Cost of NGS | Comparisons and budget guidance (2024)

Cost of NGS | Comparisons and budget guidance (1)

Redefining the Price of Discovery

Since the completion of the Human Genome Project, the cost of next-generation sequencing (NGS) has decreased at a dramatic rate, outpacing Moore’s Law. Through continuous innovation, Illumina has helped reduce the cost of NGS, enabling the $1000 human genome.

As next-generation sequencing costs continue to decline, Illumina is leading the way in making NGS more affordable and accessible. We strive to help labs of all sizes access the potential of this powerful technology. With these resources, we’ll guide you through key factors to consider when planning your NGS budget.

Cost-Effectiveness of NGS

Cost of NGS | Comparisons and budget guidance (3)

The area above the line represents higher cost-effectiveness with targeted DNA sequencing compared to qPCR or Sanger sequencing.

Next-Generation Sequencing Cost Comparison

When evaluating NGS costs, consider the sample volume for your study. In general, for analyzing only a few (< 20) targets on a few samples, traditional methods such as Sanger sequencing or qPCR can be useful. For sequencing more than 20 target regions or high sample volumes, NGS is preferable.

NGS also delivers higher discovery power and sensitivity to detect novel or rare variants. It offers a hypothesis-free approach that doesn’t require prior knowledge of sequence information. These insights can be invaluable for enabling discovery and fueling research publications.

Learn more about:
NGS vs. qPCR
NGS vs. Sanger sequencing
NGS vs. microarrays

Next-Generation Sequencing Cost Considerations

When estimating the cost of NGS, consider these factors:

  • Instrument purchase
  • Cost per sample (eg, DNA isolation, library prep, and sequencing reagents)
  • Data analysis and storage
  • Optional instrument support plan
  • Optional training and preventive maintenance

Also consider additional lab equipment, such as:

  • Nucleic acid quantitation instrument
  • Nucleic acid quality analyzer
  • Thermocycler
  • Ultrasonicator (used in some library prep methods)
  • Centrifuge
  • Common lab supplies (eg, pipettors, 96-well plates, centrifuge tubes)
Buyer's Guide to NGS Systems

Find tips to help you estimate next-generation sequencing costs and choose the right instrument for your lab.

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NGS Cost Consultation

Have questions about how next-generation sequencing fits into your budget? Connect with an Illumina representative.

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NGS Cost Consultation

Cost of NGS | Comparisons and budget guidance (4)

Examples of NGS Cost Per Sample

ApplicationEstimated Cost Per SampleExperimental Parameters
Targeted gene expression profiling$23 USD

Cost per sample calculation is based on a run using:

  • MiniSeq System
  • 65 targets
  • 1000× coverage
  • 1 × 150 bp read length
  • TruSeq Targeted RNA Expression custom panel kit
  • MiniSeq Reagent High Output 75-cycle kit
16S metagenomic sequencing$18 USD

Cost per sample calculation is based on a run using:

  • MiSeq System
  • 96 samples
  • 2 × 300 bp read length
  • Nextera XT index primers
  • MiSeq Reagent v3 600-cycle kit
Low-Cost NGS Instrument

Designed for simplicity, the iSeq 100 Sequencing System makes next-generation sequencing easier and more affordable than ever. Discover more—without the cost.

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Cost of NGS | Comparisons and budget guidance (5)

Cost of NGS Data Analysis

The cost of NGS data storage and analysis is one of the most common questions for beginners. Three factors will influence your data analysis budget:

  • Licensing a data analysis software platform
  • Storing data (often part of the licensing cost)
  • Running data analysis apps (also known as the compute cost)

The compute cost can vary depending on the amount of sequencing data you analyze. To help you calculate the cost of NGS data analysis for your study, we've estimated the volume of data generated for common methods.

Data Output for Common NGS Applications
ApplicationEstimated Data Output
Human whole-genome sequencing (at 30× coverage)~120 Gb
Human exome sequencing (at 100× coverage)~8 Gb
Microbial whole-genome sequencing~300 Mb
16S rRNA sequencing~60 Mb

1 megabase (Mb) = 1,000,000 bases
1 gigabase (Gb) = 1,000,000,000 bases

The volume of data generated is related to the sequencing coverage level for your experiment.

Learn More

Cost of NGS | Comparisons and budget guidance (6)
Free Trial for NGS Data Analysis

Try data analysis apps in BaseSpace Sequence Hub free for 30 days, without instrument purchase. You’ll also receive 250 complimentary iCredits to cover additional storage or compute costs.

Try It Now

Learn More About iCredits

NGS Experimental Design

Learn about read length, sequencing coverage, and more—everything you need for your first sequencing run.

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Cost of NGS | Comparisons and budget guidance (7)


Should I construct or prepare new lab space for my instrument?

When setting aside lab space for your sequencer, make sure the space is protected from excessive vibrations or temperature fluctuations. If your lab does not have pre-PCR and post-PCR areas, consider establishing two separate rooms, or separate lab benches, to avoid PCR contamination in your NGS experiments.

Do I need to hire a technician to maintain my sequencer?

While training and installation services are an option, specialized lab staff are not required for instrument maintenance. The iSeq 100 System, our most affordable sequencer, is designed to make self-installation simple. Our instruments contain built-in quality controls and can guide you through running a system check. We also offer comprehensive service plans, and our scientists and engineers are available to provide additional support and answer questions.

How can I obtain funding for next-generation sequencing?

Designed for the iSeq 100 System, this grant writing assistance document can help you justify funding in your grant applications.
Access PDF

Can I sequence multiple samples in one batch to reduce the cost of NGS?

With multiplex sequencing, you can pool multiple libraries together and sequence them simultaneously. Multiplexing exponentially increases the number of samples analyzed in a single run, without drastically increasing cost or time.
Learn More

Does Illumina offer financial options for purchasing an instrument?

We have an equipment trade-in program, leasing options, and bundles to help you get started with NGS. Explore different buying options to find which best fits your needs.
Learn More

How can I choose the sequencer that’s right for me?

Use our interactive Sequencing Platform Comparison Tool to find the system that best suits your needs.

Are there any tips to help me estimate the cost of NGS data analysis and storage?

If you're interested in running BaseSpace or DRAGEN Cloud apps, you'll need a BaseSpace Sequence Hub subscription, plus iCredits for storing and analyzing your data. Learn more about iCredits and see the "Predicting Analysis Costs" table for guidance on estimating the cost of data analysis for various applications, including human whole-genome sequencing, exome sequencing, and 16S metagenomics.

Cost of NGS | Comparisons and budget guidance (2024)


Cost of NGS | Comparisons and budget guidance? ›

Average allowed amounts for NGS tests that included TMB testing varied from $438 to $3700 per test.

How much does NGS cost? ›

Average allowed amounts for NGS tests that included TMB testing varied from $438 to $3700 per test.

How much does the NGS test cost? ›

It varies from INR 35000 to INR 40000.

How much does NGS cost compared to Sanger? ›

Sanger sequencing is expensive at ~$500/Mb compared to less than $0.50/Mb for NGS platforms. Cost of WES for examination of colorectal cancer in United Kingdom varies greatly from laboratory to laboratory (e.g. Cost for single test ranged from £430 up to £1050).

How much does it cost to get your genome sequenced? ›

There are many providers that offer whole genome sequencing tests in the United States; many of them offer prices that range from $999 to as low as $399.

Why is NGS cheaper? ›

The cost of sequencing has significantly decreased over time due to increasing competition and advancing technology. The price of sequencing a single genome was $100m in 2001. The cost has steadily decreased since the introduction of NGS, regardless of the platform type or technology.

Why is sequencing so expensive? ›

Analyzing the data is (relatively) cheap. But the way to prepare the samples and read out the data isn't. The most expensive aspect is the readout. To see the DNA, companies have been using a combination of Fluorophores or other probes to recognize the sequence.

Is NGS covered by Medicare? ›

However, in 2018, Medicare issued an NGS national coverage determination (NCD) memo9 that classified NGS as a reasonable and necessary diagnostic laboratory test for patients with cancer when performed in a Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments–certified laboratory.

What is the success rate of NGS? ›

The overall NGS success rate was 84.9 % (n = 599). Bone site specimens had a very low success rate (42.1 %), differing from lung samples (79.8 %) (P < 0.05). Samples with tumor percentages <5 % (success rate of 44.4 %) represented 14.1 % of failed sequencings.

How reliable is NGS? ›

Among NGS platforms, the accuracy of the original base data obtained by SOLiD platform is greater than 99.94%, though accuracy can reach 99.999% with the sequencing depth of 15×, which is the highest accuracy in NGS platforms (Ronchi et al., 2012).

What are the disadvantages of NGS? ›

Data Analysis Complexity: NGS generates vast amounts of data, which requires sophisticated computational tools and bioinformatics expertise for analysis and interpretation. This complexity can be a barrier for smaller research labs or clinical facilities lacking bioinformatics resour.

Is Sanger sequencing more expensive than NGS? ›

Advantages of NGS Over Sanger Sequencing

NGS enabled Franco Taroni, MD to identify variants in a fraction of the time and at a significantly lower cost than Sanger sequencing.

What are the disadvantages of next generation sequencing? ›

What are the limitations of NGS-based microbe detection? The limitations of NGS in clinical microbiology include unclear antibiotic resistance, inability to detect which pathogen is causing disease, costs, and unknown clinical utility.

How can I get my genome sequenced for free? ›

At Nebula, we're pleased to offer free whole genome sequencing (a $99 value) to anybody who signs up for our platform and earns 1000 credits. Follow this guide to earn 1000 credits and redeem them for DNA sequencing.

How much does pacbio genome cost? ›

The Revio System has a U.S. list price of $779,000 and a U.S. list price of $995 for a human whole genome at 30-fold coverage. The Onso System has a U.S. list price of $259,000 (including the price of the cluster generator) with a consumable U.S. list price of approximately $15 per gigabase for the 300-cycle kit.

Does 23andMe do whole genome sequencing? ›

Historically, 23andMe has offered reports using genotyping technology. The specific positions we look at are known to more commonly vary between individuals that span the entire genome. All reports in our Personal Genetic Service are based on genotyping technology.

What is the average coverage of NGS? ›

Coverage is variable within a sample and typical coverage ranges from 30 or less to >1000 reads for typical human genetic and cancer applications, respectively. It is necessary to determine the sequencing coverage needed for your application to minimize the probability of false results.

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.