Long range weather for Belgium | Belgium 30 days forecast (2024)

This page presents a long range weather forecast for Belgium in May as well as other months. You can quickly get a brief overview of the weather to expect in May on a daily basis.

The Belgium extended forecast data provided is based on the average values of previous years.

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Weather in April

Wednesday May 1 15° / 7° Thursday May 2 14° / 6° Friday May 3 14° / 5° Saturday May 4 12° / 7° Sunday May 5 14° / 6° Monday May 6 16° / 6° Tuesday May 7 16° / 8° Wednesday May 8 17° / 9° Thursday May 9 19° / 10° Friday May 10 17° / 11° Saturday May 11 16° / 7° Sunday May 12 15° / 7° Monday May 13 17° / 7° Tuesday May 14 17° / 7° Wednesday May 15 15° / 7° Thursday May 16 17° / 8° Friday May 17 17° / 9° Saturday May 18 19° / 10° Sunday May 19 19° / 10° Monday May 20 18° / 10° Tuesday May 21 19° / 11° Wednesday May 22 19° / 11° Thursday May 23 17° / 10° Friday May 24 17° / 9° Saturday May 25 18° / 9° Sunday May 26 20° / 9° Monday May 27 19° / 10° Tuesday May 28 18° / 9° Wednesday May 29 18° / 8° Thursday May 30 19° / 10° Friday May 31 20° / 11°

Weather in June >>

Belgium 30 days weather forecast

Check out our estimated 30 days weather forecast for Belgium, as mentioned above it based on the average weather in Belgium in the last few years and not on forecast models.

For a more accurate and detailed forecast, check out the 14 day weather for Belgium next to the desired date.

Our long range weather data for Belgium is updated daily in order to provide you with the most accurate weather data.

Weather in Belgium for the next 30 days


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 15° /7° 2 14° /6° 3 14° /5° 4 12° /7°
5 14° /6° 6 16° /6° 7 16° /8° 8 17° /9° 9 19° /10° 10 17° /11° 11 16° /7°
12 15° /7° 13 17° /7° 14 17° /7° 15 15° /7° 16 17° /8° 17 17° /9° 18 19° /10°
19 19° /10° 20 18° /10° 21 19° /11° 22 19° /11° 23 17° /10° 24 17° /9° 25 18° /9°
26 20° /9° 27 19° /10° 28 18° /9° 29 18° /8° 30 19° /10° 31 20° /11°

Click on a day for an hourly weather forecast

Travel to Belgium

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Recommended Hotels in Belgium

We know that finding the ideal hotel in Belgium can be a hard task...

That’s why we run our special tools and found the best hotels in Belgium. Click on hotel for more details.

Belgium long range weather forecast - FAQ

Do you provide 30 days weather forecast for Belgium?

You can see the next 30 weather forecast for Belgium at the top of the page, the next 14 days (from today) are more accurate, while the other is based on average of previous years.

Can I see the weather forecast for a particular date in Belgium?

Sure, you can select the date from the calendar above to view the forecast in Belgium on that date.

How accurate is the long-range weather forecast for Belgium?

Our long-range weather forecast for Belgium is provided by using statistics from previous years. Although we cannot predict the weather months in advance, we can see an average.

Can I see a long-range weather forecast for different countries?

Yes, we provide a 14 day weather forecast and a long-range weather forecast for different countries and cities. You can search for a location in the search box at the top of the page.

Cities in Belgium

For a more accurate weather forecast please select a city

Antwerp Bruges Brussels Gent Ghent Hasselt Leuven Liege Mons Namur

See more locations

Long range weather for Belgium | Belgium 30 days forecast (81)

More about the weather in Belgium

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Long range weather for Belgium | Belgium 30 days forecast (2024)
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Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.