How to Create and Publish a Cookbook with Jessica Fisher - (2024)

As the author of 3 cookbooks and 4 e-books, Jessica Fisher is no stranger to hard work. In our interview with her, you'll learn how to create a publish a cookbook, along with how much time, work, and planning is involved in the process! Whether you're a food blogger or not, Jessica also shares valuable advice on time management, producing content, and parenting. Press play on the podcast player below to hear from this seasoned blogger, author, cook, and mom.

How to Create and Publish a Cookbook with Jessica Fisher - (1)

On the Podcast

00:57 – From Freelance Writer to Successful Blogger
03:43 – Jessica's Low Point
04:46 – Why Growing a Platform is the Path to Publishing
07:24 – Content Creation & Planning
09:23 – Two Blog Posts a Day? How Jessica Finds the Time
10:40 – The Many Steps to Writing a Cookbook
13:55 – Cookbook Photos – What You Should Know
14:55 – Why You Need an Agent
16:43 – A Family of Cooks
21:22 – Jessica's Favorite Resources for Running her Biz
22:01 – Business Advice from Overseas
23:46 – How to Stay in Shape as a Food Blogger
26:09 – They're Watching….

From Freelance Writer to Successful Blogger

On a whim 9 years ago, Jessica submitted an article to a local parenting publication. Through that publisher, she discovered Parenting Publications of America – an organization comprised of small, local magazines that you might find in places like your doctor's office.

Jessica began writing more frequently, and a year later, she and her husband decided to tackle their debt and address their spending habits. At this point, Jessica amped up her writing career and began scouring the internet for writer jobs. The year was 2007, and blogging was still in its early days.

At the time, Jessica happened to live in the same town as Crystal Paine of They met for coffee, and Jessica learned more about how to make an income from blogging.

In 2008, Jessica started, and in 2009, Both sites are still incredibly active to this day!

Jessica's Low Point

Early on in her blogging career, Jessica dreamed of writing a freezer cookbook. She used the advice of Erin Chase, the 5 Dollar Dinner Mom, and the book, Nonfiction Book Proposals Anybody Can Write by Elizabeth Lyon

Before she had an agent, an editor agreed to take a look at Jessica's Cookbook proposal. He ripped it to shreds. Jessica cites this as the most disappointing moment of her writing career. She just sobbed and could hardly talk about the experience.

A few weeks later, she finally had the courage to tell Erin the 5 Dollar Dinner Mom, about her experience. Erin told her to get up and try again. She referred her to a great agent, and together, they cleaned up her proposal, changed a few words, changed the title, and her book sold to a publisher within a few weeks!

(We're so glad Jessica dusted herself off and tried again! Sarah uses Jessica's Freezer Cookbook on a regular basis – it's a staple in her home that saves her tons of time and allows her to feed her kids nutritious meals that they love to eat.)

Why Growing a Platform is the Path to Publishing

Jessica strongly believes that having her own blog was a large factor in getting a book deal. She started blogging in 2008, signed her book contract in 2010, and her first book came out in 2012.

We've seen this happen much more often today – a popular food blogger comes out with a published cookbook. It's much easier to secure a publishing deal when an author already has a platform to market their books and loyal fans who will be eager to buy those books.

Jessica compares this phenomenon to the example of her husband who used to be a full-time musician. The bands that got record deals were the ones selling out the clubs week after week. They had a proven, loyal fan base, and the record company knew their job would be made easier as a result.

Content Creation & Planning

Jessica writes at least two blog posts every day. How does she sustain this level of content creation?

She admits that when she first started LifeasMom, Jessica posted 3 times per day! The ideas always came. She has a continual storehouse of ideas in her head, and confesses that her brain doesn't often shut off! She has pages and pages, and stacks of notebooks filled with her notes on topics that she thinks would be helpful to her readers.

One thing that makes it easier for Jessica to come up with topics? She writes about home, family, and food, and that also happens to be her every-day life. Ideas and inspiration are always prevalent, as she's reminded of new topics all day long.

With 2 posts per day, how does Jessica organize and plan for all of that content?

Jessica uses Google Calendar to plan out her posts, and she shares the calendar with her sister, who helps her with the back-end of running her blogs. With Google Calendar – it's easy to move and shift “appointments” or blog posts, essentially, when things change. She doesn't have to cross things out, delete them, or re-write them.

Two Blog Posts a Day? How Jessica Finds the Time

Even though Jessica's children are older (ages 6 years through 17 years old) she finds that they need her just as much, if not more, as they grow up. Not to mention, Jessica is a homeschooling mom to 6 kids!

She wakes up very early in order to have time to work on her blogs. In the beginning days of blogging, Jessica would stay up until 1 AM and also get up early, but now she finds that she functions best by choosing one, but not both methods of stealing time. She tries to go to bed early and wake up early.

The Many Steps to Writing a Cookbook

Jessica starts with a pen and paper in the kitchen. She takes notes as she cooks, then listens to her family's feedback and suggestions. (We love that her family serves as 7 fabulous taste-tasters!)

Because everything is on paper for several months before transferring recipes to the computer, Jessica is often worried about her house burning down in the night! On occasion, she's locked up her drafts in a fireproof safe when they travel, or she'll put everything by the front door when she simply has too much content to lose!

After the recipes are honed, Jessica transfers everything to the computer. Next, the editorial director at the publishing house reads through the book.

After that, a line editor looks at content, style, and consistency throughout the recipes. An example of style differences would be can sizes, what type of sesame oil, do we call them onions or green scallions? There are so many small details that have to be addressed to make the book feel universal and reader-friendly. The line editor works with Jessica on 2-3 revisions.

Next, it's the copy editor's turn. They get into the nitty gritty details of the book. Once again, Jessica goes through 2-3 revisions with them.

A design editor then lays the book out. For example, if a recipe is too long for a page, a few sentences will need to be cut. If the head notes are too long, they need to be revised. The design editor also matches photos with each recipe.

The entire book is then proofed twice, then it goes to the printer.

“Then,” Jessica says, “you wait…. and it comes out in stores.” Jessica spends about a year of her life on each cookbook that she's authored.

Cookbook Photos – What You Should Know

One little-known fact about cookbooks is that the author may have to chip in for the cost of photos. (We had no idea!) Traditionally, cookbook authors don't take their own photos, but instead, they pay half of the cost of hiring a professional photographer.

In today's market, many food bloggers turned cookbook authors are quite skilled at food photography, so it's more common for them to take their own pictures.

In Jessica's case, the photos for her first two cookbooks were taken by a professional photographer, but she took the pictures for Good Cheap Eats along with the next cookbook that's coming out.

Why You Need an Agent

Jessica shared that having an agent has been key to her publishing success, and as a do-it-yourselfer by nature, she doesn't say that lightly. It was difficult for her to hire a professional, knowing that she's have to share a portion of the profits. Below are the ways that an agent can be invaluable:

  • They have connections you don't have, such as an audience of editors that will readily read the proposals they send.
  • They can negotiate terms that you might not know about. Essentially, they'll ensure that you get a fair book deal.
  • They can ensure that your voice is being heard – that your vision for the book doesn't get lost.
  • They have the connections, plain and simple, to help you get your book published in the first place.

How did Jessica land her agent? She was able to use the referral of a friend, Erin Chase, the 5 Dollar Dinner Mom.

(Have we mentioned that making friends and building connections is so key to your success in the blogging and online space?)

A Family of Cooks

How to Create and Publish a Cookbook with Jessica Fisher - (3)

When asked what she's most proud of as a successful blogger and author, Jessica shared an incredible story of her family heritage. Her grandmother was an avid baker and won many awards at local fairs. She was in the kitchen from a young age with her Grandma John, who grew up on a farm in Minnesota.

When Grandma John came to visit them in California, Jessica's mom would give her free reign of the kitchen. Jessica learned so much from her grandmother. Although she passed away 14 years ago, Jessica thinks she'd be pretty excited about the success she has had with her blog and cookbooks.

Jessica continues to pass on the family tradition of cooking with her own children. “It's safe to say that every single one of them loves to cook!” she says. Her 8 year-old, in particular loves to watch Youtube videos to learn new skills in the kitchen.

It's an absolute blessing that her children are willing and ready to learn more things in the kitchen. Jessica knows that she needs to take advantage of this season, because it may not last. She wants to teach her kids way more than Youtube videos do!

Jessica's Favorite Resources for Running her Biz

Jessica is a lover of all things Google. She uses Google Drive, Analytics, Gmail, Calendar, and of course, the search engine. She uses each of these tools all day, every day.

Her one lament? She misses GoogleReader!

Business Advice from Overseas

As a former teacher and stay-at-home mom, Jessica didn't receive any formal education on business or have traditional work experience in the business world. For this reason, she really loves Women, Work, and the Art of Savoir Faire by Mireille Guiliano. Mireille was the VP of American Relations for a Champagne Brand in France. She shares great tips about business, along with business etiquette such as how to dress for a business dinner, or what to do as the hostess of a business dinner.

How to Stay in Shape as a Food Blogger

Sarah and I were both curious about how to stay in shape when one's job consists of spending lots of time cooking in the kitchen! Jessica always looks fit and healthy.

She doesn't have a hard and fast rule for staying fit, but she did admit to losing 6 pounds when her family spent the month in France last October. She had croissants every morning and as much wine and cheese as she liked.

Another book by Mireille Guiliano, French Women Don't Get Fat, has served as a guide in some ways. The French are very thoughtful and deliberate with their food. They think of every angle in terms of how the foods and drinks will combine. Jessica also makes an effort to include variety with each meal, including many flavors and textures. That variety can help to make you feel more satiated. As Mireille says, the first 3 bites of any meal are the best ones anyways, so you can limit yourself to 3 bites of everything if there is a great variety, and then you won't have to stuff yourself to feel satiated.

How to Create and Publish a Cookbook with Jessica Fisher - (4)

Jessica with her kids in France, Fall 2014

They're Watching…

Jessica shared a beautiful moment about how teaching her children to make healthy choices is making a difference. When we least expect it, our kids show us that they're watching, and they're learning from our example.

Stay in Touch with Jessica! – How to make the most of your time, your budget, and your parenting – How to eat tasty, healthy food on a budget

Sarah's favorite cookbook of Jessica's: Not Your Mother's Make-Ahead Freezer Cookbook(This is our affiliate link, because Sarah highly recommends this book for busy moms who still want to feed their families nutritious, wholesome food.)

Are you a food blogger or foodie looking to start a blog or brand? We'd love to hear from you! What were your takeaways from Jessica's episode?

~ Beth Anne

And if you're a foodie business owner, you'll love hearing from these moms:

  • Why Being Gutsy is a Great Move! with Stephanie O’Dea

  • Meet the Brilliant Business Mom of the Week, Sarah Mueller!

How to Create and Publish a Cookbook with Jessica Fisher - (2024)


How can I publish my own cookbook? ›

The Cookbook Publishing Process
  1. Come up with a cookbook idea.
  2. Find a literary agent to represent you and your idea.
  3. Write your idea into a cookbook proposal.
  4. Shop the proposal around to different publishers.
  5. Have an auction.
  6. Review options and accept a bid.
  7. Write the book.
Oct 14, 2019

How many recipes do you need to publish a cookbook? ›

The standard expectation is that a cookbook should have between 70 and 100 recipes, but larger compendiums have at least 200. Think carefully about how many you want to include. You might want to save some back for cookbook number two!

Is publishing a cookbook profitable? ›

2 Proven Profits

Cookbooks easily sell for 2–4 times their cost, allowing you to earn $500 to $50,000 or more! We're so sure you'll make money that we back it with our No-Risk Guarantee.

How do I create and sell a digital cookbook? ›

How to create and sell a cookbook online?
  1. Plan out your cookbook content and create a file. ...
  2. Upload your cookbook file to FlipHTML5. ...
  3. Engage your viewers or customers with versatile elements. ...
  4. Share, publish or embed the flipping publication. ...
  5. Sell a cookbook with no fee.
Nov 4, 2022

Do I need to copyright my cookbook? ›

If you have a collection of recipes, for example in a cookbook, the collection as a whole is protected by copyright. Collections are protected even if the individual recipes themselves are in the public domain.

Is there still a market for cookbooks? ›

But do cookbooks still sell? Yes, they do. In fact, it's a burgeoning and competitive market. But that's just another reason to make sure that you do everything possible to make your cookbook the best it can be.

What makes a cookbook successful? ›

The quality of your recipes and photography will play a huge part in whether your book sells well or not, and marketing and PR efforts are crucial to creating awareness for your cookbook. But most of all, if you have the drive to write a cookbook, you can bet success will find you.

Can you use other people's recipes in a cookbook? ›

Instead, an author wishing to use another person's cookbook recipes in their cookbook has four options: securing written permission from the original author, adapting the recipe, creating a similar recipe using the recipe as inspiration, and completely reworking the dish into a new recipe.

Can I make money off a cookbook? ›

Yes, absolutely! Not only do people like to collect cookbooks that compliment their palate, they also make fantastic gifts. If you can write a cookbook that caters to a specific market, you should have no problem moving them!

Who is the largest cookbook publisher? ›

The Nation's #1 Cookbook Publisher - Morris Press Cookbooks.

Can anyone create a cookbook? ›

Cookbooks have a way of connecting us: passing through family generations, comforting friends, sharing among creators in any kitchen. They can be composed by renowned chefs or great-grandma, yet hold priceless value all the same.

How do you monetize a cookbook? ›

Sell Recipe Books & E-Books

You can earn money directly from sales without relying on ads or affiliate commissions and establish yourself as an authority in the food blogging niche. Start by compiling your best recipes into a well-organized cookbook, which you can sell as an e-book or even a physical book.

How do you get a cookbook published for the first time? ›

To pitch a publisher, we usually put together a robust proposal. To pitch a cookbook project to an agent, you should have a stem of a proposal—a strong and clearly communicated concept and a list of recipes—but if you have a great platform and a clear idea, you can pitch me with an email.

What is the best site to sell cookbooks? ›

Sell Individual Cookbooks on eBay or Amazon

this route will get you the most money for your collection. We recommend eBay vs Amazon if you don't want to be selling for over a month. If you have a lot of time, Amazon works well for books and draws the largest audience. For quick turn, we prefer eBay.

How do I market my own cookbook? ›

9 Steps to Build a Following and Promote Your Cookbook
  1. Create an audience of cookbook buyers.
  2. Be as authentic as possible.
  3. Engage with your followers.
  4. Post regularly.
  5. Get creative with food styling.
  6. Let people in on the journey.
  7. Document your process.
  8. Collaborate with local artisan food brands.
Nov 28, 2019

How do you release your own cookbook? ›

How to Publish a Cookbook in 6 Easy-As-Pie Steps
  1. Step 1: Refine your book idea. ...
  2. Step 2: Write your book proposal. ...
  3. Step 3: Polish and submit your proposal. ...
  4. Step 4: Finalize your recipes. ...
  5. Step 5: Ensure you're happy with your book's design. ...
  6. Step 6: Add to your publisher's marketing efforts.
Aug 19, 2020

How to find a publisher for a cookbook? ›

Network with cookbook authors at book fairs, cooking classes, or conferences. Talk to them about their book and ask if they're publisher accepts unsolicited proposals. Don't be afraid to ask for their editors name as well. If you know the cookbook author well enough, ask them to connect you to their editor.

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Author: Kieth Sipes

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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.