How to get genuine clients for freelance content writing - Indy (2024)

If you've just started working as a freelance writer or already have freelance experience, you've probably realized that it's time to find clients that provide consistent work. There are tons of clients out there currently looking to hire freelancers for writing services. One of the hardest tricks of the trade is keeping a constant stream of clients and projects lined up. Fortunately, there are some tried-and-true marketing tips freelancers can utilize to generate more clients, get higher-paying projects and more consistent work.

1. Personalize Your Pitches

When reaching out to potential clients, your freelance writing pitch should not be the same cookie-cutter email that's sent to everyone whenever you're looking for work. Personalization is paramount. Before you send your pitch, do some research on the client. Is it a large company, a small agency, a startup, or a solopreneur looking for help?

When you take the time to do your due diligence on a client, it's easier to craft personalized sales pitches that are much more likely to resonate with them and help you secure the project. If it is an IT client, start by illustrating your expertise in the IT industry, provide samples, and also a few project ideas. By personalizing your approach, you are far more likely to secure a client and generate a sale.

2. Create A Freelance Website

Creating a website certainly takes time, but the long-term benefits are worth it. Using your website as a promotional tool showcases your writing skills, expertise, and ability to design engaging web pages. Your website should contain writing samples and project testimonials from clients if you have them. Likewise, you should illustrate the type of writing you prefer, such as blog posts, research articles, white papers, etc. You should also provide pricing, such as a fixed price or rate price.

One of the main reasons behind a successful website is the landing page. Your landing page is meant to entice potential clients to reach out and learn more. The content should be engaging and optimized for a high SEO ranking. Likewise, the landing page must contain relevant contact information, so clients know exactly how to reach you. Never underestimate the importance of having your own website. If you are unsure how you can build your own website, there are plenty of online platforms available for beginners.

3. Utilize Social Media

Another great way to promote your work as a full-time freelancer is through social media. Having a social media strategyis paramount to the long-term success of being a freelance writer. There are tons of social media platforms available for you to utilize. Some of the more popular ones for business purposes include LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Each social media platform has its own strengths. For instance, LinkedIn is an amazing platform for building business connections and networking with potential clients. Facebook and Instagram are great for self-promotion and marketing. Regardless of which platform(s) you decide to use, make sure your profiles are updated with the most relevant information and optimized to expand your social reach, attracting more clients in the process. Although building your social media presence takes time, the effort will help you gain exposure and build a personalized community of clients.

4. Start A Blog

Starting a blog has its benefits, especially if you're looking for work as a blogger. When starting a blog, you want to create something that displays your particular set of writing skills. You need to find a niche. You will be writing a lot of topics about your niche, so it must be something you understand thoroughly. For instance, if you are an expert in music, you could create a blog about learning guitar, piano, etc.

Your blog doesn't necessarily have to be aligned with your target market as a freelance writer. Ultimately, when potential clients come across your blog, they'll look for your ability to craft engaging headlines, having a related theme or topic, and your ability writing skills. You should include a link to your blog site on your freelance website, or just make it part of the website. Likewise, you should promote your blog on your social media accounts. Another important thing to note is that you could eventually start generating revenue from your blog if you can grow enough to get ads displayed.

5. Join a Freelance Writing Platform

In this day and age, there are a ton of freelance websites available for connecting freelance workers with clients, jobs, etc. Some of these online platforms are designed specifically for freelance writers, while others include freelance services for a plethora of other professions. There are numerous opportunities across dozens of internet-based platforms, each with their own payment structure and unique set of job requests. A little bit of virtual legwork can be well worth the effort, especially if you're a novice at securing your own clientele.

Regardless of which platform(s) you decide to use, you'll want to treat it the same way you would your website and social media accounts. You are trying to market yourself to potential clients to find work. You should optimize your accounts to contain relevant contact information, your expertise, and experience, as well as any useful samples you can provide. Although these platforms do not guarantee work, they certainly help you find clients and are great for networking.

How Indy Can Help Freelancers

When you work as a freelance writer, there are a lot of things on your plate at once. Whether it's reaching out to new clients, writing project proposals, finishing projects, or tracking billable hours, it can be difficult to manage the nuances of the profession by yourself. Fortunately, at Indy, we created a productivity suite designed specifically for freelancers.

Through our web tool, you manage everything related to the job at hand in one convenient location. You can even pick and choose which features you want. If you want to know how Indy can make your life as a freelance writer easier, feel free to get started to learn more.

Want to look more professional in your work? Use Indy’s full set of freelance tools to make your proposals, contracts, invoices, and projects look and work more professional. Join Indy. Free Forever.
How to get genuine clients for freelance content writing - Indy (2024)
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Author: Duane Harber

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Author information

Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.