is bca course is hard bcz i dont have computer kowledge (2024)

Hello aspirant,

BCA is an undergraduate course and the duration for this course is for 3 year.

NO BCA course is not that much difficult. Even if you have very little or no knowledge about the Computer science, then also you can study BCA course because all the concepts about the Computer Science will be given to you from the basis and your fundamentals will be cleared in Computer science. In this course, they teach the subject in very depth and they start the course in basic level. They teach every concept clearly. If you have a good knowledge in the programming then, you have a bright future.

Secondly, Any student from any stream can take up the BCA course, even commerce students who has studied mathematics in their class 10+2.

Further, to know more about the BCA course in complete details, you can follow the below mentioned link to know more about it :

I hope that this will help.

is bca course is hard bcz i dont have computer kowledge (2024)
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