How MLK boulevards throughout the country are inspiring change (2024)

A new documentary released last week aims to parse why so many streets named for the late civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. have become symbols of blight and inequality.

Avenues of Dreams: Reclaiming MLK Boulevards” highlights scholars, business owners and residents in St. Louis and Baltimore working to restore their neighborhoods with an eye toward honoring King’s vision of an equitable nation for all people.

In the summer of 2020, producer Amber Payne began to research Martin Luther King Jr. boulevards and the Black communities they were in. Her focus soon went to Baltimore and St. Louis.

“It’s a story that I’ve been thinking about for years,” said Payne, a former NBCBLK editor. “So it just became a dream of mine to find a way to tell that story.”

How MLK boulevards throughout the country are inspiring change (1)

The film is a collaboration of Comcast NBCUniversal’s Voices of the Civil Rights Movement and cable provider Xfinity’s Black Experience. Comcast owns Xfinity and NBCUniversal, the parent company of NBC News.

The struggles of Black people in cities like Baltimore and St. Louis are examined through old, abandoned buildings that populate streets named for King. The poor conditions of the properties reflect systemically racist policies that continue to prevent the development of Black communities.

Nneka N’namdi, the founder of Fight Blight Bmore, leads a campaign to revitalize underdeveloped neighborhoods in Baltimore and address elements that have led to decline in some areas of the city. She points to practices like redlining and other policies that created segregation and economic inequality across Black neighborhoods throughout the city.

In the early 1900s, the city became the first in the country to implement a housing ordinance to prevent Black residents from moving into areas where primarily white residents lived. The legacy of such restrictive covenants and other discriminatory practices has made Baltimore a segregated city to this day, N’namdi says.

How MLK boulevards throughout the country are inspiring change (2)

The inequality gap between Black and white neighborhoods in Baltimore is paralleled in St. Louis. A 2018 report by Washington University in St. Louis found that Black people are disproportionately more likely to live in the city of St. Louis, rather than in its surrounding suburbs. The report attributes exclusionary zoning laws for driving segregation, which still persists and affects employment to life expectancy.

Farrakhan Shegog, the president of Young Voices With Action, said the abandoned buildings along MLK Drive reflect the flight of both white and Black residents due to the crime and unappealing look of the neighborhoods. His organization trains the next generation of leaders who participate in community activism.

“Buildings like this affect not just the environment, but people’s own mental health and mental capacities,” Shegog says in the documentary. “To see this, it’s to look at a summary of North St. Louis over the years — not just only white flight, but Black flight. Black folks fled the city, too.”

The stigmatization of neighborhoods in the era of redlining in cities like St. Louis, Baltimore, Los Angeles and Chicago continues around streets named after King, said Derek Alderman, a professor of geography at the University of Tennessee. In the film, Alderman says he believes MLK boulevards “are a litmus test” for where the country is coming to terms with the economic inequalities and systemic racism in Black communities.

How MLK boulevards throughout the country are inspiring change (3)

“We suggest that these streets and their communities are somehow not worthy of investment or worthy of infrastructure improvement, not worthy of educational investment,” Alderman says, “and in some ways, it’s a perpetuation. Clearly the stigmatizing of streets named for Dr. King is reflective of a legacy absolutely found in redlining.”

Anderson adds that while the attention is on honoring King by living up to his memory and dream, it also broadens the context of how the country is either taking accountability for the problems Black Americans face in such neighborhoods or ignoring the issues they encounter.

“These street names, they’re not simply memorials for the sake of remembering the past,” he says. "They’re memorials for the sake of effecting social change.”

While many neighborhoods reflect America’s segregated past, there are people working to undo the harm, particularly in both cities featured in the documentary.

In St. Louis, change-makers like Aniya Betts travel door to door telling residents how they can get access to resources like utility bill assistance, rent assistance and warrant-lifting. The organization is proposing a $5.4 million mixed-use development project so the land can be owned by the residents who live there. The efforts of Shegog, Betts and other community members are made in hope of affecting residents while continuing King’s legacy.

“It’s important for us to incorporate the ideas of the elders in the youth so that those moments don’t get lost in history,” Betts says.

Speaking with residents like Betts, Payne said, is what inspired her to tell the stories in her documentary. She said she hopes the film pushes back against the narratives and stereotypes that communities of color are not able to pull themselves out of their circ*mstances.

“These people — young people and older people that we talked to — they’re not doing this for press,” Payne said. “They’re not doing this for accolades. They’re doing this to save their cities, to save their streets.”


Claretta Bellamy

Claretta Bellamy is a fellow for NBC News.

How MLK boulevards throughout the country are inspiring change (2024)


How did Martin Luther King inspire the world? ›

Martin Luther King Jr. positively impacted the world by serving as a leader and speaker for the voiceless. King spoke out about racial injustice and inequality during a time that Black people were seen and treated as less than their white counterparts.

How did Martin Luther King change society? ›

MLK helped bring about the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Each of these bills helped African Americans access civil rights across the country.

How does Martin Luther King Jr.'s multifaceted view on human rights still inspire today? ›

How Martin Luther King, Jr.'s multifaceted view on human rights still inspires today. The legendary civil rights activist pushed to ban nuclear weapons, end the Vietnam War, and lift people out of poverty through labor unions and access to healthcare.

What was the global impact of Martin Luther King Jr? ›

Broad and deep, MLK's international footprint includes the inspiration of the United Nations' groundbreaking 1965 International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, the 1966 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the International Covenant on Economic and Social Rights ...

How did Martin Luther inspire the world? ›

Luther was one of those figures who touched off something much larger than himself; namely, the Reformation—the sundering of the Church and a fundamental revision of its theology. Once he had divided the Church, it could not be healed. His reforms survived to breed other reforms, many of which he disapproved of.

How did MLK speech impact society? ›

MLK's speech was the spark for a movement of equality, which helped create the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, ending racial segregation in the United States.

What did Martin Luther do to change society? ›

In October 1517, Martin Luther famously published his 95 Theses, unleashing criticisms that resulted in a rejection of the pope's authority and fractured Christianity as he knew it.

How did the world change after Martin Luther King? ›

King's death energized the Black Power Movement. Black Americans felt even more distrustful of white institutions and America's political system. Membership in the Black Panther Party and other Black Power groups surged. Local organizations grew into national networks.

What are 5 things Martin Luther King accomplished? ›

MLK's accomplishments by date
  • 1955 – The Montgomery Bus Boycott. ...
  • 1957 – The founding of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) ...
  • 1963 – The Birmingham Campaign. ...
  • 1963 – The Great March on Washington. ...
  • 1964 – Civil Rights Act of 1964. ...
  • 1964 – Nobel Peace Prize. ...
  • 1965 – 1965 Voting Rights Act.
Jan 14, 2022

How was Martin Luther King a good leader? ›

To be a successful leader, communication is key. Martin Luther King Jr. is one of the most eloquent speakers the country has ever seen. He was able to motivate millions through his speeches. King was so well spoken, motivating and inspiring, that his words continue to engage people more than fifty years later.

How did Martin Luther King Jr impact the modern Civil Rights Movement? ›

In 1965, King helped to organize the Selma to Montgomery marches. He worked tirelessly to assure the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and was in attendance when President Johnson signed both that Act and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 into law.

How did Martin Luther King inspire others? ›

Martin Luther King, Jr., influenced people around the world. He advocated for peaceful approaches to some of society's biggest problems. He organized a number of marches and protests and was a key figure in the American civil rights movement.

How did MLK change American society? ›

King's leadership contributed to the overall success of the civil rights movement in the mid-1900s and continues to impact civil rights movements in the present. While King and other leaders generated momentous strides for equality, the push for civil rights remains a preeminent challenge today.

How did Martin Luther King impact the world for kids? ›

(January 15, 1929—April 4, 1968) is considered one of history's greatest speakers and social activists. His leadership in peaceful protests helped end segregation during the American civil rights movement.

What did MLK teach the world? ›

Martin Luther King Jr. believed in the power of love. He taught us to love others and not hate because love always wins in the end. He believed that hating people is stooping low and that no one should ever fall prey to hate.

What made Martin Luther King Jr. a great leader? ›

He believed in what he was doing, he communicated his vision effectively, and he got others on board. Those are qualities of a great leader: they demonstrate how ordinary people can have an impact. I always remind people on my team that they are a part of the change.

How did Martin Luther King motivate his followers? ›

His passion for change and his unshakeable belief in the talents and skills of his followers, encouraged cohesion and empowerment within the movement. More importantly, he maintained their trust. His ability to manage, make decisions and plan for success created trustworthiness and confidence.

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