Excel TODAY function to insert today's date and more (2024)

The tutorial shows how to insert today's date in your worksheets and demonstrates a few other uses of TODAY function in Excel.

You want to put today's date in some cell? Or you wish to highlight the current date in your Excel calendar? Or you'd like to find the date closest to today? All this can be done by using the Excel TODAY function and this tutorial will teach you how.

Excel TODAY function - syntax and basic uses

The TODAY function in Excel does exactly what its name indicates - returns today's date.

The syntax of the TODAY function is as simple as it could possible be - it does not have any arguments at all. Whenever you need to insert today's date in Excel, just enter the following formula in a cell:


You can format the value returned by TODAY in any built-in or custom date format. For example, this way:
Excel TODAY function to insert today's date and more (1)

4 things you should know about TODAY in Excel

  1. TODAY() is a volatile function, which means that it updates itself continuously every time a worksheet is opened or changed.
  2. If a TODAY formula does not update automatically, most likely automatic recalculation is turned off in your workbook. To turn it on again, go to the Formulas tab > Calculation Options, and select Automatic.
  3. To enter today's date in Excel as a static unchangeable value, use these keyboard shortcuts.
  4. If you want to insert current date and time, use the NOW function instead of TODAY.

How to insert today's date in Excel

There are two ways to enter the current date in Excel - a formula and shortcut. Which one to use depends on whether you want a static or dynamic value.

Excel formula for today's date

The value returned by the TODAY function updates automatically, so the below formula is useful if you want the worksheet to always display the current date, regardless of when you open it.


To clarify what kind of date that is, you can concatenate TODAY() with some explanatory text, for example:

=CONCATENATE("Today is ",TEXT(TODAY(), "mmmm dd, yyyy"))

Because in the internal Excel system dates and times are stored as numbers, concatenating text with the TODAY() formula directly would result in a meaningless string like "Today is 42965". To avoid this, we nest Excel's TODAY function within the TEXT function to display the date in the desired format.
Excel TODAY function to insert today's date and more (2)

Shortcuts to get today's date in Excel

The inset today's date as an unchangeable timestamp that won't automatically update the next day, use one of the following keyboard shortcuts:

  • To inset today's date: Ctrl + ;
  • To insert the current time: Ctrl + Shift + ;
  • To enter the current date and time: Ctrl + ; then Space and then Ctrl + Shift + ;

How to use TODAY function in Excel - formula examples

As you already know, the main purpose of the Excel TODAY function is to get today's date. Aside from that, you can use TODAY() in combination with other functions to perform more complex calculations based on the current date. Below you will find a few examples of such formulas.

Add or subtract days to/from today's date

To add or subtract a specific number of days to/from the current date, use a simple arithmetic operation of addition or subtraction, respectively.

For example, to add 7 days to todays' date, use this formula:


To subtract 7 days from the current date, go with this one:


To exclude weekends (Saturday and Sunday) from your calculations, nest the TODAY function within WORKDAY that deals with weekdays only:

To add 7 workdays to today's date:


To subtract 7 workdays from today's date:


The following screenshot shows the results:
Excel TODAY function to insert today's date and more (3)

Tip. To display the calculated date correctly, set the formula cell's format to Date.

Get the number of days before or after a certain date

To calculate how many days are left before some data, subtract today's date from the future date you are counting toward:


The date can be supplied directly to a formula in the format that Excel can understand, or by using the DATE function, or as a reference to the cell containing the date.

For example, to find out how many days are left till December 31, 2017, use one of these formulas:




All three formulas tell us that at the moment of writing (August 17, 2017), 136 days were left till the end of the year 2017:
Excel TODAY function to insert today's date and more (4)

To calculate the number of days since a certain date, subtract the past date from today's date:


For example, to find out how many days have passed since January 1, 2017, use one of these formulas:



Excel TODAY function to insert today's date and more (5)

Tip. If the result is not displayed correct, be sure to apply the General format to the formula cell.

Calculate months since or before a certain date

To get the number of months between today and a past date, use the DATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit) function with the past date in the start_date argument, TODAY() as end_date and "m" unit denoting months:

DATEDIF(past_ date, TODAY(),"m")

To get the number of months between today and a future date, swap the start_date and end_date arguments:

DATEDIF(TODAY(), future-date,"m")

With the date of interest in cell A4, use the following formulas to calculate time difference in the number of complete months:

To calculate months since a certain date in the past:


To calculate months before a certain date in the future:


Excel TODAY function to insert today's date and more (6)Excel TODAY function to insert today's date and more (7)

Calculate years since / before a certain date

The formulas to calculate years based on today's date are similar to the ones discussed in the above example. The difference is that you use "y" unit to get the number of complete years between today and another data:

To calculate years since a past date:

DATEDIF(past_ date, TODAY(),"y")

To calculate years before a future date:

DATEDIF(TODAY(), future-date,"y")

Assuming the past/future date is in cell A4, you should be good with using these formulas:

The number of complete years since date:


The number of complete years before date:


Excel TODAY function to insert today's date and more (8)Excel TODAY function to insert today's date and more (9)

For more information about the DATEDIF function, please see Excel DATEDIF - calculate difference between two dates.

Get age from birthdate

If you know someone's year of birth, you can subtract that year from the current year to find the person's age:

YEAR( TODAY())-year_of_birth

For example, if the person was born in 2000, you use the following formula to get his/her age:

=YEAR( TODAY())-2000

Or, you can enter the year of birth in a separate cell and reference that cell in your formula:
Excel TODAY function to insert today's date and more (10)

You can learn a few other age calculation formulas in this tutorial: How to get age from date of birth in Excel.

Find the nearest date to today

If you are curious to know which date in a list is closest to today's date, use one of the following array formulas to find it out.

Get a past date closest to today

To find a past date nearest to the current date, first "filter out" the dates greater than today, and then use the MAX function to get the largest date among the remaining ones:

MAX(IF(range < TODAY(), range))

With the dates in cells A2 to A10, the formula would go as follows:

=MAX(IF($A$2:$A$10 < TODAY(), $A$2:$A$10))
Excel TODAY function to insert today's date and more (11)

Get a future date closest to today

To find the nearest future date, identify the dates that are greater than today, and then use the MIN function to get the smallest date among them:

MIN(IF(range >TODAY(), range))

For our sample data set, we'd use this formula:

=MIN(IF($A$2:$A$10 > TODAY(), $A$2:$A$10))
Excel TODAY function to insert today's date and more (12)

Get any date closest to today

To get the nearest date in a mixed list of past and future dates, use the classic INDEX MATCH formula with a couple of modifications:

INDEX(range, MATCH(MIN(ABS(range - TODAY())), ABS(range - TODAY()), 0))

Here's how this generic formula works:

  • MIN(ABS(range -TODAY())) part. First, you subtract today's date from each date in the range of dates. Then, the ABS function returns the differences as absolute values without regard to their sign. The MIN finds the minimal value, which goes to INDEX MATCH as the lookup value.
  • ABS(range -TODAY()) part. You subtract today's date from the range of dates and return an array of absolute values. This array is where INDEX MATCH searches for the lookup value.

In this example, the formula takes the following shape:

=INDEX($A$2:$A$10, MATCH(MIN(ABS($A$2:$A$10 - TODAY())), ABS($A$2:$A$10 - TODAY()), 0))

The screenshot below shows the result:
Excel TODAY function to insert today's date and more (13)

Note. All three formulas to get the nearest date are array formulas, so they should be completed by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Enter.

How to highlight today's date in Excel

When working with a long list of dates or designing your own calendar in Excel, you may want to have the current date highlighted. To have it done, create a conditional formatting rule with this formula:


Where B2 is the left-top-most cell of the range to which the rule applies.

The result may look something similar to this:
Excel TODAY function to insert today's date and more (14)

The detailed steps to set up a conditional formatting rule can be found here: How to create a conditional formatting rule based on formula.

To have a closer look at the formulas discussed in this tutorial, you are welcome to download our sample workbook below. Thank you for reading!

Practice workbook for download

Excel TODAY formula - examples (.xlsx file)

More examples of TODAY formula in Excel

For more examples of using the TODAY function in Excel, please check out the following tutorials:

  • How to show today's date in Excel
  • Convert today's date to text format
  • Calculate weekdays based on today's date
  • Add or subtract days and months to the current date
  • Convert date of birth to age with TODAY function
  • Find the 1st day of month based on today date
  • How to validate dates and times in Excel
Excel TODAY function to insert today's date and more (2024)


Excel TODAY function to insert today's date and more? ›

To insert today's date in Excel you simply type “=today” in the cell and then open and close brackets “()” with nothing in between them.

How do I autofill today's date in Excel? ›

Insert a static date or time into an Excel cell
  1. To insert the current date, press Ctrl+; (semi-colon).
  2. To insert the current time, press Ctrl+Shift+; (semi-colon).
  3. To insert the current date and time, press Ctrl+; (semi-colon), then press Space, and then press Ctrl+Shift+; (semi-colon).

How do you use the Today function to insert the current date? ›

To insert today's date in Excel you simply type “=today” in the cell and then open and close brackets “()” with nothing in between them.

How do you insert a dynamic date in a cell? ›

Insert a Dynamic Date
  1. On a worksheet, select the cell into which you want to insert the current date.
  2. To insert today's date as a dynamic date, enter the following into an empty cell and tap Enter: =TODAY()

How do I compare today's date with another date in Excel? ›

Compare the Excel date with the current date using conditional statements like “If” or “Switch”. You can use comparison operators like “>”, “<”, “>=”, “<=”, or “==” to perform the comparison. Depending on the result of the comparison, you can perform further actions.

What is the formula for date sequence in Excel? ›

- Use the formula =START_DATE + (SEQUENCE(TOTAL_DATES)-1)*INTERVAL where: - START_DATE is the date you want to start with. - TOTAL_DATES is the number of dates you want in the sequence. - INTERVAL is the number of days you want between each date.

Why can't I AutoFill dates in Excel? ›

- Make sure that you provide enough information for Excel to recognize the pattern or sequence you want to AutoFill. For example, if you want to AutoFill a series of dates, you may need to enter at least two dates in adjacent cells before dragging the fill handle.

How do I insert the current date automatically? ›

Ctrl + ; shortcut inserts the today date in a cell. Ctrl + Shift + ; shortcut inserts the current time. To enter the current date and time, press Ctrl + ; then press the Space key, and then Ctrl + Shift + ;.

How do I insert today's date in sheets? ›

To insert the current date into a cell in Google Sheets, users can use the shortcut keys Ctrl + ; on Windows or Cmd + ;on Mac. This will automatically insert the current date into the selected cell. Users can also use the Ctrl + Shift + ; or Cmd + Shift + ; shortcuts to insert the current time.

How do I add 30 days to a date in Excel? ›

In cell C1, type =A1+30, and then press RETURN . This formula adds 30 days to the date in cell A1.

How do I count dates greater than today in Excel? ›

To count numbers or dates that meet a single condition (such as equal to, greater than, less than, greater than or equal to, or less than or equal to), use the COUNTIF function.

How do I insert dates automatically in sheets? ›

To insert the current date into a cell in Google Sheets, users can use the shortcut keys Ctrl + ; on Windows or Cmd + ;on Mac. This will automatically insert the current date into the selected cell. Users can also use the Ctrl + Shift + ; or Cmd + Shift + ; shortcuts to insert the current time.

How do I get today's date in Excel without time? ›

The NOW function doesn't update continuously. Like any volatile function, it updates only when a workbook is opened or recalculated. To return only date without time, use the TODAY function instead of the NOW function.

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.