A One Day Sourdough Bread Recipe Anyone Can Make (2024)

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Looking for a one day sourdough bread recipe? This flexible one day sourdough bread can be made in 12 hours or 24 hours. This post is for anyone that’s tired or sourdough fails, starters that aren’t ready or think baking sourdough is too labor intensive. Stick around and we’ll simplify the process for you.

This one day sourdough bread is a basic loaf recipe that can be jazzed up with other ingredients. So, whether you want to make sourdough bread in 24 hours or 12, this recipe is for you. Here are some important topics we’ll be covering in this post:


  • What Is Sourdough Bread
  • Necessary Equipment
  • What Is Sourdough Starter
  • Foolproof Sourdough Starter From Scratch
    • Sourdough Starter Days 1-10: Picture Guide
  • Sourdough Starter FAQ
    • How Often Do I Need To Feed My Starter?
    • Do I Have To Discard Sourdough Starter?
    • Can I Stir My Starter With A Metal Spoon?
    • What Is The Brown Liquid In My Sourdough Starter?
    • How To Tell If My Sourdough Starter Is Ready?
  • Baker’s Schedule
    • Cold Rise (24 Hours)
    • Warm Rise (12-15 Hours)
  • Make This Basic One Day Sourdough Bread

We’ve got a fair bit to cover, so let’s start with some introductions with the star of our show: what is sourdough bread?

What Is Sourdough Bread

A One Day Sourdough Bread Recipe Anyone Can Make (1)

Sourdough bread is a type of bread that has been leavened naturally and can be made with 3 ingredients: flour, a starter, and water. Most breads use commercial or instant yeast which speed up the process and produce baked goods in hours. One day sourdough bread is achievable because this bread typically rests overnight for 12-15 hours or even 24 hours.

Sourdough bread uses wild yeast that is found in a ‘starter’. A starter can be made from scratch with flour and water. This mixture ferments and cultivates wild yeast which helps the bread rise when it bakes and gives sourdough bread its characteristic sour tang.

Before we get into more about a sourdough starter and how to make sourdough bread, let’s have a quick look at the equipment you’ll need.

Necessary Equipment

A One Day Sourdough Bread Recipe Anyone Can Make (2)

The key to sourdough baking is precision, consistency, and patience. You’ll need a few things to get started. Some of these equipment can be substituted and others are not. These are things you absolutely need:

  • Glass jar

You’ll need any sort of glass jar to house your sourdough starter. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy. We’re reusing an old pickle jar but weck jars are very popular amongst sourdough aficionados.

A One Day Sourdough Bread Recipe Anyone Can Make (3)
  • Scale

Precision is key in any baked good. For your sourdough to come out flawless, you’ll need a scale to get the measurements down to every gram.

  • Flour

Choose from all-purpose, whole wheat, spelt, mixed flours, bread flour, whatever type of flour you want to use as long as it’s not bleached. You’ll need flour to feed the sourdough starter and to make bread.

  • Dutch oven

Unlike conventional bread, sourdough is baked in a dutch oven or bread pan. This is because the dutch oven creates steam that will ensure a perfectly risen sourdough loaf. You can also opt for a bread pan with a cover. If you want to make sourdough bread but don’t have a dutch oven, try using one of the 9 ways to make sourdough without dutch oven guide!

This list of equipment is nice to have but not mandatory:

  • Banneton basket for proofing

Banneton baskets are oval or round wooden baskets with cloth that help the sourdough keep its shape while it proofs. They aren’t too pricey but if you’re starting out with low costs then use a bowl and small cloth. Here’s an example:

A One Day Sourdough Bread Recipe Anyone Can Make (4)

With your equipment at the ready, let’s talk about what makes this whole sourdough process happen: the sourdough starter.

What Is Sourdough Starter

A One Day Sourdough Bread Recipe Anyone Can Make (5)

A sourdough starter is essentially wild yeast. It’s made from water and flour which is left to ferment and cultivate a community of bacteria (lactic acid) and wild yeast. A good sourdough starter is essential because it’s 1 of 3 ingredients that go into a bread AND it’s the leavening agent that makes the sourdough rise.

If you’re starting a sourdough from scratch, this mixture of flour and water takes about 7-10 days before it’s ready to use. A portion of the starter is removed and the remainder is kept. The ‘old’ starter is fed with more water and flour. This process is repeated over the course of 7-10 days and sometimes 2 weeks to achieve a strong and active starter.

Want to learn how to make a basic sourdough starter? Go on right ahead to the next section to learn how we made ours.

Foolproof Sourdough Starter From Scratch

A One Day Sourdough Bread Recipe Anyone Can Make (6)

There are so many recipes out there on how to make sourdough starter. The whole point of sourdough is to make the most out of what little you have. It’s easy to complicate the process.

One of the easiest sourdough starter instruction guides we’ve seen is Joshua Weissman’s sourdough starter. A few things didn’t work for us but we’ve taken some of the internets’ tips and combined it to ensure you get a strong starter with minimal effort.

P.S. : We know measuring ingredients and the metric system can be annoying but please use a scale and grams for this process. This isn’t a suggestion or recommendation, it is essential to creating a strong and stable sourdough starter.

We used spelt flour to begin our sourdough starter so this makes it a spelt flour sourdough starter. But you can use regular wheat flour or all-purpose flour if you want. The sourdough starter recipe we started with looks like this:

  • Day 1: Add 100 grams of flour + 150 grams of lukewarm water to a jar and mix.
  • Day 2: Keep only 70 grams of mature (old) starter + add 100 grams of flour + 115 grams of lukewarm water.
  • Day 3: Repeat steps from day 2.
  • Day 4: Repeat steps from day 3 but decrease the water to 100 grams.
  • Day 5: Repeat step from day 4.
  • Day 6: Keep 50 grams of mature (old) starter + add 100 grams of flour + 100 grams of lukewarm water.
  • Day 7: Keep 35 grams of mature (old) starter + add 50 grams of flour + 40 grams of lukewarm water.

Here’s what our sourdough starter looked like from day 1 to day 10:

Sourdough Starter Days 1-10: Picture Guide

1st Day

A One Day Sourdough Bread Recipe Anyone Can Make (7)

2nd day

A One Day Sourdough Bread Recipe Anyone Can Make (8)

3rd day

The brown liquid called, “hooch” appears. We kept the mixture but discarded the hooch

A One Day Sourdough Bread Recipe Anyone Can Make (9)

4th Day

More hooch on day 4. Instead, we decided to stir it all together and continue with feeding as usual.

A One Day Sourdough Bread Recipe Anyone Can Make (10)

5th Day

A One Day Sourdough Bread Recipe Anyone Can Make (11)

6th Day

Things are looking normal and there’s lots of activity

A One Day Sourdough Bread Recipe Anyone Can Make (12)

7th Day

A One Day Sourdough Bread Recipe Anyone Can Make (13)

8th Day

A One Day Sourdough Bread Recipe Anyone Can Make (14)

9th Day

A One Day Sourdough Bread Recipe Anyone Can Make (15)

10th Day

A One Day Sourdough Bread Recipe Anyone Can Make (16)

If your starter isn’t as active, repeat the steps from day 7 for a few more days until you achieve the results you’re looking for. We understand that this may seem like navigating in the dark because we’ve been there. So, to help us all out, here’s a helpful FAQ about sourdough starters.

Sourdough Starter FAQ

It’s as easy as one, two, three, right? Flour, water, and 7-10 days should do the trick. Well, sometimes you’ll hit a few curve balls like this:

A One Day Sourdough Bread Recipe Anyone Can Make (17)

How Often Do I Need To Feed My Starter?

You need to feed your sourdough starter every 12 to 24 hours. Remember to keep your sourdough starter at room temperature when you are beginning to cultivate it.

But you can’t keep feeding this thing for the rest of your life. Not everyday, at least. You can store your mature starter in the fridge and feed it weekly. Just remember to leave it out for 12 hours after the feeding before moving it back to the fridge.

Do I Have To Discard Sourdough Starter?

Yes, you do need to discard a portion of your starter before every feeding. Discarding your starter is essential and necessary to building a strong starter. Some people have used their discards and cooked them in order to avoid waste. We’ve tried it and it was meh.

Can I Stir My Starter With A Metal Spoon?

Yes, you can! We’ve noticed a few posts stating that you absolutely cannot use a metal spoon. This is because a sourdough starter is made from acid and this reacts to metals. BUT as long as your sourdough starter isn’t kept in a metal container, you’re fine.

You can use a wooden spoon or rubber spatula but honestly, it doesn’t matter what you stir your starter with. We use a single chopstick. Simple, yet effective and very easy to clean.

A One Day Sourdough Bread Recipe Anyone Can Make (18)
A One Day Sourdough Bread Recipe Anyone Can Make (19)

What Is The Brown Liquid In My Sourdough Starter?

A One Day Sourdough Bread Recipe Anyone Can Make (20)

That stinky brown liquid coming from your starter is called, “hooch.” Hooch is created by the sourdough starter when it’s used up all of its food. Which means your sourdough starter is hungry and it’s time to feed it more flour and water.

Hooch is generally used for bootleg alcohol and your sourdough starter is making its own hooch (it’s alcohol) because it is a byproduct of the fermentation process.

There’s a few consensus about what to do with the hooch: pour it out or stir it back in. We poured ours out but it moved from the top to the middle. So, we tried stirring it back in and voila. It was all good from there.

How To Tell If My Sourdough Starter Is Ready?

Your sourdough starter is usually at its peak after 2-4 hours from feeding time. But the best way to tell if your sourdough starter is ready is to do the float test. Simply fill a glass up with water and add a small bit of your sourdough starter into the glass. If it floats, it’s ready to use.

A One Day Sourdough Bread Recipe Anyone Can Make (21)
A One Day Sourdough Bread Recipe Anyone Can Make (22)

If your sourdough starter sinks to the bottom of the glass, like this:

A One Day Sourdough Bread Recipe Anyone Can Make (23)

Keep feeding and waiting for the sourdough starter to grow a little stronger. When you’re confident in your sourdough starter, the next thing you need to do is work the loaf into your schedule. We do that with something called a baker’s schedule.

Baker’s Schedule

A One Day Sourdough Bread Recipe Anyone Can Make (24)

Making a one day sourdough bread is about timing. The whole process takes minutes but the leavening time is long. A baker’s schedule will help you work your sourdough into your schedule. You can choose between a cold rise and a warm rise depending on what your schedule looks like.

Cold Rise (24 Hours)

This sourdough bread recipe was made using the cold rise method. A cold rise takes 24 hours. The sourdough is left for 12 hours at room temperature to rise. You want to do this in the morning so that you can move it to the fridge.

You can shape your loaves and let them rest in a banneton basket or any bread mold you have. After which you must move your sourdough to the fridge and let it rise for another 12 hours.

“Should I bake sourdough straight from the fridge?” is a common question and the answer is yes. You can bake your sourdough straight from the fridge. Make sure your oven and dutch oven is HOT and pop that baby in there to bake.

This method is best if you don’t want to spend the evening baking or would like to make bread on the weekend.

Warm Rise (12-15 Hours)

A warm rise is done in 12 hours at room temperature. We like to do this in the evening, get a good night’s sleep and wake up the next morning to a beautiful dough. After 12 hours, it’s essential to shape your dough and leave it to rest for an hour or 3. You can bake the bread when it’s had some time to rest.

Now, enough talk. Let’s have a look at how this one day sourdough bread is actually made.

Make This Basic One Day Sourdough Bread

The sourdough recipe for this bread is straightforward. Mix in the water, flour, and starter in a bowl:

A One Day Sourdough Bread Recipe Anyone Can Make (25)

Knead the mixture until it’s combined:

A One Day Sourdough Bread Recipe Anyone Can Make (26)

Leave the sourdough bread mixture to relax for 30 minutes or so before adding a few folds and shaping it into a ball. Repeat this step until the dough is smooth.

A One Day Sourdough Bread Recipe Anyone Can Make (27)

Choose your rising method, shape your sourdough bread and rest accordingly. Preheat your oven to 220c/428f. Once it’s hot enough, heat your dutch oven in your oven for roughly 30 minutes. Bake the loaf for 25 minutes with the lid on. Remove the lid and continue to bake for an additional 20 minutes or until it has browned.

A One Day Sourdough Bread Recipe Anyone Can Make (28)
A One Day Sourdough Bread Recipe Anyone Can Make (29)

You can use this basic one day sourdough bread to make any flavoured sourdough bread you like! Here are a few options:

Basil Sourdough Bread

Black Sesame Sourdough Bread

Goat Cheese & Cranberry Sourdough Bread

A One Day Sourdough Bread Recipe Anyone Can Make (33)

And our personal favorite, goat cheese and cranberry.

There you have it folks, a one day sourdough bread recipe in 12 hours or 24 hours. We hope this sourdough guide was helpful and that you are one day closer to making your own sourdough loaf. It may sound tedious and time consuming but in reality it’s just a lot of waiting.

Everything from the feeding process, to making the one day sourdough bread takes minutes. Creating a mature starter from scratch, waiting for the bread to rise, that takes time. Let us know in the comments below which rising method you prefer, if you’ve had any issues with your starter, or which sourdough combination is your favorite!

A One Day Sourdough Bread Recipe Anyone Can Make (34) Print Recipe

Basic One Day Sourdough Recipe

Bread, baking

By YummybleServes: 8

Prep Time: 15 minutesCooking Time: 45 minutesTotal Time: 12-24 hours

You can absolutely make sourdough bread in a day! Our one day sourdough bread recipe is perfect if you only have 12 hours or 24. This basic sourdough recipe can be customized and produce amazing sourdough bread flavor combinations.


  • 407 grams flour (all-purpose, wheat, spelt, bread flour)
  • 8 grams salt
  • 50g sourdough starter
  • 225 grams cold water



Add the flour, water, and sourdough starter into a bowl and mix everything together until it forms a dough.


Leave this dough to rest for at least 12 hours at room temperature.


After 12 hours, you can shape the dough into a loaf. Ideally, you want to fold the dough into itself to create a round shape.


Heavily dust your proofing basket or a bowl lined with cloth. This will prevent the dough from sticking to the proofing basket or cloth. Don't worry about using too much flour, it can always be brushed off later.

WARM RISE (12-15 hours):


Let the dough rest for 2-3 hours in the proofing basket and cover with a damp cloth

COLD RISE (24 hours):


Let the dough rest in the fridge for 12 hours in the proofing basket (make sure to cover it with a damp cloth).


You can bake the sourdough bread immediately from the fridge.


Preheat your oven to 220c or 428f with your dutch oven or bread pan inside for 30-40 minutes.


Transfer your sourdough loaf onto a piece of baking paper.


Before placing the sourdough loaf into the pan, score the surface with a sharp blade.


When the bread pan is hot enough, lift the baking paper and place the sourdough in the dutch oven or bread pan and bake with the lid on for 25 minutes.


Remove the lid and continue baking for an additional 20 minutes or until a deep shade of brown.


Allow to cool on a rack for 10-15 minutes and enjoy!


You can use all purpose flour in place of bread flour BUT remember that substituting all purpose flour for bread flour means that you need to reduce the amount of water. This is because all purpose flour absorbs less water compared to bread flour. This can result in a gooey and sticky dough. Add the water a little at a time and stop when the mixture forms a dough.

A One Day Sourdough Bread Recipe Anyone Can Make (2024)


How to make sourdough starter day 1? ›

Day 1: To begin your starter, mix 50g flour with 50g tepid water in a jar or, better still, a plastic container. Make sure all the flour is incorporated and leave, semi-uncovered, at room temperature for 24 hrs.

Is it cheaper to buy or make sourdough bread? ›

Making sourdough bread at home can be cheaper per loaf in the long run, but buying it might be more cost-effective if you value convenience or bake infrequently.

Is it healthy to eat sourdough bread everyday? ›

The type of flour used — all-purpose, whole wheat, rye — can affect the nutritional content of sourdough bread, says Wee. But generally speaking, sourdough bread is a healthy option and can be eaten regularly as part of a nutritious, balanced diet.

Is it worth it to make your own sourdough bread? ›

Yes it's cheaper to make your own sourdough at home, as oppose to buying it from a bakery. What is this? When you consider that sourdough is literally just flour, water and salt (including the sourdough culture), then depending on the type of flour you use, you could bake a loaf for as little as $1.

What is the best flour for sourdough starter? ›

Over the past decade-plus of baking, I've tested all manner of flour from whole grain wheat to spelt to einkorn, and while they all do work, my preferred flour to use when creating a sourdough starter is whole grain rye flour and white flour (this can be all-purpose or high-protein bread flour).

Do you really have to feed sourdough starter every day? ›

Feeding a sourdough starter in the refrigerator

On the counter, it needs to be fed daily, but in the fridge, it only needs to be fed once a week. You can even switch back and forth between the refrigerator and the counter if you use it sporadically. If you use the starter every day, leave it on the counter.

Is sourdough bread good for losing belly fat? ›

Is sourdough bread good for weight loss? Yes, it may help in your weight management journey. It's complex carbs and high fibre content can leave you feeling full and limit snacking.

Is sourdough bread anti-inflammatory? ›

Refined grains, such as the grains found in white bread and white pasta, are known to increase inflammation across the whole body. Sourdough bread and rye bread are both good options for an anti-inflammatory diet. The best sourdough and rye bread varieties to reduce gut inflammation are those made from whole grains.

Can diabetics eat sourdough bread? ›

Sourdough bread is made through a slow fermentation process, which may cause this type of bread to raise blood sugar more slowly than other breads. As a result, sourdough bread could be a great choice for those with diabetes. Whole grain sourdough bread is the best sourdough bread for diabetics.

What is the disadvantage of sourdough bread? ›

Therefore, sourdough bread is not a safe choice for people with celiac disease or a wheat allergy, and it is not an ideal choice for people who are eating gluten-free or avoid wheat for any other reason.

Why is sourdough so expensive? ›

Debunking the myth of expensive sourdough

Sourdough bread is often perceived as expensive, which can deter many people from trying it. However, this is a myth that needs to be debunked. The simple ingredients and traditional techniques make sourdough an affordable option for everyone.

Is it better to buy sourdough starter or make it? ›

If you growing a sourdough starter is causing you anxiety, then purchasing one might be a better option. If you're up for the challenge of creating something truly unique in your kitchen and have time to commit to it, then making a sourdough starter from scratch is for you.

What should the consistency of sourdough starter be day 1? ›

When starting to build your starter you can leave it a bit thinner but once you start making bread you will want it THICK, You want your sourdough starter to be the consistency of thick pancake batter. if it's too thin add a scoop of flour. If it is too thick add water to find the right consistency.

Where to store sourdough starter on day 1? ›

Storing Your Sourdough Starter In The Refrigerator

This reduction in hydration helps the starter hold up extremely well in the fridge.

What to do on day 2 of starter? ›

DAY 2: Give the starter a stir to help incorporate a little air. Cover the jar and let it rest for another 24 hours in a warm spot. DAYS 3-7: Every 24 hours, discard all but 2 tablespoons of the starter and feed it with ½ cup fresh flour and ¼ cup water.

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Name: Neely Ledner

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.