Can you say bonito to a guy? (2024)

If you use it in the latter sense, it is okay to call a man bonito, although you’d might prefer to say that such guy is “una bonita persona”. The other meaning is also common, but if your are a straight man, you’d probably want to avoid it. However it is okay to say that a guy is “caribonito” (pretty face).

What does Guapa mean in Spain? Guapa > pretty, good-looking, beautiful, attractive. ( For women) Guapo > good-looking, handsome.

Likewise Does Chica mean girl in Spanish?

The definition of chica is a Spanish word that means a female friend or girl. An example of chica is what two young women call one another affectionately.

Can you call someone Bonita? Bonita has a bit of a cute undertone to it. One would readily call a little girl bonita, but, one can also use the term with a grown woman. It emphasises the cute element. One can also just say ‘cute’ or ‘mona’.

How do you reply to Hermosa?

3 Answers. ¡Perfecto! Well, almost perfect.

Is Guapo an insult? But as an insult it’s just a really rude word to say to a man (or women [cabrona].) But also it can be used between friends as a nickname, a very vulgar one. “Guapo” is literally translated as “Handsome”. When it has “el” in front of it, then it commonly is a nickname.

What is Guapisima?

gua·pí·si·mo Adjective. Translate “guapísimo” to English: gorgeous, very handsome.

How do you spell Gordo? Gordo means fat, overweight or plump so the lottery would be translated as the Fat One.

What does Punta mean in?

It basically means the ‘tip’ or ‘point’ of something (tip of your tongue, tip of the iceburg, etc., but for more accurate and other meanings, click the dictionary tab and type in the word – you will get detailed information.

What Chata means? noun. cabin [noun] a small house or hut (made eg of logs) cottage [noun] a small house, especially in the country or in a village. hut [noun] a small house or shelter, usually made of wood.

Is Amiga a word?

noun, plural a·mi·gas [uh-mee-guhz; Spanish ah-mee-gahs]. a female friend.

How do you use Guapa? Guapa(o) can be used for someone that you wouldn’t really treat formally even if you don’t know the person.

My quick take:

  1. Bonita: pretty.
  2. Linda: pretty (commonly used in Latin America but not in Spain)
  3. Hermosa: beautiful.
  4. Bella: pretty (between bonita and hermosa)
  5. Guapa: handsome (a handsome man can be called “guapo”)

Learn more.

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What does it mean if a guy calls you Mamacita?

The Spanish word “Mamacita” literally means “little mama”. It can be used as a term of affection. … It also means “hot mama”, referring to an attractive woman or attractive young woman. 5K views.

What’s a Karan? According to Know Your Meme, the term can be used to describe someone “characterized as an irritating, entitled woman, sometimes as an ex-wife who took custody of ‘the kids. … Other common Karen traits are a bob-haircut, typically sported by suburban moms and a tendency towards entitlement.

How do you answer Donde Vives?

We ask ¿Dónde vives? meaning Where do you live? , and this refers to where your house is, where you are living, independently to where you come from originally. For example, we can answer to these two questions: Yo soy de España pero vivo en Inglaterra.

How do you respond to adios? You can also say ; ¡Hasta Mañana! or ¡Adiós!

What means mucho gusto?

Mucho Gusto Pronounced: Moo-cho Goo-stow. This phrase means “nice to meet you.” It is obviously used when you’re meeting someone for the first time. It can be used in the beginning and the end of the conversation.

Is Híjole a bad word? 3 Answers. Well – It is not slang nor is it really vulgar– However you would not use it carelessly. The word is ; ¡Híjole! as one word and yes it means “son’of’ —” or “good grief” but the phrase is never finished. The SD Phrasebook entry for ¡híjole!

What’s a Gordo?

fat; jackpot; fat person.

How do Dominicans say handsome? 1. GUAPO. Guapo is a word that trips up a lot of visitors to the Dominican Republic. Most people are used to this adjective meaning that someone is handsome or good-looking.

How do you spell Preciosa?

precioso (preciosa) ADJ


What does GUPA mean? 0. votes. Guapa = pretty woman.

Can you say bonito to a guy? (2024)
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Name: Arline Emard IV

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.