Engaging Games for your ELA Classroom - Spark Creativity (2024)

Engaging Games for your ELA Classroom - Spark Creativity (1)

Gamification. Spellcheck says it’s not a word, but it’s so hot right now in education. How can we get our students more interested in learning by introducing gaming elements to their work?

And how can we keep the work from getting lost in the game?

Let’s look at at some options that work well for ELA.

Try an Escape Room

Escape rooms are a stellar way to engage students on pretty much any topic, whether you design them, or you invite students to create their own to share.

Engaging Games for your ELA Classroom - Spark Creativity (2)

Escape rooms are especially fun with any content where you can work in a mystery. Personally, I think they’re an ideal fit with suspense and mystery – Poe comes to mind immediately. Check out this post for a walk through on how I created a digital and physical escape room to introduce Poe’s work. You can follow similar steps to create one around anything you might wish.

Engaging Games for your ELA Classroom - Spark Creativity (3)

Board Game Versions

Next time you’re stumped for a final project, try having students create board games related to the reading. They can either be games testing the players’ understanding of the text, or games inspired by the themes and priorities of the writer. For example, after reading Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, students might create a game called “Make your Match,” in which characters go through various challenges in their efforts to marry and secure social safety.

The key when creating this type of assignment is to make it very clear that the main grade will be about how the game reflects the students’ clear understanding and analysis of the text. It’s not difficult to keep a creative project closely tied to an academic purpose, but the students need to know that is a priority.

You can also create gamified versions of any content you’re trying to cover, like the board game I created for reviewing concepts from rhetorical analysis, shown below.

Engaging Games for your ELA Classroom - Spark Creativity (4)

Canva is a quality tool for board game creation. You can easily design cards, player guides, and the board itself using coordinated fonts and colors for a great playing experience. (Need help to dive into Canva’s free educator platform? Let me help in this free mini-course!)

Engaging Games for your ELA Classroom - Spark Creativity (5)

Vocabulary Pictionary

ELA teachers are constantly tasked with increasing students’ vocabularies. If you’re pushing through list after list of SAT words this year, you could take time every few weeks to review with your students by playing vocabulary Pictionary.

Simply cut up your lists so you have piles of words. Put students into groups, then let the groups divide into teams. Give everyone paper, pencils and cards and explain how Pictionary works.

One member of each team will look at the same card, then call “go” and begin to draw. Whichever team guesses the vocabulary word first gets a point. When you call time, the team with the most points wins.

Want to add a wild card? Occasionally ask the kids drawing to close their eyes for a round! Now there’s a challenge!

Harness Students’ Love of Madlibs (TM) with your own Funny Fillers

This one’s an easy way to practice specific things you’re working on, like sensory details or active verbs. Let students write fill-in stories, leaving key moments blank and writing out a guide for a partner to fill in the blanks. I made one of these for Halloween, leaving critical sensory details blank throughout the story so students could brainstorm the sights, smells, sounds, tastes, and feels to put in. If you have students create their work in the computer lab, then they can print out multiple copies so several students can try out each one.

Engaging Games for your ELA Classroom - Spark Creativity (6)

Try a Beach Ball Discussion

For a beach ball discussion (made famous on Pinterest a few years back!), simply pick up a cheap inflatable striped ball and marker some key questions that could be used for any text onto it. Ask about the kinds of things you’re working on with students – perhaps character development, themes, symbolism, author’s style…

Then when discussion time comes hit it up in the air and let a student ask the first question they see when they catch it.

Engaging Games for your ELA Classroom - Spark Creativity (7)

When it’s time for the next question, have that student throw it up again for another student to catch.

You could also have the catcher ask and answer a question, or come up with some other iteration. The main thing is, as a student you really can’t disengage when a beach ball is flying through the air above you!

Try an Escape Room

Escape rooms are a stellar way to engage students on pretty much any topic, whether you design them, or you invite students to create their own to share.

Engaging Games for your ELA Classroom - Spark Creativity (8)

Escape rooms are especially fun with any content where you can work in a mystery. Personally, I think they’re an ideal fit with suspense and mystery – Poe comes to mind immediately. Check out this post for a walk through on how I created a digital and physical escape room to introduce Poe’s work. You can follow similar steps to create one around anything you might wish.

Engaging Games for your ELA Classroom - Spark Creativity (9)

Hexagonal Thinking

Hexagonal thinking is like a gamified version of a standard discussion. The ideas become playing pieces, and the process of placing them becomes the game.

Engaging Games for your ELA Classroom - Spark Creativity (10)

Learn how to get started in this post here. You can easily roll out your first hexagonal thinking discussion this week!

Engaging Games for your ELA Classroom - Spark Creativity (11)

There are so many ways to build a little element of gamification into your ELA curriculum, even if you don’t have the time to build a huge system into a single course or create a Dungeons-and-Dragons style role playing game that incorporates your content and lasts all year (cool though that would be!). I hope you found at least one idea here that you’re excited to try.

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Engaging Games for your ELA Classroom - Spark Creativity (12)

Engaging Games for your ELA Classroom - Spark Creativity (2024)


Engaging Games for your ELA Classroom - Spark Creativity? ›

We can still do this in the ELA classroom by taking classic games like Pictionary, Scrabble, Jeopardy, or Who Wants to Be a Millionaire and find ways to tweak these games to make them ELA skills-based. Now, in the digital age, there are so many more options as well, such as Kahoot!, Quizizz, and Quizlet Live.

How can I make my ELA class more fun? ›

So, to help you, we've gathered five creative ways to make language arts fun!
  1. Vocab Pictionary. Use a game like Pictionary to reinforce language arts. ...
  2. Discussion Question Contest. ...
  3. Creative Writing Mad Libs. ...
  4. Beach Ball Discussions. ...
  5. The Video Game Exam.

How to gamify ela class? ›

We can still do this in the ELA classroom by taking classic games like Pictionary, Scrabble, Jeopardy, or Who Wants to Be a Millionaire and find ways to tweak these games to make them ELA skills-based. Now, in the digital age, there are so many more options as well, such as Kahoot!, Quizizz, and Quizlet Live.

How to incorporate movement into reading? ›

Reading aloud while moving: Encourage students to read aloud while engaging in gentle movements like pacing, walking, or swaying. This helps to stimulate both sides of the brain, making the learning experience more memorable. Role-playing: Have students act out scenes from the stories they read.

How do you make a boring class not boring? ›

Before Class
  1. Sleep Well. Your sleep is inherently tied to your ability to focus. ...
  2. Read Material. ...
  3. Create Questions In Advance. ...
  4. Prepare Yourself For A Mentally-Draining Class. ...
  5. Sit Up Front. ...
  6. If You Are On Your Laptop, Don't Check Social Media. ...
  7. Enjoy A Cold Beverage During Class. ...
  8. Sit With An Enthusiastic Classmate.
Jul 30, 2020

How do you make a boring class less boring? ›

But boring classes are inevitable, so here are some survival tips.
  1. #1. A good night's sleep is the rule of thumb. ...
  2. #2. Eliminate all electronic distractions. ...
  3. #3. Take notes. ...
  4. #4. Study the material in advance. ...
  5. #5. Ask questions. ...
  6. #6. Avoid counting the minute. ...
  7. #7. Brr… ...
  8. #8. Pick the right seat.
May 6, 2022

How to engage and motivate English learners in the classroom? ›

How to Motivate ESL Students: 3 Strategies
  1. Trigger Their Interests. Make English learning personal. ...
  2. Integrate Fun Activities and Technology. Games and fun activities offer several benefits to students. ...
  3. Encourage Language Experiences Outside of the Classroom.

What are ELA strategies? ›

There are several common strategies used by ELA (English language arts) teachers. These may include differentiating and predicting, reciprocal teaching, questioning and clarifying, and summarizing.

How do you engage actively in class? ›

6 Ways to Stay Engaged in Class
  1. First, get your mind right. Much of how we perform any task starts with how we set up our mentality. ...
  2. Minimize distractions. Choosing to sit in the front of the class will help in a few ways. ...
  3. Optimize your note-taking skills. ...
  4. Be active. ...
  5. Talk to your teachers. ...
  6. Be prepared.
May 12, 2017

How do you create a positive ELA learning environment? ›

Table of Contents:
  1. Build Positive Relationships Through Communication.
  2. Promote Class Discussion and Peer Interaction.
  3. Staying Connected with Students.
  4. Come Up with Projects Students Can Get Excited About.
  5. Create a Sense of Order and Routine.
  6. Positively Reinforce Good Behavior.
Jul 29, 2021

How do you play word games in the classroom? ›

Create single-page size cards for each student, with one word on each card (for example “We” “went” “to” “the” “store”). Students work together to arrange themselves into the proper order to form a sentence.

How do vocabulary games help students? ›

These games not only make the learning process enjoyable but also foster essential language skills that will benefit them in various aspects of their lives. Through games, children not only learn new words but also master sight words, which are crucial steppingstones in reading fluency.

What are 5 active reading strategies? ›

  • Reading with a specific focus. Keep in mind what information you are looking for as you read. ...
  • Breaking the text up into portions. Do not feel you have to read the whole text in one sitting. ...
  • Questioning the text as you read. Did the author get everything right? ...
  • Taking notes as you read.
May 14, 2021

How to improve active time in classroom? ›

Provide physical activity, such as physical activity breaks, outside of planned academic instruction. Use classroom physical activity as a way to reinforce skills learned in physical education. Ensure that barriers to classroom physical activity, such as lack of equipment or available space, are minimized.

How can you make reading an appealing activity? ›

Try doing voices, picking books that your child loves, and more to make reading pleasurable.
  1. Ham it up! ...
  2. Vary your subject matter as well as the kinds of things you read. ...
  3. Hunt for books that match your child's interests. ...
  4. Look for books that interest you too. ...
  5. Foster closeness between siblings.

How do you make a boring class fun? ›

Play with a computer or tablet if you're allowed to.

For computer-based lessons or advanced classes, you might be able to have a laptop or tablet to take notes and do exercises. During a boring class, pull up social media or open up a simple game, like Minesweeper or Snake, to keep yourself entertained.

How do I make my class more exciting? ›

Here are a few ideas on how to kick things up a notch and keep things interesting for your students:
  5. 5 - USE TECHNOLOGY. ...
Mar 8, 2022

How to pass time in ela class? ›

How to Pass Time in Class
  1. Listen actively and take notes.
  2. Interact in class and ask questions.
  3. Illustrate your notes.
  4. Complete your homework for another class.
  5. Organize and create a to-do list.
  6. Doodle in the margins of your notebook.
  7. Read something interesting.
  8. Engage in some creative writing.

How can I make reading in class more interesting? ›

To make reading more interesting for students, it's important to choose books and materials that are relevant to their interests and reading level. Teachers can also incorporate activities that make reading more engaging, such as book clubs, reading games, and reading aloud.

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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.