3.

How do I force sync in Thunderbird? ›

Synchronizing folders to the IMAP server using Thunderbird
  1. Open Thunderbird.
  2. Right click on your email account and click the Settings option.
  3. Click on the Synchronization & Storage tab in the settings menu.
  4. Click Advanced.
  5. Check on any of the folders you want to sync, then click OK.

How do I manually configure Thunderbird? ›

  1. Step 1 - Open Thunderbird and click the settings icon. ...
  2. Step 2 - Click Account Settings. ...
  3. Step 3 - Click Add Mail Account. ...
  4. Step 4 - Enter your full name, email address and password. ...
  5. Step 5 - Check the settings. ...
  6. Step 6 - Configure manually. ...
  7. Step 7 - Click Finish. ...
  8. Step 8 - Done!

How do I find my IMAP settings in Thunderbird? ›

Checking existing IMAP settings
  1. Open Thunderbird and go to Tools > Account Settings.
  2. Find your account in the left panel and click on Server Settings.
  3. Server Name will be displayed on the right.
  4. Click on Advanced… which is further down the screen.
  5. IMAP server directory will be shown at the top of the window.

What is maximum IMAP connections? ›

Can I make multiple IMAP connections to the same email address? Yes, the IMAP connection limit is 20 connections per IP address. However this will not work with POP3, this is because IMAP and POP3 are different protocols.

Can I have 2 email addresses in Thunderbird? ›

At the bottom of the left-hand pane you can click on Account Actions and then select Add Mail Account. Image: adding a new email account via Thunderbird's Account Settings. You should now see the account set-up wizard again. After adding the second email account both accounts will show in your Thunderbird.

How do I change server settings from POP to IMAP in Thunderbird? ›

How to change an account from POP to IMAP in Thunderbird
  1. Disable your POP email account. Select Tools > Account Settings from the top menu. ...
  2. Set up your IMAP account on your computer. The next step is to create a new email account on your computer using your IMAP server details. ...
  3. Delete your POP account.
Dec 15, 2021

What is the disadvantages of IMAP? ›

Disadvantages of IMAP

Emails won't work without an active internet connection. Reading emails is slower than POP3 because all folders are synced whenever you send or receive a new message. IMAP can be complex to set up for some users, especially when it comes to organizing and managing folders and emails.

What are the disadvantages of Thunderbird email? ›

Complex User Interface: Some users may find Thunderbird's user interface to be complex and difficult to navigate, especially if they are not familiar with advanced email features. Slow Performance: Thunderbird may run slow on older computers, especially when managing a large number of emails and attachments.

Which is safer IMAP or POP? ›

With IMAP, emails are stored on the server by default, which could present issues if the server is compromised. However, unlike with POP3, IMAP users do not have to worry about their emails being destroyed if the device they are downloaded on is lost or damaged.

How does IMAP synchronization work? ›

Anything you do to the messages in your local mail client — reply, delete, forward, and so on — is synchronized with the copy on the IMAP server. This allows you to connect to your email account from multiple devices and allows your messages to always stay in sync.

How do I repair IMAP folders in Thunderbird? ›

Method #1: Repair Folders in Thunderbird Email Client

Right click on it and choose properties option. After that, locate to the General information option. Here, click on Repair folder and hit on OK.

Why is Thunderbird not fetching emails? ›

Check the internet connection & restart Thunderbird to fix Thunderbird not downloading emails. Corrupt Profile Files: Sometimes Thunderbird profile folders get damaged. Try uninstalling and reinstalling Thunderbird or use Profile Manager to migrate settings to a new profile as troubleshooting attempts.

Can Thunderbird use IMAP? ›

You can configure your IMAP mail client such as Thunderbird to access your email on Microsoft Office 365.

What is the incoming mail server for Thunderbird? ›

Incoming Servers

Incoming Server objects describe a connection to a mail server, e.g. an IMAP or POP3 server, or for local mail. They are defined by nsIMsgIncomingServer and a sub-interface and implementation exists for each type of server Thunderbird can connect to.

Where are incoming server settings in Thunderbird? ›

Click on Account Settings. Click on Server Settings.

How do I change incoming server settings in Thunderbird? ›

Changing Thunderbird Settings
  1. Open Thunderbird and right-click the account you want to access the settings for.
  2. Click the Settings link in the menu.
  3. This will bring up the Account Settings window where you can then select the email account and click Server Settings to view or make changes if needed.
Oct 13, 2020

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