Boost Your Belly Confidence! (2024)

Boost Your Belly Confidence! (1)

Alison Sweeney has worked hard to get back in camera-ready shape after giving birth to her two kids (Ben, 8, and Megan, 4). But despite her trim physique, Sweeney, 36—The Biggest Loser host, Days of Our Lives star, and author (her first novel, The Star Attraction, debuts next month)—has battled her share of body insecurities, especially when it comes to her abs.“I remember when my stomach muscles lost the fight against my pregnancy weight, and I’ve been self-conscious of my stomach ever since,” she says.

These days, however, the busy, multitasking mom no longer feels the need to hide her abs. While part of her newly found confidence is due to good old-fashioned exercise and healthy eating—she works out four or five times a week and fuels her body with nutrient-rich whole foods—the biggest change has been a mental one.

Sweeney took a break from her busy schedule to share her top tips for learning to love, appreciate, and be kind to your core.

Boost Your Belly Confidence! (2)

Boost Your Belly Confidence! (3)

“Belly love starts from the inside,” says Sweeney. “A lot of women have this feeling of self-loathing, like their body is the enemy. One of the problems is that we feel like exercise and eating right are punishments and the reward is sitting on the sofa and watching TV. But the truth is that taking care of your belly should be looked at as nurturing. Working out and feeding it are good ways of showing it love. Finding a way to switch your thoughts around to the idea that you’re doing something to help yourself instead of punishing yourself changes everything.”

Boost Your Belly Confidence! (5)

“This past year, I started to set other fitness goals for myself, like running a marathon and completing a triathlon,” says Sweeney. “It took my mind off my stomach, and it also gave me the confidence to be comfortable in a figure-flattering outfit, because I felt like I earned it. I’m proud that I had two beautiful children, and this is the body that I’m working hard for. It’s not the best body in the world—and it’s certainly not the best stomach in the world—but I’m proud of it. I had to make the conscious choice to celebrate that.” (Ready to try running? Our 0 to 5K guide will get you up and moving in no time!)

Boost Your Belly Confidence! (6)

Boost Your Belly Confidence! (7)

“Our culture goes to the extreme to disguise wrinkles, but wrinkles show your wisdom, your life experience, the laughs you’ve had, and the tears you’ve shed. To a certain extent, why would you want to erase that?” asks Sweeney. “The same is true for your stomach. I’m not talking about loving your beer belly, because loving your belly means taking care of it. But at the same time, loving your belly means being able to see past those stretch marks, loose skin, or whatever it is that bothers you. It got me to where I am today, and any imperfections are part of my story.”

Boost Your Belly Confidence! (9)

“Loving my belly starts with nutrition,” says Sweeney. “I eat right, and I always start my day with a good meal, like oatmeal. I try to balance out my diet with fruits and vegetables, but I also give myself enough protein and healthy carbs, like quinoa, to sustain myself.”

More from Prevention: 10 Flat Belly Recipes Your Family Will Love

Boost Your Belly Confidence! (10)

Boost Your Belly Confidence! (11)

“I have good days and bad days, just like everybody else,” says Sweeney. “But I tell myself to be confident, stand up straight, and be proud.” (Follow these 6 steps to fix your self-esteem and banish the mean self-talk.)

Boost Your Belly Confidence! (12)

Boost Your Belly Confidence! (13)

“Your core is the center of your being and where every motion starts, so it’s important to strengthen all your stomach muscles,” says Sweeney. Get started with her three favorite no crunch, do anywhere ab moves.

1. Leg Raise

Lie faceup on mat, arms at sides. Use abs to lift legs straight up (A). (Knees can be bent slightly.) Slowly lower legs until they’re a few inches above mat (B), then raise them back up slowly to complete 1 rep. Do 2 or 3 sets of 10 reps.

Boost Your Belly Confidence! (14)

2. Triangle Pose

Stand with feet about 4 feet apart. Turn right foot out about 90 degrees and align right heel with arch of left foot. Lift arms to shoulder height, parallel to floor, palms facing down. Reach through fingertips and extend torso over right leg. Slowly lower right arm and rest right hand on shin or ankle (or on mat or a block outside right foot) while extending left arm upward, keeping it in line with right arm. Keep head in neutral position or turn head to gaze at left thumb. Hold for 3 to 5 breaths. Repeat on opposite side.

Boost Your Belly Confidence! (15)

3. Navy SEAL

Start in plank position, wrists under shoulders and palms flat (A). Lower right forearm to mat, then lower left forearm to mat, coming into forearm plank (B), palms flat on mat and elbows bent 90 degrees and under shoulders. Press right palm into mat, then left palm into mat, coming back into plank position. That’s 1 rep. Continue alternating between plank and forearm plank for 10 reps. Do 2 or 3 sets.

More from Prevention: Love Your Whole Body!

Boost Your Belly Confidence! (2024)
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