What is SaaS? Software as a Service | Microsoft Azure (2024)

Hosted applications/apps Development tools, database management, business analytics Operating systems Servers and storage Networking firewalls/security Data center physical plant/building

Common SaaS scenarios

If you’ve used a web-based email service such as Outlook, Hotmail, or Yahoo! Mail, then you’ve already used a form of SaaS. With these services, you log into your account over the Internet, often from a web browser. The email software is located on the service provider’s network, and your messages are stored there as well. You can access your email and stored messages from a web browser on any computer or Internet-connected device.

The previous examples are free services for personal use. For organizational use, you can rent productivity apps, such as email, collaboration, and calendaring; and sophisticated business applications such as customer relationship management (CRM), enterprise resource planning (ERP), and document management. You pay for the use of these apps by subscription or according to the level of use.

Advantages of SaaS

Gain access to sophisticated applications.To provide SaaS apps to users, you don’t need to purchase, install, update, or maintain any hardware, middleware, or software. SaaS makes even sophisticated enterprise applications, such as ERP and CRM, affordable for organizations that lack the resources to buy, deploy, and manage the required infrastructure and software themselves.

Pay only for what you use.You also save money because the SaaS service automatically scales up and down according to the level of usage.

Use free client software.Users can run most SaaS apps directly from their web browser without needing to download and install any software, although some apps require plugins. This means that you don’t need to purchase and install special software for your users.

Mobilize your workforce easily.SaaS makes it easy to “mobilize” your workforce because users can access SaaS apps and data from any Internet-connected computer or mobile device. You don’t need to worry about developing apps to run on different types of computers and devices because the service provider has already done so. In addition, you don’t need to bring special expertise onboard to manage the security issues inherent in mobile computing. A carefully chosen service provider will ensure the security of your data, regardless of the type of device consuming it.

Access app data from anywhere.With data stored in the cloud, users can access their information from any Internet-connected computer or mobile device. And when app data is stored in the cloud, no data is lost if a user’s computer or device fails.

What is SaaS? Software as a Service | Microsoft Azure (2024)


What are SaaS services in Azure? ›

Software as a service (SaaS) allows users to connect to and use cloud-based apps over the Internet. Common examples are email, calendaring, and office tools (such as Microsoft Office 365).

Is Microsoft Azure PaaS or SaaS? ›

They are PaaS since Azure handles all the infrastructure management, maintenance, and scalability, allowing users to focus on how they utilize the storage rather than managing the underlying hardware or OS.

What is SaaS software as a service defined? ›

SaaS (Software as a Service) means accessing software through the internet without downloads. Users subscribe to applications hosted on remote servers, accessing them via web browsers. No maintenance or updates are required, making it a convenient and cost-effective way to use the software.

What is software as a service SaaS example? ›

SaaS uses the Internet to deliver subscription software services, which are managed by a third-party vendor. Well-known SaaS examples include Dropbox, Google Workspace, and Salesforce.

Is Netflix A SaaS? ›

Netflix is indeed an SaaS company that sells software to watch licensed videos on demand. It follows a subscription-based model whereby the customer chooses a subscription plan and pays a fixed sum of money to Netflix monthly or annually.

Is Azure DevOps a SaaS or PaaS? ›

Azure DevOps is a Software as a service (SaaS) platform from Microsoft that provides an end-to-end DevOps toolchain for developing and deploying software.

What are examples of Azure PaaS? ›

A few examples include caches, queues, and data storage. The following table provides other examples. This list isn't exhaustive. There are many ways that you can exchange self-managed, IaaS technologies for related PaaS solutions.

Is Azure Blob Storage PaaS or SaaS? ›

Azure Blob Storage is considered a Platform as a Service (PaaS) offering. In the context of cloud computing, PaaS provides a platform allowing customers to develop, run, and manage applications without dealing with the complexity of building and maintaining the underlying infrastructure.

What are the examples of PaaS services in Azure? ›

Examples of PaaS services are App Services, Azure Search and Azure CDN. You don't have to worry about the OS or even the server, you can just run your application. You are responsible for some server configuration, like scaling, although for some services, like Azure Functions, that happens automatically.

How is SaaS different from services? ›

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) management is the online version of a managed services provider (MSP). Rather than hiring an agency to provide software tools for you, you pick your own cloud-hosted tools from the internet through self-service.

What is 6 software as a service SaaS? ›

Software as a service (SaaS) is a delivery and licensing model in which software is accessed on the web via a subscription rather than installed on local computers. With SaaS, companies need not manage applications or invest in hardware to run their applications.

What is the difference between SaaS and non SaaS? ›

Software as a Service (SaaS) does not require installation; however, to operate a regular computer application software, the user has to install and maintain the software, server hardware, operating system, database management systems (DBMS), network bandwidth, and security components essential to support these ...

Is Zoom a SaaS? ›

Zoom Workforce Management is a cloud-based SaaS service for organizing, optimizing, and systematically managing enterprise workforces through the Zoom web portal.

What is the difference between IaaS PaaS and SaaS in Azure? ›

Iaas providers manage and maintain the underlying infrastructure. PaaS providers manage the underlying infrastructure and provide a complete development environment. SaaS providers manage both infrastructure and software applications.

Is Amazon a SaaS? ›

Amazon is not primarily a SaaS company. However, it does offer a number of SaaS products and services, including Amazon Web Services. AWS is a comprehensive, cloud-computing platform that provides a broad range of services, such as compute power, database storage, and content delivery services.

Is Office 365 a SaaS or PaaS? ›

Microsoft 365, (formerly Office 365) on the other hand, is a Software as a Service (SaaS). It provides users access to office productivity apps for email, collaboration, communication, file storage, and more that they can either install on their desktops or access on a web browser.

Is Azure files an example of SaaS? ›

Azure Files is part of Microsoft Azure's Platform as a Service (PaaS) offering. It provides managed file storage services, meaning that Microsoft handles the underlying infrastructure, scalability, security, and maintenance.

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