Joy for the Journey Quotes by Anonymous (2024)

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Joy for the Journey: Devotional: Morning and EveningbyAnonymous
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“Human Origami It’s hard to come in second. . . . While painful at the time, I can see now, many years later when I look in the rearview mirror of my life, evidence of God’s tremendous love and unfolding adventure for me. I’ve received many letters . . . in my life that started out “Dear Bob.” Some were letters so thick they had to be folded several times to fit in the envelope. They left me feeling as folded when I read their words with shattering disappointment. Still, whatever follows my “Dear Bobs” is often another reminder that God’s grace comes in all shapes, sizes, and circ*mstances as God continues to unfold something magnificent in me. And when each of us looks back at all the turns and folds God has allowed in our lives, I don’t think it looks like a series of folded-over mistakes and do-overs that have shaped our lives. Instead, I think we’ll conclude in the end that maybe we’re all a little like human origami and the more creases we have, the better. BOB GOFF Love Does”
Thomas Nelson, Joy for the Journey: Devotional: Morning and Evening



“The great evangelist Leonard Ravenhill was the last person on the planet you’d ever accuse of mincing words. “Five minutes after you die, you’ll know how you should have lived.”
Thomas Nelson, Joy for the Journey: Devotional: Morning and Evening



“As it is in nature, so it is in God’s kingdom. From the winds and rains of adversity comes abundant growth and a beautiful life worth painting. Do not be afraid to suffer. . . . It is from being shaken apart and not being destroyed that one becomes strong and courageous.”
Thomas Nelson, Joy for the Journey: Devotional: Morning and Evening


“Something about war makes us better. We live more thankful, less numb. We aren’t quite so spoiled. . . . [God] allows us to suffer because we change through suffering. We hurt with others better. We become humble. We want Him more. . . . Honestly, we grow up through suffering. And most of us need to grow up. I’ve learned to quit wishing away the hard stuff. Because I don’t want to miss all the good stuff that goes with it.”
Thomas Nelson, Joy for the Journey: Devotional: Morning and Evening



“Jesus didn’t live an easy life or die an easy death. The glory of Easter was preceded by the sorrow of absolute rejection. Our Redeemer knows what it feels like to be stripped of all comfort and ease. He experienced the betrayal of best friends. He sobbed alone, without a single person offering support. Yet, instead of trying to drown His sorrows with a margarita or spilling His guts to a sympathetic stranger on a plane, He endured. He shouldered the greatest possible anguish, being completely abandoned by everyone, including God, so we would never have to carry that burden ourselves. I didn’t used to believe Jesus was enough for me. . . . It wasn’t until I hit the bottom that I found the love of Christ really is enough to sustain me, no matter what. Buckling under the weight of my own life is what helped me fall into the arms of God. I didn’t just stumble into His grace; I collapsed there in a messy heap! And you know what? It’s by far the best thing that’s ever happened to me. LISA HARPER Stumbling into Grace”
Thomas Nelson, Joy for the Journey: Devotional: Morning and Evening



“Everywhere I turn today, something tries to steal my joy. If I can’t rejoice and be glad today, I will never rejoice and be glad. I will waste the joyous opportunities of today waiting for tomorrows that may or may not ever come.”
Thomas Nelson, Joy for the Journey: Devotional: Morning and Evening



“Have you ever considered the humble beginnings of sea glass? All of it starts as glass that has been thrown away, discarded, and broken. Pieces of a former whole no longer serve their intended purpose, so they are cast away—then tossed about, taking some hard knocks, and finally emerging smooth, refined, beautiful. Likewise, there are those days, even seasons, when we feel fragmented and useless. . . . Parts of a former whole, we find ourselves being tossed about, taking hard knocks, unsure of our direction or purpose. The Father knows, and sometimes orchestrates, our seasons of refinement—it is part of a greater plan, His plan, which serves His purposes. Even when we’re on the other side of that season, we may still not understand fully the why behind it, but we can be sure we have a Father who loves us, pursues us, and—once His hand is upon us—does not let go. Trust that during these seasons, we are being refined and transformed into something useful. And ultimately, beautiful. MIRIAM DRENNAN Devotions for the Beach”
Thomas Nelson, Joy for the Journey: Devotional: Morning and Evening



“Laugh whenever you can. . . . Find a cause bigger than yourself. Pray for the impossible. Dust off that Schwinn. Get to know someone with a piercing. Spread the good news of God’s love with boldness. . . . Nap, but not while driving. Stay curious. Take a college course. Learn something new. Live. . . .”
Thomas Nelson, Joy for the Journey: Devotional: Morning and Evening


“Becoming more than a good Bible study girl means never settling for needing to feel our way to God or to limit our experience of Him to those few minutes we call our quiet time. It’s being able to sit in the noise of the arena of life with every worldly distraction imaginable bombarding you and suddenly thinking of Him—talking with Him, smiling with Him . . . The One who chooses you.”
Thomas Nelson, Joy for the Journey: Devotional: Morning and Evening



“when each of us looks back at all the turns and folds God has allowed in our lives, I don’t think it looks like a series of folded-over mistakes and do-overs that have shaped our lives. Instead, I think we’ll conclude in the end that maybe we’re all a little like human origami and the more creases we have, the better. BOB GOFF Love Does”
Thomas Nelson, Joy for the Journey: Devotional: Morning and Evening



“I haven’t always been a reader; in fact, I didn’t become one until I was an adult. . . . Once I discovered the joy of hugging a book, I’ve been knee-deep in volumes of reading material ever since. And the one Book that I return to again and again has been the Bible. It is the most important book in my library. . .”
Thomas Nelson, Joy for the Journey: Devotional: Morning and Evening



“Anne Morrow Lindbergh observed somewhere in her timeless little book Gift from the Sea that most of us don’t really mind pouring our lives out for a reason. What we do resent is the feeling that it is being dribbled away in small, meaningless drops for no good reason.”
Thomas Nelson, Joy for the Journey: Devotional: Morning and Evening



“It sure can feel like you’re in the boxing ring of life sometimes. The bell goes off, and you go in swinging with all your might, doing the best you can, fighting the good fight. Then you receive a blow from out of nowhere. You’re stunned! You can hardly breathe, and you aren’t sure you’ll ever rise again. Well, whether you’ve lost a job, been diagnosed with an illness, or found yourself in some other difficult situation, God is there with you. In fact, He got into the ring the moment you did. He is right there ready to help you get back on your feet. Isn’t it great to know you’re not out there taking on the world all by yourself? No matter how many blows the world delivers, God is with you—always and in all ways! Your Promises from God Today OCTOBER 23 Evening The LORD preserves all who love Him, But all the wicked He will destroy. PSALM 145:20 Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. ISAIAH 41:10 We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed. 2 CORINTHIANS 4:8”
Thomas Nelson, Joy for the Journey: Devotional: Morning and Evening



“He simply invites us. God asks what it is He’s made us to love, what it is that captures our attention, what feeds that deep indescribable need of our souls to experience the richness of the world He made. And then, leaning over us, He whispers, “Let’s go do that together.”
Thomas Nelson, Joy for the Journey: Devotional: Morning and Evening



“Paul is not being redundant when he says, “Rejoice, and again I say rejoice” (Philippians 4:4). He effectively creates a picture for us. Imagine the sight of a little lamb coming out of the barn and jumping up once, then jumping up again. He leaps across the fields and hills, jumping as if for the sheer fun of it. So we are to rejoice and keep on rejoicing, not because things are wonderful, but because of the joy that comes from knowing the Lord is in the middle of things that are going on. . . . No matter how much you might want to be like Scarlett O’Hara and deal with life’s realities tomorrow, that is no way to live. No matter your circ*mstances, rejoice and rejoice again, because God is the author and finisher of life. He is in the middle of everything you face, no matter what.”
Thomas Nelson, Joy for the Journey: Devotional: Morning and Evening



“To accept that life is supposed to be hard is the beginning of joy.”
Thomas Nelson, Joy for the Journey: Devotional: Morning and Evening



“You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. 1 JOHN 4:4”
Thomas Nelson, Joy for the Journey: Devotional: Morning and Evening



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Quotes By Anonymous

Joy for the Journey Quotes by Anonymous (2024)
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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Author information

Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.