15 New Things to Learn in 15 Minutes - InfoDepot Blog (2024)

Did you know that learning something new every day facilitates neuron connections in the brain which can help to fend off Parkinson’s?

If you, like 73% of Americans describe yourself as a lifelong learner, today is your lucky day. We have compiled a list of a number of new activities that you can try out in 15 minutes in order to learn something new every day, sharpening your mind and widening your skill set.

Learning does not have to be done in a dreary classroom for hours on end. Learning can be fun. Do you want to learn and explore new topics from the comfort of your own sofa?

Are you in need of a bit of learning inspiration?

Online learning platforms that offer video classes for you to watch wherever and whenever you want are a perfect choice for lifelong learners. You can try lessons about multiple topics or you can stick with just one. Once you find the perfect subject, you can purchase more classes to learn more about it.

InfoDepot also offers a unique feature known as live tutoring calls. These allow you to ask the teacher any questions and discuss challenging topics, just like in a conventional lesson.

So, are you ready to kickstart your learning journey? Why not try out a few of the following activities.

15 New Things to Learn in 15 Minutes - InfoDepot Blog (1)

#1 Tarot Card Reading

Tarot is a new, interesting thing for you to learn that not many people know how to do! If you are interested in all things mystical, this is a great way to have some fun and learn about the art itself.

You can learn in 15 minutes a bit about symbolism whilst acquiring a deeper understanding of yourself and others.

If you want some extra tips and tricks, you can try out our live tutoring calls on InfoDepot with Gabriel. This will connect you to the teacher in real time to conduct a lesson, so you can ask them any burning questions.

#2 Cooking or Baking

Who wouldn’t want to make a delicious batch of cookies? Who wouldn’t want to make the perfect spaghetti bolognaise to impress the family?

You can choose any type of online video class to start your journey. From authentic Jamaican dishes to a simple Italian pizza, we’ve got you covered. You can learn about how particular foods react to different cooking techniques and which ingredients combine to produce the best flavor for your perfect dish.

Not only do you learn about all of these things, you can also learn in 15 minutes a bit about nutrition. For instance, during your cooking lesson you can discover which ingredients have high vitamin B content or low saturated fat. This is all extremely useful to know in order to keep your body and mind healthy.

#3 Sewing

Sewing has numerous benefits. It can improve your hand-eye coordination, increase brain plasticity and help you in the fight against dementia.

If that’s not enough, you can create the most beautiful crafty pieces. You can sew an embroidered headband, earrings or even craft a stitched portrait. So why not dedicate 15 minutes a day to learn something new and give yourself a creative escape.

#4 Gardening

Gardening is a very therapeutic activity that can help you feel generally happier, increase your exposure to vitamin D and decrease feelings of loneliness.

It also offers many other opportunities for learning. You can learn about different types of flowers and the optimal environment for them to grow in, you can learn about the nutritional value of different vegetables as well as the importance of organic food and sustainability.

15 New Things to Learn in 15 Minutes - InfoDepot Blog (2)

#5 Calligraphy

Who doesn’t want to have pretty handwriting? Nobody. However, calligraphy is so much more than that. It allows you to express yourself, respect the aesthetic and can even be motivational.

Think about your favorite quote and imagine it written in the most beautiful font. Much better than a measly post-it note on your mirror. You can learn more about calligraphy in 15 minutes.

#6 Interior Design

Feng shui, ergonomics, anthropometrics, spatial design. Do you know what these are?

Interior designers do. You can participate in video classes to learn about how to style the interior of your dream home. Interior design can help you to do anything from maximizing space to ensuring that natural light can enter your house.

These factors can help to improve your everyday mood, productivity, functionality and the overall aesthetics of your house.

Think about it, how much more productive would you be if your chair was the right height for your desk and your view was of the garden rather than the wall?

#7 Painting

Painting improves your memory abilities, reduces feelings of stress, builds problem solving skills and even encourages emotional growth.

You can paint landscapes, pets and self- portraits to reap these benefits whilst also brushing up on several different painting techniques. You can also learn about various types of paint and how they combine with different surfaces.

For example, a stretched canvas is best when using acrylic paints, as they are primed with ‘gesso’ to provide an optimal painting surface.

If you dedicate 15 minutes a day to learning how to paint, once you gain enough skills you could become a teacher on InfoDepot and start earning some money yourself!

15 New Things to Learn in 15 Minutes - InfoDepot Blog (3)

#8 co*cktail making

Why not impress your friends on a Friday evening with a margarita or a raspberry mojito. Studying mixology can allow you to determine which types of spirits complement each other, which glasses are used for which type of drink and why some drinks are shaken and others are stirred.

To get you started with a fun fact, white wine is served in a narrow glass to bring the liquid closer to the nose, allowing for the aromas to complement the taste. Red wine requires a greater exposure to air to ‘open up’ its aromas.

We know you’d also look amazing shaking up a cosmopolitan for the girls with the correct technique. Try a 15 minute online class today and start your mixology journey.

#9 Homemade Fashion

Online classes that cover techniques on how to make various garments such as dresses, jeans, skirts and tops are widely available on online learning platforms.

Participating in a short online video lesson can allow you to be more sustainable, save money and express your creativity. You can even earn some money by selling the clothes that you make from the online class!

#10 Digital Illustration

Learning a new digital skill is highly useful in today’s job market as our technologies are rapidly advancing. Why not update your existing skills or master digital illustration through online classes to boost your CV and employability to the next level.

These types of skills are also widely sought after. This means you could teach these skills through online video classes in order to share your knowledge with others around the world and earn some money whilst you’re at it.

To get started, check out the digital illustration class that we offer on InfoDepot today!

#11 Languages

Imagine being able to effectively communicate with the waiters in a foreign country, watch a foreign film without subtitles and talk to your friends in their own language.

Learning a language improves your memory, boosts your brain power, widens your network, increases your concentration span, improves brain plasticity and enhances your capacity for learning. It also adds a competitive advantage to your CV, foregin speaking positions often yield a higher salary. The benefits are endless.

Evidently you cannot become fluent in Spanish in 15 minutes. However if you dedicate 15 minutes a day to learning a new language and frequently practice what you have learnt, you will be well on your way.

15 New Things to Learn in 15 Minutes - InfoDepot Blog (4)

#12 Jewellery

Necklaces, bracelets and rings make excellent presents for your friends and family, and nothing is more personal than a homemade gift.

You can learn about different techniques and materials that are used for jewellery making and create some for yourself, your friends and family.

You can learn this in 15 minutes and have a finished product to show for it!

#13 Yoga

Look after your body. Yoga allows you to improve your flexibility, metabolism, muscle strength, circulation, prevent injury and improve your respiratory system.

Just a 15 minute stretch per day can allow you to reap all of the benefits described above and more.

Get to grips with poses such as the downward facing dog, the lotus and the cobra.

#14 Hair Styling

Learn in 15 minutes or even less how to style your hair in a number of ways, whether it is a fishtail plait, a simple bun, a chignon or a bouffant and look stunning on your next outing.

Just one 15 minute online class allows you to master one hairstyle. Think about how many you could learn by dedicating 15 minutes per day to learn about hairstyling!

#15 Conventional Topics

You can learn about history, geography, mathematics, English literature, chemistry and astrophysics.

If you want to add some more conventional topics to your creative online classes, you have the ability to do so.

Brush up on your knowledge from school or take on a completely new subject. Knowledge has no limits, you can learn about anything and everything you wish. You would be surprised what you can learn in 15 minutes!

Are you ready to learn something new everyday?

Now that you have some inspiration, what are you waiting for? Join InfoDepot and choose the topic you want to learn about, enroll in a class and start expanding your knowledge.

You can dedicate just 15 minutes of your time per day to learning, explore new activities and reap all of the benefits that they bring.

15 New Things to Learn in 15 Minutes - InfoDepot Blog (2024)


15 New Things to Learn in 15 Minutes - InfoDepot Blog? ›

Reading. Reading is the most straightforward way to foster daily learning. Whether it's books or articles, fiction or nonfiction, the news or something lighter, reading exposes us to new ideas, perspectives, and knowledge.

What to do in 15 minutes in class? ›

How to Pass Time in Class
  1. Listen actively and take notes.
  2. Interact in class and ask questions.
  3. Illustrate your notes.
  4. Complete your homework for another class.
  5. Organize and create a to-do list.
  6. Doodle in the margins of your notebook.
  7. Read something interesting.
  8. Engage in some creative writing.

How to learn 1 new thing everyday? ›

If you are not sure about how to learn something new every day, here's a list of suggestions for you to check out.
  1. #1 Try an Online Class. ...
  2. #2 Socialize. ...
  3. #3 Read Articles and Informational Pages. ...
  4. #4 Visit Museums. ...
  5. #5 Expand your Vocabulary. ...
  6. #8 Play Games. ...
  7. #9 Learn a Language. ...
  8. #10 Watch Films and TV Shows.

How to learn new information every day? ›

Here are eight ways to cultivate the habit of learning.
  1. Practice speed reading. ...
  2. Treat mistakes as useful information, not failures. ...
  3. Get curious and make friends with your inner child. ...
  4. Break out of your routine. ...
  5. Get physical. ...
  6. Schedule learning. ...
  7. Don't disregard the small stuff. ...
  8. Surround yourself with fellow learners.
Jun 28, 2023

What should I learn every day? ›

Reading. Reading is the most straightforward way to foster daily learning. Whether it's books or articles, fiction or nonfiction, the news or something lighter, reading exposes us to new ideas, perspectives, and knowledge.

What is the 15 minute study strategy? ›

The 15 minute study session requires those study sessions to be distraction free. One of the reasons a student can get away with only 15 minutes of studying is the increased level of focus it allows. The human brain isn't a machine that can study for hours straight without a break.

What can be taught in 10 minutes? ›

Here are 10 skills you can learn in 10 minutes:
  • Change a tire. This fundamental skill is essential for everyone. ...
  • Identify the freshest fruits and vegetables. ...
  • Cook a basic meal. ...
  • Do your own laundry. ...
  • Make your bed. ...
  • Write a thank-you note. ...
  • Solve a Rubik's Cube. ...
  • Learn a new language.
Aug 21, 2023

What can I learn in 5 minutes? ›

27 useful life skills you can learn in less than five minutes
  • Skill 1: Change a tire or jumpstart a car. ...
  • Skill 2: Speed Reading. ...
  • Skill 3: Enable Undo Send in Gmail. ...
  • Skill 4: Use a fire extinguisher. ...
  • Skill 5: Survive in a rip current. ...
  • Skill 6: Righty Tighty Lefty Loosey. ...
  • Skill 7: Pack a suitcase.

What is the most profitable skill to learn? ›

8 High-Income Skills To Learn In 2024
  1. Data Analysis. Data analytical skills come handy in a variety of situations and careers, including within leadership and management roles. ...
  2. Project Management. ...
  3. UX/UI Design. ...
  4. Digital Marketing. ...
  5. AI (Artificial Intelligence) ...
  6. Leadership. ...
  7. Web Development. ...
  8. Sales.
Jan 22, 2024

What is the biggest lesson you learned in life? ›

20 Valuable Lessons I've Learned So Far
  • Life is a journey, not a destination. ...
  • Time is our most valuable resource. ...
  • Focus on your own journey. ...
  • Embrace change. ...
  • Invest in relationships. ...
  • Take care of your health. ...
  • Embrace failure. ...
  • Be kind and forgiving.
Feb 23, 2023

How to learn something new as an adult? ›

Doing things that are a little bit more difficult, that require you to really make connections, is a better way to learn. [You might] explain things to yourself, [or] simply quiz yourself. If you're preparing for a meeting, you'd be much better off just putting the material away and just asking yourself questions.

What is the fastest way to learn information? ›

Simple memory tips and tricks
  1. Try to understand the information first. Information that is organized and makes sense to you is easier to memorize. ...
  2. Link it. ...
  3. Sleep on it. ...
  4. Self-test. ...
  5. Use distributed practice. ...
  6. Write it out. ...
  7. Create meaningful groups. ...
  8. Use mnemonics.

What to learn in free time? ›

Here are some examples of popular skills that one can learn online:
  • Coding. Coding is a skill that many employers value in several industries. ...
  • Spreadsheet software. ...
  • Digital marketing. ...
  • Typing skills. ...
  • Graphic design. ...
  • Research online resources and learning options.
Jan 4, 2024

What can I learn in 15 minutes a day? ›

15 New Things to Learn in 15 Minutes
  • #1 Tarot Card Reading.
  • #2 Cooking or Baking.
  • #3 Sewing.
  • #4 Gardening.
  • #5 Calligraphy.
  • #6 Interior Design.
  • #7 Painting.
  • #8 co*cktail making.

What are the best skills to have in life? ›

These life skills include problem solving, critical thinking, communication skills, decision-making, creative thinking, interpersonal relationship skills, self awareness building skills, empathy and coping with stress skills.

What to do during 15 minute study break? ›

There are many options to consider when planning a study break, like taking a walk, playing a game, listening to music, watching a movie, talking to a friend, or simply taking a nap. Whatever you decide to do, make sure it's something enjoyable that will help you relax and refresh your mind.

How to pass 15 minutes? ›

40 Things you can do in 15 minutes to be productive
  1. Read for 15 minutes. One of my favorite 15-minute tasks, reading. ...
  2. Take a walk. Walking is good for you. ...
  3. Journal for 15 minutes. ...
  4. Call and talk to someone. ...
  5. Tidy up your space in 15 minutes. ...
  6. Breathe deeply for 15 minutes. ...
  7. Prepare healthy juice or smoothie. ...
  8. Clean up your Whatsapp.
Sep 16, 2021

What to do when bored in class? ›

6 Tips if you're experiencing boredom at school
  1. Don't, whatever you do, keep looking at the clock. ...
  2. Take notes. ...
  3. Get creative with your notes – use coloured pens, highlighters, diagrams. ...
  4. Draw pictures. ...
  5. Make a game out of listening. ...
  6. Ask questions.

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Author: Errol Quitzon

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Author information

Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

Phone: +9665282866296

Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.