5 Postpartum Ab Exercises For Moms (Video) | Nourish Move Love (2024)

Postpartum Abs + Core (Diastasis Recti Exercises)

By: Lindsey Bomgren, CPT | October 6, 2022

The BEST advanced postpartum ab exercises for diastasis recti. Add this to your workout routine to repair abdominal separation after pregnancy, strengthen the pelvic floor, and build core strength. This postpartum workout uses a resistance band to target the deep core muscles, but you can perform the moves with just your bodyweight if you don’t have one available.

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Mastered ourBeginner Resistance Band Postpartum Workout? Then it’s time to scale it up to this ADVANCED version!

This is the third installment of our Advanced Diastasis Recti Workout Videos. So far we’ve shared an advanced bodyweight workout and advanced pilates ball workout and you’ve asked for more.

Today’s workout adds in a resistance band to increase tension and strengthen the core post pregnancy. This is one of my favorite tools to help make the mind-muscle connection necessary to start repairing diastasis recti.

Don’t have a resistance band? You can substitute a throw towel or perform the moves with just your bodyweight.

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5 Postpartum Ab Exercises For Moms (Video) | Nourish Move Love (1)

5 Postpartum Ab Exercises For Moms (Video) | Nourish Move Love (2)

Postpartum Ab Exercises FAQs

What Is Diastasis Recti?

Diastasis recti is common in women who have experienced pregnancy. Diastasis recti occurs when the rectus abdominis muscles (six-pack ab muscles) and linea alba (connective tissue)separate as your belly grows during pregnancy. This abdominal separation can range from mild to severe.

How Soon Can You Do Ab Workouts Postpartum?

Every postpartum healing experience is different. Talk to your doctor or midwife for medical clearance before returning to exercise after giving birth, especially if you had any complications. I personally started doing the beginner version of exercises like this one around 2 weeks postpartum and scaled up to the advanced version a few weeks later. Start where you are and do what you can!

How Do I Tighten My Stomach After Having A Baby?

A combination of strength training, low impact cardio (such as walking), and safe core exercises. The best postpartum ab workouts repair diastasis recti (or ab separation) by strengthening the deep abdominal muscles that wrap around the torso like a corset. Start with transverse abdominal breathing (TA breathing) and progress from there.

Who Should See A Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist?

If it’s an option available to you, I recommend this to everyone who’s been through a pregnancy. I learned so much about my body from my sessions with Dr. Sari (Motion MN). Other reasons to see a pelvic floor PT include symptoms like bladder control/urinary incontinence or fecal incontinence, urinary or fecal urgency, heaviness/pressure, pain or fear with return to intercourse, constipation or issues with bowel movements, or just wanting guidance with return to exercise and strengthening your core.

5 Postpartum Ab Exercises For Moms (Video) | Nourish Move Love (3)

10-Minute Advanced Postpartum Ab Workout with Resistance Band

Strengthen and tone your abs after pregnancy with these postpartum abdominal exercises.

These resistance band ab exercises are specifically designed to heal diastasis recti, strengthen the pelvic floor and glutes, and rebuild your core muscles after baby. That said, these are great resistance band exercises for everyone.

Add this diastasis recti workout to your postpartum workout routineas you feel capable, starting with 1-2 times a week and scaling up to 3-4 times a week. I recommend alternating this workout with our other diastasis recti workouts videos to avoid workout boredom.

Workout Equipment:

A long loop resistance band. You can use just your bodyweight if you don’t have a band available.

Note: for today’s workout, we’ll anchor the resistance band around a stable object, like a pillar or pole. The end of a staircase or a secure door handle works great. Use what you have available!

Shop My Resistance Band

I love adding a long loop resistance band to postpartum workouts to increase tension and build core strength.
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5 Postpartum Ab Exercises For Moms (Video) | Nourish Move Love (4)

Workout Instructions:

Follow along with theguided Advanced Postpartum Resistance Band Ab Workout on YouTube,led by certified personal trainer and certified postnatal fitness instructor, Lindsey Bomgren.

Your Workout Looks Like This:

  • 5 Advanced Resistance Band Exercises for Diastasis Recti
  • Timed Intervals(40 seconds of work, 20 seconds rest; complete as many reps as you can in the timed interval)
  • Repeat Each Exercise x2 (back to back — see if you can increase the intensity on the second set)

Workout Outline

  1. Glute Bridge and Band Pull Down
  2. Modified Side Plank and Back Row
  3. Lateral Lunge and Knee Drive
  4. Overhead Lunges
  5. Overhead Oblique Pull

5 Postpartum Ab Exercises For Moms (Video) | Nourish Move Love (6)

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5 Postpartum Ab Exercises For Moms (Video) | Nourish Move Love (7)Resistance Band Abs

5 Advanced Postpartum Ab Exercises With A Resistance Band

Glute Bridge and Band Pull Down

Targets: Glutes, hamstrings, hips, core and pelvic floor.

5 Postpartum Ab Exercises For Moms (Video) | Nourish Move Love (8)

How To Do A Glute Bridge and Band Pull Down

  1. Anchor the resistance band on a solid object. Lay on the floor so your head is near the anchored resistance band.
  2. Lie flat on your back, feet planted under knees. Raise both hands straight overhead, stacked above your shoulders, and grasp the resistance band.
  3. Press through your heels to lift your glutes off the mat, squeezing your glutes as you lift. As you lift upwards, pull your arms down towards your thighs, creating tension with the resistance band.
  4. Exhale, slowly lowering your hips to hover an inch above the mat and releasing tension on the band as your arms return to overhead.

Modified Side Plank and Back Row

Targets: Obliques (muscles along the sides of your torso), lower abs, outer glutes (gluteus medius), and hip flexors.

5 Postpartum Ab Exercises For Moms (Video) | Nourish Move Love (9)

How To Do A Modified Side Plank and Back Row

  1. Anchor the resistance band on a solid object. Lay on your right side, facing the band.
  2. Start in a modified side plank or knee down side plank on the right side. Right forearm on the mat, right shoulder stacked over right elbow and right knee on the ground. Grasp the band with your left hand.
  3. Pull your belly button towards your spine to engage your abs, then lift your hips off the mat, floating your top (left) leg off the mat. Hold at the top, thinking about pressing your bottom knee into the mat to engage your glutes.
  4. Inhale, releasing tension on the band as you extend your left arm away from the body.
  5. Then exhale, pulling your left elbow towards your ribcage, squeezing your back muscles to pull the band towards your body.

Modification: Rest your left toes on the mat if floating the top leg is too intense.

Lateral Lunge and Knee Drive

Targets: Gluteus medius (the outer part of your butt used for side-to-side movements), quads, hamstrings, hip adductors and abductors, hip flexors, calves and core.

5 Postpartum Ab Exercises For Moms (Video) | Nourish Move Love (10)

How To Do A Lateral Lunge and Knee Drive

  1. Anchor the resistance band around a solid object. Step inside the resistance band so it is looped around your hips.
  2. Step your right leg out to the side as you push your hips back, bending your right knee while leaving your left leg straight. Think of performing a single leg squat with your right leg while your left leg remains straight. Knees and toes are pointing forward.
  3. Then, drive off your right foot to reverse the movement, exploding back up to center. Drive your right knee up, forming a 90-degree angle. Balance on your left foot and hold for a breath.
  4. Then repeat, stepping out with your right foot to perform another lateral lunge.

Overhead Lunges

Targets: Deep transverse abdominal muscles (TVA), pelvic floor, glutes, quads, lower abs, obliques and shoulders.

5 Postpartum Ab Exercises For Moms (Video) | Nourish Move Love (11)

How To Do Overhead Lunges

  1. Anchor the resistance band around a solid object. Face away from the anchor.
  2. Start standing, feet shoulder width apart, holding a resistance band with both hands, palms facing out away from your body. Raise your arms so both hands are extended overhead, stacked over your shoulders.
  3. Brace your core, keeping a long neutral spine and taking care not to let your ribs flare out, as you step your right leg out in front of you. Lower down so that the right thigh is parallel to the ground, 90-degree bends in both knees.
  4. Exhale, pushing off your right heel to return to standing.
  5. Inhale, stepping your left leg out in front of you and lowering into a lunge.
  6. Exhale, pushing off your left heel to return to starting position.

Overhead Oblique Pull

Targets: Obliques (along the sides of your core), upper abs, lower abs, pelvic floor, transverse abs, and shoulders.

5 Postpartum Ab Exercises For Moms (Video) | Nourish Move Love (12)

How To Do An Overhead Oblique Pull

  1. Anchor the resistance band around a solid object. Stand to the right of the anchor (so your left hip is closest to the resistance band).
  2. Start standing, feet shoulder width apart, resistance band clasped between your hands. Extend your arms straight overhead. Think about decreasing the air between your ribs and hips to reduce rib flare.
  3. Inhale, letting the belly expand, keeping some slack in the band.
  4. Exhale, squeezing through the muscles on the right side of your body to pull the band towards the top right corner of the room, over your right shoulder.
  5. Inhale, releasing tension on the band as you bring your arms back overhead, returning to starting position.

More Workouts

Postpartum Workouts

  • 5 Postpartum Recovery Ab Exercises (ADVANCED)
  • 5 Pilates Ab Exercises for Diastasis Recti (ADVANCED)
  • 5 Postpartum Ab Exercises with Resistance Band (BEGINNER)

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5 Postpartum Ab Exercises For Moms (Video) | Nourish Move Love (20)

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5 Postpartum Ab Exercises For Moms (Video) | Nourish Move Love (2024)


How many times a week should I do diastasis recti exercises? ›

These exercises need to be done consistently (at least three times a week) and it may take at least 8 weeks to see results. But even if the exercises don't improve your diastasis recti, they will help strengthen your rectus abdominis muscles, which protects your back, pelvic floor, and posture.

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Exercise right
  1. Lie on your back, place your feet flat on the floor, and bend your legs.
  2. Pull your belly button in toward your spine and lift your pelvis off the floor.
  3. Tighten your buttocks and hold for 5 seconds.
  4. Aim for 5 sets of 20 repetitions.
Apr 9, 2021

How do you engage your core after giving birth? ›

However, most women can include light stretching, walking, and Kegel and isometric core strengthening exercises that involve simply drawing the belly button toward the spine and holding. The duration of the hold can be increased as you feel your muscles becoming stronger.

When to start diastasis recti exercises after delivery? ›

I personally started using these 8 diastasis recti exercises around two weeks post-baby. I started with the first four exercises and progressed up to all eight exercises around 6-8 weeks postpartum. Start where you are and do what you can!

Can I get flat tummy with diastasis recti? ›

How to lose belly fat with diastasis recti. In general, losing fat requires cardio exercise and watching what you eat. You can do both even if you have diastasis recti. With cardio exercise, you can start with walking.

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5 Best Exercises To Get Rid Of Your Mommy Pooch
  1. Focus On Your Abs: Seated Ab Twists:
  2. Practice Planks To Engage Your Core:
  3. Fire Hydrant:
  4. Bridging:
  5. Toe taps:
Jan 29, 2024

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With time, your postpartum belly will start to reduce on its own. Although, there are a few things you can do to help the process along from home.

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Core strength exercises, such as Pilates, yoga, and barre, can help tighten and tone muscles in the stomach, which may help improve the appearance of loose skin. Cardio exercise, such as brisk walking, running, cycling, or aerobics, may help with toning muscle. Learn about losing weight after pregnancy here.

How can I flatten my tummy after normal delivery? ›

Here are some moves that will help you get your body ready for regular exercise.
  1. Walking. You can do some workouts with your baby. ...
  2. Deep Belly Breathing With Abdominal Contraction. ...
  3. Head Lifts, Shoulder Lifts, and Curl-Ups. ...
  4. Kneeling Pelvic Tilt. ...
  5. Kegels. ...
  6. Bonus Workouts for You and Your Baby.
Nov 28, 2023

How long does it take to see results from diastasis recti exercises? ›

By doing these strength exercises 3 to 4 times a week, Darmanin said you should start to see improvements in the gap between the ab muscles and pain symptoms within 6 to 8 weeks. But if you're not seeing any progress after 4 weeks, consult a licensed physical therapist who has experience in healing diastasis.

How many times a week should I do ab exercises? ›

To get results and prevent overtraining, focus on hitting your core two to three times a week post-workout. During those workouts, aim to include a variety of core exercises—not just crunches. Planks, cable woodchops, and abdominal rollouts are all good variations to include.

What are the daily exercises for diastasis recti? ›

Research suggests that simple daily core exercises can be effective in reducing diastasis recti and improving abdominal strength. These exercises may include pelvic tilts, low squats, and other movements that target the deep layers of the abs.

Is it better to do abs everyday or once a week? ›

Generally speaking, Jay says, most people shouldn't do ab workouts more than six times a week. Not only do your abs need a break, but so does the rest of your body. Without at least one rest day per week, you aren't giving your body a fighting chance to recover from the workouts you put it through.

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Name: Tish Haag

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Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.