The Psychological Effects of Cyberbullying: Signs and Recovery (2024)

The rapid growth of technology reflects the expanding scope of cyberbullying. One may experience psychological effects such as depression, low self-esteem, and anxiety.

The Psychological Effects of Cyberbullying: Signs and Recovery (1)Share on Pinterest

According to a 2020 study, 15% to 35% of young people have experienced cyberbullying. Research also suggests that the effects of cyberbullying can impact adults.

A large 2021 study indicates that mental health conditions, such as depression, anxiety, and substance use, may predict greater chances of cyberbullying for adults, especially men.

But more research is needed to support these findings.

Cyberbullying can include spreading rumors or lies about someone or sharing private details that could be embarrassing or shameful. It can occur in spaces, such as:

  • text messages
  • posting photos or videos on internet sites
  • social media
  • gaming networks
  • chat rooms and online forums
  • other digital spaces

Cyberbullying is when someone intentionally tries to harm another person with increasing aggression by expressing mean and hurtful things via electronic devices.

Such actions may snowball quickly on the internet and “go viral,” further compounding psychological stress felt by the person targeted by the bullying.

2020 research indicates that people who are targets of cyberbullies can be adversely affected physically and mentally. But many people who experience cyberbullying may keep quiet out of embarrassment, fear, or shame.

Cyberbullying in adults and children may lead to or increase the chances of:

  • depression
  • anxiety
  • loneliness
  • suicidal ideation
  • low self-esteem
  • social isolation
  • substance use
  • sadness

Today’s youth are particularly vulnerable. Many teens, even younger kids, spend endless hours connected to the internet with their phones, computers, or other digital devices.

A 2019 Swedish study indicates that youths involved in cyberbullying, either as the target or the perpetrator, had a higher risk of symptoms of depression and anxiety. They also had lower levels of general well-being.

A kid bullied on a playground might find a haven at home where they feel the protection of parents and family members.

It’s different in cyberspace because bullying can live on, become persistent, and even permanent.

Because it happens online, it may go unnoticed by responsible adults who might otherwise be able to step in and help, notes the government website

Suicide Prevention

If you or someone you know is considering suicide or self-harm, you’re not alone, and help is available.

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While some kids may not show any signs of being cyberbullied, experts advise parents to watch for significant shifts in their child’s behavior or habits.

For example, checking social media more frequently than usual could signal something is wrong.

Consider keeping communication lines open by asking your child what they know about cyberbullying and if they’ve ever experienced it.

Changes in a child that may indicate cyberbullying include:

  • difficulty sleeping
  • nightmares
  • skipping school
  • feeling helpless
  • loss of self-esteem
  • stomachaches
  • headaches

Adults may also notice emotional symptoms, such as:

  • anxiety
  • embarrassment
  • frustration
  • their child is unable to talk about their feelings

The younger a child is, the more likely they’ll mention vague physical health issues rather than articulate an emotion.

Some children may become aggressive as they don’t have an outlet for these new and uncomfortable emotions.

Recognizing aggressive behaviors that are out of character may point to possible difficulties with cyberbullying.

Parents can help children avoid or prevent cyberbullying by talking with them about being careful not to post photos or private information online. Especially content that they wouldn’t share with their parents.

Kids can prevent cyberbullying by adopting these strategies from

  • report cyberbullying to your parents or another responsible adult
  • only accept an online friend or network requests from someone you know
  • consider not taking part in “sexting” by sending texts or photos with sexual content

If the effects of cyberbullying impact you, consider the following coping methods:

  • Don’t directly respond to or retaliate against cyberbullying because that might be the reaction the bully seeks.
  • Report cyberbullying to parents, teachers, or authorities if warranted.
  • Block cyberbullies or anyone who acts questionably from your online accounts.
  • Unplug from social media. Taking a break can improve your mental perspective and relieve anxiety.

Research has shown that cyberbullying can adversely affect a person’s mental health. Cyberbullying can lead to anxiety, social isolation, and additional psychological stress that can worsen with repeated abuse.

Consider talking with your children about the risks of cyberbullying. As well as recognizing and reporting it and how to prevent it from happening again.

Social media is a space where young people gather with their friends for fun and entertainment.

Helping your children deal with tougher aspects of being online such as cyberbullying, can teach resilience. Your child may also feel more comfortable socializing with peers in the real world and the digital one.

If you’re seeking support, check out Psych Central’s guide for a list of mental health resources.

The Psychological Effects of Cyberbullying: Signs and Recovery (2024)


The Psychological Effects of Cyberbullying: Signs and Recovery? ›

The effects of cyberbullying also include mental health issues, increased stress and anxiety, depression, acting out violently, and low self-esteem. Cyberbullying can also result in long-lasting emotional effects, even if the bullying has stopped.

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From the psychological perspective, Sun and Deng (2016) found that both perpetrators and victims of cyberbullying have more negative emotions; Liu and Xu (2019) found that the psychological factors related to cyberbullying include empathy, narcissism, self-esteem, depression, and anxiety; Gini and Pozzoli (2009) and ...

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Also, as discussed in the preceding section, cyberbullying can negatively affect mental health like developing depressive symptoms in the victims (Kowalski et al., 2022), suicidal ideation (Kowalski and Limber, 2013), stress and anxiety (Nochaiwong et al., 2021; Rao and Rao, 2021).

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Research has shown that cyberbullying can adversely affect a person's mental health. Cyberbullying can lead to anxiety, social isolation, and additional psychological stress that can worsen with repeated abuse. Consider talking with your children about the risks of cyberbullying.

What are 4 factors of cyberbullying? ›

Pacer's National Bullying Prevention Center identifies five characteristics of cyberbullying:
  • Using an electronic form of communication.
  • Performing an aggressive act.
  • Intending to harm the victim.
  • Repeating the act or similar acts.
  • Causing harm to the intended victim.

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Cyberbullying can take many forms, including spreading rumors, sharing embarrassing photos or videos, or sending threatening messages. Victims of cyberbullying often feel helpless and isolated, which can lead to feelings of depression and anxiety.

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Cyberbullying can lead to depression in teens

Being intimidated, verbally abused, or harassed online can wreak havoc on a young person's psyche, causing a multitude of issues, especially depression.

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Other Factors
  • Individuals who struggle with depression, anxiety, or other mental health conditions may be more prone to violent outbursts.
  • Financial stress can also lead to feelings of powerlessness, frustration, and anger, which can increase the likelihood of abusive behavior.
Jun 8, 2023

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Kids or teens who are less socially successful may bully because:
  • It helps them cope with their own low self-esteem.
  • They think it will help them fit in with their peers.
  • They have trouble empathizing with those they hurt.

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Adolescents who experience cyberbullying experience higher rates of depression, anxiety, loneliness, and suicidal behavior. Parents can educate their teens and use online safety features to combat cyberbullying. For teens who have been bullied online, mental health treatment may be necessary.

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Scholars also proposed social dominance theory to identify characteristics of cyberbullies based on categories (Hollis, 2021), such as an age system (i.e., adults have social power over children), gender system (i.e., men have disproportionate power compared to women), and arbitrary-set system (i.e., groups that are ...

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.