10 Ways Principals Can Provide Teacher Support (2024)

Having a supportive principal can make all the difference for a teacher. Teachers want to know that their principal has their best interests in mind. One of the main duties of a principal is to provide ongoing, collaborative teacher support. The relationship between a teacher and a principal has to be built on a foundation of trust. This type of relationship takes a lot of time to build. Principals must slowly cultivate these relationships while taking the time to get to know each teacher's strength and weaknesses.

The worst thing that a new principal can do is to go in and quickly make a lot of changes. This will assuredly turn a group of teachers against a principal quickly. A smart principal will initially make small changes, allow time for teachers to get to know them, and then gradually make larger, more meaningful changes over the course of time. It is important to note that any significant changes should be made only after seeking and considering input from teachers. Here, we examine ten suggestions for earning teacher trust and ultimately providing them with ongoing, collaborative teacher support.

Allow Time for Peer Collaboration

Teachers should be given time to work together in a collaborative effort. This collaboration will strengthen relationships among your faculty, provide new or struggling teachers with an outlet to gain valuable insight and advice, and allows teachers to share best practices and success stories. The principal becomes the driving force in this collaboration. They are the one who schedules the time to collaborate and sets the agenda for these times. Principals who reject the importance of peer collaboration are selling its value far short.

Ask Questions and Seek Their Advice

The principal is the primary decision maker in their building. This doesn’t mean that teachers shouldn’t be included in the decision-making process. Although a principal may have the final say, teachers should be given a platform to express their feelings or provide advice for the principal, especially when the issue will directly affect the teachers. A principal should use the resources at hand when making decisions. Teachers have brilliant ideas. By seeking their advice, they may challenge your thinking on an issue may validate that you are on the right track. Neither case is a terrible thing when making any decision.

Have Their Back

Teachers are people, and all people go through difficult times both personally and professionally at some point in their lives. When a teacher is going through a difficult situation personally, a principal should give them 100% support at all times. A teacher going through a personal issue will appreciate any support their principal shows during this time. Sometimes this could be as simple as asking them how they are doing and sometimes it may be necessary to give them a few days off.

Professionally you want to back a teacher as long as you believe they are effective, ethical, and moral. There are situations where you absolutely cannot support a teacher because the decision they made is ethically or morally wrong. In this case, do not skirt around the issue. Be up front with them and tell them that they messed up, and there is no way you can back them up based on their actions.

Be Consistent

Teachers hate it when principals are inconsistent especially when dealing with student discipline or parent situations. A principal should always try to be fair and consistent with their decision making. Teachers may not always agree with how you handle situations, but if you establish a pattern of consistency, then they will not complain too much. For example, if a 3rd-grade teacher sends a student to the office for being disrespectful in class, check your student discipline records to see how you have handled similar issues in the past. You do not want any teacher to feel like you play favorites.

Conduct Meaningful Evaluations

Teacher evaluations are meant to be tools that show a teacher where they are and to move them in a direction to maximize their overall effectiveness. Conducting meaningful evaluations takes a lot of time and time is not something a lot of principals have, therefore many principals neglect making the most out of their teacher evaluations. Providing effective teacher support requires constructive criticism at times. No teacher is perfect. There is always room for improvement in some area. A meaningful evaluation allows you the opportunity to be critical and to offer praise. It is a balance of both. A satisfactory evaluation cannot be given on a single classroom visit. It is a collaboration of information gathered through many visits that provide the most meaningful evaluations.

Create a Teacher-Friendly Schedule

Principals are typically responsible for creating their building’s daily schedule. This includes class schedules, teacher planning periods, and duties. If you want to make your teachers happy, minimize the time they need to be on duty. Teachers hate duties of any kind whether it is lunch duty, recess duty, bus duty, etc. If you can figure out a way to create a schedule in which they only have to cover a few duties a month, your teachers will love you.

Encourage Them to Bring Problems to You

Have an open door policy. The relationship between a teacher and principal should be strong enough that they can bring any problem or issue and trust that you are going to try your best to help them out confidentially. Often times you will find that teachers simply need someone to vent their frustrations to, so being a good listener is often all that is necessary. Other times you will have to tell the teacher that you need some time to think about the problem and then get back with them with some take it or leave it advice. Try not to force your opinion on the teacher. Give them options and explain where you are coming from. Tell them what decision you would make and why, but don’t hold it against them if they go with another option. Understand that every situation that is brought to you is unique and how you handle that situation depends on upon the situation itself.

Get to Know Them

There is a thin line between getting to know your teachers and being their best friends. As their leader, you want to build a trusting relationship without getting so close that it interferes when you have to make a tough decision. You want to build a balanced relationship between personal and professional, but you don’t want to tip it where it is more personal than professional. Take an active interest in their family, hobbies, and other interest. This will let them know that you care about them as individuals and not just as teachers.

Offer Advice, Direction, or Assistance

All principals should continuously offer their teachers advice, direction, or assistance. This is especially true for beginning teachers, but it is true for teachers throughout all levels of experience. The principal is the instructional leader, and providing advice, direction, or assistance is the primary job of a leader. This can be done through a variety of ways. Sometimes a principal can simply provide a teacher with verbal advice. Other times they may want to show the teacher by having them observe another teacher whose strengths are in an area where that teacher needs assistance. Providing the teacher with books and resources are another way to provide advice, direction, or assistance.

Provide Applicable Professional Development

All teachers are required to participate in professional development. However, teachers want these professional development opportunities to be applicable to their situation. No teacher wants to sit through eight hours of professional development that doesn’t directly apply to what their teaching or they will never use. This can fall back on the principal as they are often involved in the scheduling of professional development. Choose professional development opportunities that are going to benefit your teachers, not just ones that meet your minimum professional development criteria. Your teachers will appreciate you more, and your school will be better off in the long run because your teachers are learning new things that they can then apply to their daily classroom.

10 Ways Principals Can Provide Teacher Support (2024)


How can a leaders provide support for teachers? ›

Encourage teamwork so that students start learning together in groups. Give feedback on how students are doing. Build relationships so that teachers can trust students to take charge of their own learning. Help students hold themselves accountable by using tools to set goals and track progress.

What is the best way to support teachers? ›

You can help fund classroom libraries, school gardens, art supplies, and more. Come this new school year, consider taking time to help teachers in underfunded schools meet their students' needs. Historically, U.S. public education has undergone massive budget cuts, leaving many classrooms without fundamental resources.

How can a principal help a struggling teacher? ›

A principal should never be afraid to put a lesson together that focuses on an individual teacher's weakness and then teach that lesson to the teacher's class. The teacher should observe and make notes throughout the lesson. This should be followed up with a healthy conversation between you and the teacher.

What type of support do teachers need? ›

In a survey by the Graide Network, recognition, appreciation, and encouragement are cited as key factors to teachers feeling supported in their work. Teachers want to feel valued as professionals and have a voice in decision-making process in their organization.

How can school leaders encourage teachers? ›

If you're wondering how administrators can support teachers, the key is to offer guidance, provide time to collaborate with peers, offer meaningful evaluations, and treat them as trusted professionals. By doing so, you'll build a positive school culture with low turnover and high achievement.

What teachers value most in their principals? ›

Supportive. Respondents also highlighted their principals' supportiveness as one quality they value in a school leader. My principal, Brian Riddick, is kind, fair, and supports me in all my teaching endeavors and projects.

How can the community support teachers? ›

Here are a few ways you can support public school teachers.
  • Volunteer at a local school. The simplest way to get a better understanding of what life is like inside a classroom is to spend some time there yourself. ...
  • Support public libraries. ...
  • Attend a local school board meeting. ...
  • Show a teacher you care. ...
  • Become a teacher.

How do you serve a teacher? ›

It's so important to recognize and honor your staff through teacher appreciation. Even the smallest gesture of thanks can go a long way in creating a positive work environment and helping educators love their jobs.
10. Give your staff passes and coupons to use.
  • Jeans pass.
  • Cover a duty.
  • Early leave/late arrival.
  • Long lunch.
25 Apr 2019

How can I help teachers in 2022? ›

Donate School Supplies

According to Adopt a Classroom's State of Teaching survey, 71% of teachers spent more of their own money on classroom materials in 2022 than during the previous year. You can ask teachers what supplies they need, or you can give back to teachers through Staples' Classroom Rewards program.

Why should teachers be supported? ›

Support for teachers is important because once they hit the classroom, they often feel lonely and isolated, adds psychologist Isaac Prilleltensky, PhD, dean of education at the University of Miami. In addition, teachers often lack the practical resources and knowledge needed to run a successful classroom, he says.

What are the five key responsibilities of a principal? ›

  • Shaping a vision of academic success for all students.
  • Creating a climate hospitable to education.
  • Cultivating leadership in others.
  • Improving instruction.
  • Managing people, data and processes.

What role does a principal play in educational institutions? ›

What is a principal? Principals oversee all higher-level operations in a school. They create a safe learning environment and set performance goals both for students and teachers, and oversee the process so that those goals are attained.

What is the principal's role in professional development? ›

By listening principals empower teachers – acknowledging their experiences, expertise, and professional autonomy – all of which are essential to a healthy professional learning community. As communicators, principals also provide teachers opportunities to foster meaningful dialogue around professional development.

How a principal can motivate teachers? ›

One of the most effective ways to motivate your teachers is to praise them. Complimenting someone on their work makes them feel valued. Receiving praise is also a reassurance for teachers that they are competent at their job.

How do you inspire teachers? ›

Ways to Motivate Teachers
  1. Offer Praise. ...
  2. Recognize teachers who go above and beyond expectations. ...
  3. Be available for the teaching staff. ...
  4. Create a compelling reward program for teachers. ...
  5. Listen to your teacher's concerns. ...
  6. Uplift their ideas. ...
  7. Schedule fun events on the teacher's calendar. ...
  8. Give your teachers the gift of time.
19 Apr 2022

What is supporting teaching in school? ›

supported Teaching in school (sTs) lies at the heart of the B. ed., as Figure 1 below shows. It is through sTs that the student teachers apply and develop the skills, knowledge and understanding acquired in their college-based training in schools, and with the support of mentors and link tutors.

How do Principals empower teachers? ›

The principal can empower teachers to support instructional leadership through mentoring and coaching colleagues, by leading professional learning workshops and organizing professional book and article studies.

How can principals motivate students? ›

Principals' main contribution to schools should be advocating for a secure learning environment. Setting goals and engaging with allied associates is imperative to motivating students, but it is inefficient if not backed up by a school climate that fosters growth.

What are 5 qualities that a principal of any school should have? ›

What skills are required to be a successful principal?
  • 1- Leadership skills. ...
  • 2- An ability to adapt and innovate. ...
  • 3- IT skills. ...
  • 4- Communication skills. ...
  • 5- An ability to delegate. ...
  • 6- Be decisive. ...
  • 7- Problem-solving skills. ...
  • 8- An ability to prioritize.
26 May 2021

What does a good principal do? ›

Great principals spend time listening to students, teachers, parents, other administrators and educational researchers. This kind of listening goes beyond simply paying attention while others talk. It requires understanding a speaker's motivations, listening for what they are not saying and asking powerful questions.

How would you make your school better as a principal? ›

7 Tips for Effective School Leadership
  1. Focus on respect rather than popularity. ...
  2. Establish clear goals. ...
  3. Listen to input from your staff. ...
  4. Lead by example. ...
  5. Provide regular, constructive feedback. ...
  6. Delegate. ...
  7. Make meetings matter.
6 Feb 2020

How do you support a school? ›

10 Simple Ways to Support Public Schools
  1. Mentor a student. ...
  2. Volunteer at school events. ...
  3. Join a parent organization. ...
  4. Donate Supplies. ...
  5. Attend school board meetings. ...
  6. Follow local education reporters. ...
  7. Volunteer for career day. ...
  8. Share your story.
11 Aug 2021

What can parents do to help teachers? ›

10 Ways for Parents to Help Teachers
  • Create a smooth takeoff each day. ...
  • Prepare for a happy landing at the end of the day when you reconvene. ...
  • Fill your child's lunchbox with healthy snacks and lunches. ...
  • Include calm, peaceful times in your children's afternoons and evenings.

What strategies can a teacher apply to strengthen the relationship between school and community? ›

The following strategies are designed to promote your school and gain more community support from a variety of stakeholder groups.
  • Write a Weekly Newspaper Column.
  • Have a Monthly Open House/Game Night.
  • Thursday Lunch With the Parents.
  • Implement a Greeter Program.
  • Have Monthly Potluck Lunch.
  • Recognize Teacher of the Month.
28 Jul 2019

How do you honor your teacher? ›

Treat a Teacher

You don't have to spend a lot, but the small gesture will be sure to brighten their day. You can also show your gratitude and enthusiasm by actively participating in class. If you don't normally speak up, try making an effort to participate more and get the most out of your classroom discussions.

What makes a teacher most happy? ›

They want to see passion, creativity and knowledge grow. They want to feel like they've made a difference in their students' lives. Show your teacher he or she has had a positive impact on you by producing high-quality work that is neat, legible, carefully put together and always turned in on time.

How can I help this year teacher? ›

  1. 5 Ways Parents Can Best Support Teachers This Year. September 2, 2022. ...
  2. Engage in Your Child's Learning. ...
  3. Create Healthy Habits. ...
  4. Donate Classroom Supplies. ...
  5. Provide At-Home Learning Resources. ...
  6. Communicate with Your Child's Teacher Often.
2 Sept 2022

How do you retain a new teacher? ›

These 4 Strategies Can Help Schools Retain Their Best Teachers
  1. Hold “stay” conversations with your strongest teachers. Simply asking teachers to stay can boost retention. ...
  2. Don't make teachers go it alone. ...
  3. Survey teachers regularly. ...
  4. Celebrate great teaching.
12 May 2022

How many teachers are leaving the profession? ›

In a typical year, about 8 percent of teachers leave, but this year saw more teachers leave in the middle of the school year than normal.

Why is supporting the beginning teacher important? ›

Beginning teacher support programs, also referred to as teacher induction programs, can help schools and districts meet this challenge and take advantage of the opportunity it presents. Minimally, such programs can improve teacher retention rates by enhancing new teacher satisfaction.

What is the relationship between a teacher and principal? ›

Principals trust teachers who understand that their time is valuable. Teachers must realize that the principal is responsible for every teacher and student in the building. A good principal will not ignore a request for help and will get to it in time. Teachers must be patient and understanding with their principals.

What are the five key responsibilities of a principal? ›

  • Shaping a vision of academic success for all students.
  • Creating a climate hospitable to education.
  • Cultivating leadership in others.
  • Improving instruction.
  • Managing people, data and processes.

Can a principal tell a teacher how do you teach? ›

While principals can't specify the content of teachers' lesson plans, they can still tell them to include certain elements in the lessons themselves, such as warm-up activities or daily assessments.

Can a principal have a relationship with a teacher? ›

That doesn't mean you can't report your principal for possibly having an affair with a teacher, but I wouldn't make that accusation lightly. Principals can be fired or demoted for allegations of sexual misconduct. Even if the relationship is consensual, affairs with subordinates are considered an abuse of power.

What should teachers expect from their principal? ›

Teachers should expect principals to have the emotional stability to pause, rather than explode when they go wrong or feel wronged; principals should recognize their errors, publicly accept responsibility, and strive to fix mistakes. Good principals know they can't always be right.

What are the first 3 things you would do as a new principal to engage the community at your school? ›

Here are 5 Things New Principals (and principals that are new to their school) Should Do Their First Year On The Job:
  • Listen to Stakeholders.
  • Be Visible.
  • Get Into Classrooms As Often As Possible.
  • Control the Narrative.
  • Practice What You Preach.
11 Aug 2020

How can principals build relationships with students? ›

These principals believe that both principals and students benefit from creating principal-student relationships, and they do this by providing consistency, taking time to know the students, and relating to students through humor and fun.

What are 5 qualities that a principal of any school should have? ›

What skills are required to be a successful principal?
  • 1- Leadership skills. ...
  • 2- An ability to adapt and innovate. ...
  • 3- IT skills. ...
  • 4- Communication skills. ...
  • 5- An ability to delegate. ...
  • 6- Be decisive. ...
  • 7- Problem-solving skills. ...
  • 8- An ability to prioritize.
26 May 2021

What is the main role of a principal? ›

As managers, principals were responsible for financial operations, building maintenance, student scheduling, personnel, public relations, school policy regarding discipline, coordination of the instructional program, and other overall school matters.

What is the role of a principal in education? ›

As the principal, you are the face of the school. You'll lead teachers and staff, set goals and ensure students meet their learning objectives. Overseeing your school's day-to-day operations means handling disciplinary matters, managing a budget and hiring teachers and other personnel.

What is the principal's role in professional development? ›

By listening principals empower teachers – acknowledging their experiences, expertise, and professional autonomy – all of which are essential to a healthy professional learning community. As communicators, principals also provide teachers opportunities to foster meaningful dialogue around professional development.

How do you build relationships with teachers? ›

Students: Tips for Cultivating Teacher Relationships
  1. Show Courtesy and Respect – and Add Some Enthusiasm! ...
  2. Approach Your Teachers Outside of the Classroom. ...
  3. Demonstrate Initiative. ...
  4. Update Your Teachers on Your Plans and Goals. ...
  5. Choose Teachers for Letters of Recommendation Carefully. ...
  6. Ask for Letters of Recommendation Early!

What factors enhance positive principal teacher relationships? ›

Leadership and support, communication, and inter-personal (trust and respect) skills were found to be the most important factors in developing positive relationships between principals and teachers to impact student achievement.

What are the first things a new principal should do? ›

  • TRANSITION. However possible, transition into your new position before your first day. ...
  • BUILD RELATIONSHIPS. The fundamental pillars of school leadership are relationships; nothing substitutes for building and nurturing them. ...
  • DELEGATE. ...

Why are principal teacher relationships important? ›

Building strong principal-teacher relationships also improves school climate and produces an atmosphere more conducive to learning. Remember that students are masters at sensing tension in their home environment and can usually sense that same negative tension between school and classroom leaders, as well.

Why do principals move teachers around? ›

A principal may believe a different assignment will enable the teacher to improve their skills, absorb a more healthy culture, or simply better match their natural skill.

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Name: Jamar Nader

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Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.