Yes, there is a correct way to write dates. A way that clearly communicates, is logical and visually clean. Writing the date in the correct way will add to the professionalism of your business writing. Be sure to add it to your business’s writing style guide.
The correct format is:
1 August 2017
No punctuation. No ‘st’. No ‘of’. It’s much more appealing than:
August 1, 2017or
1st August, 2017
If you need to use the name of the day, a comma is used to separate it from the date:
Tuesday, 1 August 2017
The correct way to write dates in figures is:
Using slashes is not technically correct, such as 1/8/2017. Slashes should be used to indicate things like alternatives (yes/no), abbreviations (a/c), fractions (1/3) and per (60km/h). Financial years are often written incorrectly using a slash, e.g. 2016/17. Instead it should be 2016–17, using aen dash.
If you need help to sharpen your business writing, or to develop awriting style guidefor your business, get in touch with me.