inglé (2024)


"Certificado" es una forma de "certificado", un sustantivo que se puede traducir como "certificate". "Constancia" es un sustantivo que se puede traducir como "perseverance". Aprende más sobre la diferencia entre "certificado" y "constancia" a continuación.

Un sustantivo masculino es un sustantivo que sigue a un artículo masculino y que es modifcado por adjetivos masculinos (p.ej. el hombre guapo, el sol amarillo).

sustantivo masculino

1. (documento)

a. certificate

Necesito un certificado médico para trabajar en esa empresa.I need a medical certificate to work for that company.

Un adjetivo es una palabra que describe a un sustantivo (p.ej. el perro grande).


2. (validado oficialmente)

a. certified

La secretaría pide una copia certificada de tu partida de nacimiento.The admissions office is asking for a certified copy of your birth certificate.

3. (por correo especial)

a. registered

Podrías enviar los documentos al banco como paquete certificado.You could send the documents to the bank as a registered package.

b. by registered mail (adverbio)

Regionalismo que se usa en los Estados Unidos

(Estados Unidos)

Envié el paquete certificado pensando que sería mas seguro.I sent the package by registered mail, thinking that it would be safer.

c. by registered post (adverbio) (Reino Unido)

Visto que los documentos son importantes, le recomiendo que los envíe certificados.As the documents are important, I'd recommend you send them by registered post.

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Un sustantivo feminino es un sustantivo que casi siempre sigue a un artículo feminino y que es modificado por adjetivos femininos (p.ej. la mujer bonita, la luna llena).

sustantivo femenino

1. (determinación)

a. perseverance

El éxito viene con constancia y una estricta ética del trabajo.Success comes with perseverance and a strict work ethic.

2. (evidencia)

Regionalismo que se usa en Latinoamérica: todos los países de Sudamérica, Centroamérica y el Caribe. No incluye España.


a. proof

Sin constancia de que ella mató a su esposo, no podemos detenerla.Without proof that she killed her husband, we cannot arrest her.

b. record

No hay constancia de su estadía en el Gran Hotel.There is no record of her stay at the Grand Hotel.

Copyright © 2024 Curiosity Media Inc.

inglé (2024)


What is an example of enough? ›

enough comes after adjectives and adverbs. I'm not tall enough to reach the top shelf. Your marks are good enough to study engineering at university. I couldn't write quickly enough and I ran out of time.

What does answer enough mean? ›

Answer enough is a common phrase in English. I won't say figure of speech, because it's not metaphorical or ungrammatical or anything - it just doesn't match patterns that are widely used otherwise. Enough, here, is a determiner. It means sufficient, not less than is necessary.

What are the rules for enough? ›

  • 'Enough' as an Adverb. Use. 'Enough' as an adverb is used to modify an adjective, an adverb, or a verb. 'Enough' modifies an adjective or an adverb and means 'in the amount needed, to the necessary degree': ...
  • 'Enough' as a Pronoun. Use. 'Enough' as a pronoun replaces a noun and can act as a subject, an object, etc.

What is an example of enough is enough? ›

The time for that has now gone; and enough is enough. They have high bills for heat, light and power and when the rate demands arrive they say that enough is enough. I have to say firmly that enough is enough. After seven years of membership, enough is enough.

What is an example of too and enough? ›

The word too means more than sufficient or more or less than necessary. For example, “It's s too late to stop him”. However, enough is used to mean sufficient which can be stated by the example “Your clothes are big enough to fit me”.

What are some examples of sufficient? ›

  • A brisk walk is sufficient to raise your heart rate.
  • A 15 percent tip is sufficient. [=adequate]
  • There must be sufficient funds in your bank account to cover the check.
  • sufficient savings.
  • Her explanation was not sufficient to satisfy the police.

What is an example of hardly enough? ›

Example Sentences

Ten days are hardly enough to build a deep, enduring connection. He sat in a confined little metal coop of a cabin, hardly enough in which to stand erect. You see, the house is largely furnished from my two rooms at college, and there was hardly enough to go around.

What does it mean to be enough? ›

You are enough means that you don't have to strive to become more worthy, more valid, more acceptable, or more loved.

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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.