270+ Epic Bike Captions and Quotes for Instagram (2024)

270+ Epic Bike Captions and Quotes for Instagram (1)

by Bike Gaucho

You’ve got the bike. You’ve taken the perfect shot. But the perfect caption eludes you. Not to worry, we’ve compiled an exhaustive (if only you knew) list of bike captions, bike ride captions, savage bike captions, motorcycle captions, biking quotes, cycling quotes and more. Heck! We’ve even got bike status update material.

Welcome to our library of bike related captions, quotes and status updates. In the eternal words of Pablo Picasso – “Good artists borrow, great artists steal”. So, steal or adapt any and all from our list. They’ll last you at least 274 days if you post a caption a day.

Table Of Contents

  1. Bike Captions for Instagram
  2. Bike Ride Captions for Instagram
  3. Savage Bike Captions
  4. Motorcycle Captions for Instagram
  5. Bike Quotes for Instagram
  6. Biker Quotes for Instagram
  7. Bike Love Quotes
  8. Biking Quotes
  9. Cycling Quotes
  10. Bike Status Updates

Bike Captions for Instagram

270+ Epic Bike Captions and Quotes for Instagram (2)
  1. “0% emission, 100% emotion.”
  2. “If you rest, you rust.”
  3. “I got 99 problems, but my bike ain’t one.”
  4. “No other place is better than being behind bars.”
  5. “Ride more. Follow less.”
  6. “Just a couple of pedal pushers.”
  7. “My happiest hours include a sunset and a bike”
  8. “Rolling into the weekend like…”
  9. “Ride more, worry less.”
  10. “I’m not single, I’ve got a bike.”
  11. “If you don’t drink, smoke or ride a bike, you’re a tax evader!”
  12. “This is how I roll.”
  13. “A bad day on a mountain bike always beats a good day at work.”
  14. “A mountain bike is your buddy. A road bike is your lover.”
  15. “My bike was my first love.”
  16. “I don’t need therapy. I just need to ride my bike.”
  17. “Life is always better on a bike.”
  18. “First, we bike. Then, we eat s’mores.”
  19. “Can we not go up any gigantic hills? Thanks!”
  20. “My bike is my soul.”
  21. “No matter how bad your day is, your bike will make you feel better.”
  22. “Good ride. Good memories. Great friends.”
  23. “If you ride like there’s no tomorrow, there won’t be.”
  24. “They say stress kills, well, I’ve found the cure.”
  25. “You can’t be sad while riding a bike.”
  26. “I don’t have a bucket list, but my “Bike it” list is a mile long.”
  27. “No road is too long with the right company.”
  28. “Livin’ that bike life.”
  29. “New bike. New adventures. New milestones.”

Bike Ride Captions for Instagram

270+ Epic Bike Captions and Quotes for Instagram (3)
  1. “It’s ride o’clock.”
  2. “We only regret the rides we didn’t take.”
  3. “Things you can say on a bike ride and a zoom meeting: Alright, everyone. Let’s shift gears.”
  4. “Weekends are for bike rides.”
  5. “If you don’t ride in the rain, you don’t ride.”
  6. “One ride away from a good mood.”
  7. “No matter what you ride. How you ride it matters.”
  8. “Cute girl goes for a ride.”
  9. “Everyday is a good day to ride.”
  10. “Ride much or a little, ride long or short, but ride!”
  11. “Keep calm and ride on.”
  12. “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, live and ride today!”
  13. “Life isn’t always beautiful, but it’s a beautiful ride.”
  14. “I don’t ride to add days to my life. I ride to add life to my days.”
  15. “Is it time for our post-work bike ride yet?”
  16. “I enjoy long bike rides on the beach.”
  17. “First bike ride.”
  18. “Life is like a bike ride. It all depends on how you ride.”
  19. “Bike rides are hard, but worth it.”
  20. “Bike rides fix minds.”
  21. “This energetic bike ride is sponsored by my coffee.”
  22. “Dreaming of this bike ride and this beautiful place.”
  23. “Wanna bike ride with me?”
  24. “You either love going for bike rides, or you’re wrong.”
  25. “You need a bike ride with me.”
  26. “There’s a gray blur and there’s a green blur, I try to stay on the gray one.”
  27. “My first big boy (or big girl) purchase.”

Savage Bike Captions

270+ Epic Bike Captions and Quotes for Instagram (4)
  1. “Work hard in silence, let your “bike” make all the noise.”
  2. “I was ugly until she saw the bike.”
  3. “Everyone crashes. Some get back on. Some don’t. And Some can’t.”
  4. “Two wheels, one engine, no limit”
  5. “F.E.A.R… forget everything and ride!”
  6. “You don’t need a therapist if you own a motorcycle, any kind of motorcycle. – Dan Aykroyd.
  7. “The perfect man: a poet on a motorcycle.”
  8. “First the bike, then the respect.”
  9. “Life may begin at 30, but it doesn’t really get interesting until about 120.”
  10. “Dirt is for riding. The pavement is just to get you there.”
  11. “My bike rides better than your attitude.”
  12. “You fall when you ride hard on a mountain bike. If you don’t, you’re not riding hard.”
  13. “Life is short. So, grip it and rip it.”
  14. “Boys these days are yearning for a girlfriend. I’m busy loving my bike.”
  15. “You don’t have to go, you just have to go.”
  16. “The more I learn about people, the more I love my bike.”
  17. “Girlfriend, hot. Beer, chilled. Bike, Enfield.”
  18. “Shut up and ride”
  19. “If you don’t like motorcycles, you probably won’t like me.”
  20. “Kids play with RCs, Men ride bullets.”
  21. “What’s in the way, becomes the way.”
  22. “For some, it’s a lifestyle. For others, it’s an addiction!”
  23. “Barking engine with a roaring rider.”
  24. “I love bikes better than boys.”
  25. “My ex told me to choose her or my bike. I miss her sometimes.”
  26. “Love is the feeling you get, when you like someone more than you love your bike.”
  27. “We mature with damage, not years.”
  28. “An intellectual is a man who doesn’t know how to park a bike”

Motorcycle Captions for Instagram

270+ Epic Bike Captions and Quotes for Instagram (5)
  1. “Motorcycles don’t leak fuel, they mark territory.”
  2. “Just me, my motorcycle, and the open road.”
  3. Royal is how you feel after sitting on an Enfield.”
  4. “A bike on the road is worth two in the shed.”
  5. “Grip. Twist. Ride.”
  6. “There are no speed limits on the road to success.”
  7. “I do all my own stunts.”
  8. “Exciting, but sometimes dangerous! Just how I like it.”
  9. “Know your limits. Exceed them often!”
  10. “When in doubt, bullet is out”
  11. “Ride big, ride long, ride free!”
  12. “Man + Machine”
  13. “Faster, faster till the thrill of speed overtakes the fear of death.”
  14. “The best views are always seen from inside a motorcycle helmet.”
  15. “Never twist the throttle with your ego.”
  16. “I look my best when I take my helmet off after a long motorcycle ride. I’ve got a glow and a bit of helmet hair.”
  17. “Straight roads are for fast cars, turns are for fast riders.”
  18. “If I could marry my motorcycle, I’d roll her right up the altar.”
  19. “Time to tame this beast.”
  20. “Anybody can jump a motorcycle. The trouble begins when you try to land it.”
  21. “Keep the paint up and the rubber down!”
  22. “If you think, I’m cute now. Wait till you see me on my bike.”
  23. “Sometimes, it takes a whole tankful of fuel before you can think straight.”
  24. “My tiger roars in the city.”
  25. “That awkward moment when you’re on your bike and get hit by a car… a parked car.”
  26. “All you need is a strong engine with two fat wheels.”
  27. “Bike speed: always 120km/hr.”
  28. “My first car was a motorcycle.”
  29. “Motorcycle = Independence.”
  30. “Made like a gun, goes like a bullet.”
  31. “My bike is a Royal.”

Related post: How much does a motorcycle weigh?

Bike Quotes for Instagram

270+ Epic Bike Captions and Quotes for Instagram (6)
  1. “Save the planet, ride a bike.”
  2. “Bike to work, bike to play, bike tomorrow, bike today!”
  3. “You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy a bike, and that’s pretty close.”
  4. “Work to eat, eat to live, live to bike!”
  5. “Bike riding is not a hobby. It’s a lifestyle.”
  6. “Work, ride, eat, sleep, repeat”
  7. “Riding is a matter of spirit, not strength.”
  8. “Riding a bike is art”
  9. “It doesn’t get any easier, you just go faster.”
  10. “I just wanna ride a bike with you.”
  11. “Road trips are meant for bikes.”
  12. “New bike, same me.”
  13. “A good day never begins unless you throttle.”
  14. “Change the bike or change your attitude.”
  15. “Brains travel on bikes.”
  16. “Driving a car is like watching a movie, riding a bike is like starring in it.”
  17. “Don’t know where I’m going, but I’m going.”
  18. “No hour spent on two wheels is ever wasted.”
  19. “Riding a bike isn’t a race, it’s a journey, enjoy it!”
  20. “On a bike, no one ever asks, are we there yet?”
  21. “Enjoy the ride while you’re on it”
  22. “Life is an adventure, enjoy the ride.”
  23. “Life is the question, bike is the answer.”
  24. “Born to ride”
  25. “You’re not alone, your bike is with you.”
  26. “Night is my time. I’m not a vampire. I’m a night rider.”

Biker Quotes for Instagram

270+ Epic Bike Captions and Quotes for Instagram (7)
  1. “Only a biker knows why a dog sticks its head out of a car window.”
  2. “There are only two types of people: bikers and others.”
  3. “Bikes take you places your car can not.”
  4. “Head says ride, heart says Yes.”
  5. “Bikers gonna bike.”
  6. “Biker heaven: free road, full tank, full throttle!”
  7. “Biker hair, don’t care.”
  8. “No one hates winter, like a biker.”
  9. “Don’t know what the definition of freedom is, but it definitely has two wheels.”
  10. “Drop a gear and disappear.”
  11. “Dreams and handlebars, two things worth holding onto.”
  12. “Stop scrolling, start rolling.”
  13. “Blessed to be bike obsessed.”
  14. “Bike and biker.”
  15. “Hug a biker because tomorrow isn’t always promised to us.”
  16. “I don’t really feel like going for a ride today. Said no biker ever”
  17. “Biker queen.”
  18. “I’m a biker. I do what I want, when I want, where I want.”
  19. “Biker by heart, rider by passion.”
  20. “Nothing compares to the simple pleasure of riding a bike.”
  21. “You need two legs to walk, but two wheels to live.”
  22. “I only ride on days that end in Y.”
  23. “Dopamine kicks with every new bike.”
  24. “Change gears and keep moving.”
  25. “There’s only two types of bikers: those who have crashed, and those who will.”
  26. “Mood Off? Turn your bike On. Take a ride and your mood will turn On.
  27. “Ride hard or go home.”
  28. “Cornering gives me inner peace.”
  29. “Ride with confidence.”
  30. “Beep! Beep! New bike!”
  31. “Born to ride. Born to explore.”

Bike Love Quotes

270+ Epic Bike Captions and Quotes for Instagram (8)
  1. “I was born in a middle class family, but my Enfield made me Royal.”
  2. “Older the bike, the closer the bond.”
  3. “Four wheels move the body. Two wheels move the soul.”
  4. “Can live without a lot of things, but my bike ain’t one of them.”
  5. “You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy bikes, and that’s kind of the same thing!”
  6. “I love looking into the beautiful eyes of my bike.”
  7. “Just a man (woman) and a machine.”
  8. “When it was new, I liked it. Now, that it’s old. I love it.”
  9. “New beginnings with a new bike.”
  10. “Who said diamonds are a girl’s best friend?”
  11. “My bike is everything to me.”
  12. “My new heartbeat.”
  13. “My escape from reality.”
  14. “I knew when I met you, my life would be full of adventure.”
  15. “Take care of your bike, and your bike will take care of you.”
  16. “First bike selfie of the day.”
  17. “Growing up, Royal Enfield was my crush.”
  18. “My goal for the summer is to get a bell for this bike.”
  19. “Going through bike withdrawals.”
  20. “Reaching new heights with my new bike.”
  21. “We’ve got a new member of the family.”
  22. “Hey, I wheelie love you and our adventures.”
  23. “Me + my bike + road = love.”

Biking Quotes

270+ Epic Bike Captions and Quotes for Instagram (9)
  1. “Bike-a-holic”
  2. “Rain or shine, it’s riding time.”
  3. “Rolling into the best days of summer.”
  4. “Dirt is my makeup. Race fuel is my perfume.”
  5. “Good time, good friend, good wheels.”
  6. “Cheating is not an accident. Falling off a bike is.”
  7. “Biking is not a hobby. It’s a religion.”
  8. “Stop searching. Start wandering.”
  9. “Shifting gears so I can get on your level.”
  10. “Biking my way through the world.”
  11. “Adventure may hurt you, but monotony will kill you.”
  12. “You don’t stop when you get old, you get old when you stop riding.”
  13. “Taking a quick tour of the neighbourhood.”
  14. “Pretty stoked to be on a bike right now.”
  15. “Happiness is riding your bike on a sunny day.”
  16. ‘It’s not about what you ride, but how you ride it.”
  17. “Ride to heal the wound.”
  18. “If you don’t live for something, you’ll die for nothing.”
  19. “They say you never forget how to ride a bike. Let’s find out if that’s true.”
  20. “Wishing you a wheelie perfect weekend.”
  21. “Good vibes and bikes will get you anywhere.”
  22. “Does it get any better than biking with your best friends?”
  23. “The #views here were too beautiful not to share.”
  24. “The outdoors is what we make it.”
  25. “Why don’t we ride our bikes there?”
  26. “I wouldn’t call myself a trailblazer, but I did find this epic view.”
  27. “Wait, pump the brakes. You don’t like biking?”

Related posts: Mountain biking hashtags

Cycling Quotes

270+ Epic Bike Captions and Quotes for Instagram (10)
  1. “Life is like riding a bicycle. To maintain your balance, you have to keep moving.” – Albert Einstein.
  2. “Do Not Disturb. I’m cycling.”
  3. “The bicycle: the solution to most of the world’s most complicated problems.”
  4. “Don’t count laps, make every lap count.”
  5. “No matter how slow you go, you’re still lapping everyone on the couch.”
  6. “When I’m drunk, I have deep conversations with my bicycle.”
  7. “Your eyes sparkle like bicycle reflectors.”
  8. “The day I learned to ride a bicycle was one of the most important days in my life.”
  9. “The bicycle. Everyone’s first vehicle!”
  10. “Nothing beats cycling with your squad.”
  11. “Couples who bike together, stay together.”
  12. “Just wanna go riding, ignore stupid things, and enjoy the freedom.”
  13. “Posting this pic while I take a water break.”
  14. “Don’t limit your challenges. Challenge your limits.”
  15. “Keep calm. Keep pedaling.”
  16. “Do it with passion, or not at all.”
  17. “Why is it so hard to find an exercise bike with a nice basket where I can put my nachos?”
  18. “Racing is life. Everything else is waiting.”
  19. “Summer is feeling the wind through your hair.”
  20. “Feelin’ like a kid again.”
  21. “Run your life’s race at your own pace.”
  22. “When riding sucks, get a helmet.”
  23. “When life gets complicated, I ride”
  24. “Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations.”

Bike Status Updates

270+ Epic Bike Captions and Quotes for Instagram (11)
  1. “Passion knows no season.”
  2. “What a glorious day to just ride.”
  3. “I’d risk the fall, just to know how it feels to fly.”
  4. “It’s your road. Others can ride with you. But nobody can ride it for you.”
  5. “To live is rare in this world. Many just exist. This is why we ride.”
  6. “Riding is a matter of spirit, not strength.”
  7. “Boss back with a new bike.”
  8. “Never settle.”
  9. “Happiness is a way of travel. Not a destination.”
  10. “Some call it adventure. We call it life.”
  11. “Sometimes, great things happen when your destination is unknown.”
  12. “You can do anything with passion, drive, focus and support.”
  13. “Proof that hard work pays.”
  14. “Riding my lifeline on the shoreline.”
  15. “When the road ahead looks impossible, start the engine.”
  16. “Take a trip, soar like an eagle. So many roads to explore. So little time.”
  17. “Life’s more fun, when you’re on one.”
  18. “Oh, what a feeling!”
  19. “We must go fast, because the race is against time.”
  20. “It’s time for a new adventure.”
  21. “Be strong, you never know who you are inspiring.”
  22. “I ride because it moves me.”
  23. “Live, work, pose!”
  24. “Travel for fun, not work.”
  25. “Bought myself a not so little gift.”
  26. “Happy new bike day”
  27. “New bike alert.”
  28. “New wheels alert.”

That’s it from us today. Thanks for reading. Looking for a laugh, check our collection of biking puns. Cheers!

270+ Epic Bike Captions and Quotes for Instagram (2024)
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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

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Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.