120+ Badass Boy Names & Their Meanings (2024)

Table of Contents
Cool Badass Baby Boy Names with Meanings 1. Apollo 2. Arlo 3. Baldwyn 4. Barack 5. Carlos 6. Caesar 7. Damion 8. Einer 9. Enzo 10. Fox 11. Griffin 12. Jesse 13. Kaiser 14. Krishna 15. Lars 16. Moses 17. Neil 18. Neron 19. Orwell 20. Phoenix 21. Ranger 22. Sawyer 23. Snow 24. Thor 25. Vader 26. Wolfe 27. Zale Modern Badass Baby Boy Names 1. Archer 2. Arnold 3. Blade 4. Blaze 5. Chance 6. Damon 7. Falkor 8. Gunnar 9. Hugh 10. Iggy 11. Keanu 12. Lennon 13. Marcelo 14. Mason 15. Talon 16. Tyrion 17. Van 18. Wilder 19. Winston 20. Zane Popular Badass Baby Boy Names 1. Alpha 2. Boris 3. Bond 4. Chasin 5. Darby 6. Darwin 7. Faust 8. Hawking 9. Kemen 10. Lennox 11. Leo 12. Maverick 13. Nelson 14. Orion Powerful Badass Baby Boy Names 1. Artur 2. Bowie 3. Boyan 4. Cobain 5. Dimitri 6. Donovan 7. Farrell 8. Fhelix 9. Harley 10. Hardwin 11. Kestrel 12. Legend 13. Phillip 14. Ryder Badass Biblical Baby Boy Names 1. Aziz 2. Bruce 3. Bryant 4. Corbin 5. Cohen 6. Dean 7. Diesel 8. Frederik 9. Jagger 10. King 11. Liam 12. Logan 13. Steele 14. Tyson Badass Baby Boy Names Inspired by Celebrities 1. Denzel 2. Idris 3. Evander 4. Pierce 5. Rowan Badass Baby Boy Names Inspired by Nature 1. Alonso 2. Bjorn 3. Bauer 4. Colt 5. Draco 6. Dustin 7. Flynn 8. Hendrix 9. Huntley 10. Jacques 11. Knox 12. Luke 13. Maddox 14. Striker Badass Nicknames for Baby Boys With Meanings 1. Ace 2. Ajax 3. Axel 4. Buck 5. Buster 6. Dagger 7. Dash 8. Flash 9. Jax 10. Hunt 11. Max 12. Neo 13. Rocco 14. Wild 15. Zeke FAQs 1. How to Choose Badass Boy Names? 2. Can a Badass Name Affect My Child’s Personality?

In this Article

  • Cool Badass Baby Boy Names with Meanings
  • Modern Badass Baby Boy Names
  • Popular Badass Baby Boy Names
  • Powerful Badass Baby Boy Names
  • Badass Biblical Baby Boy Names
  • Badass Baby Boy Names Inspired by Celebrities
  • Badass Baby Boy Names Inspired by Nature
  • Badass Nicknames for Baby Boys With Meanings
  • FAQs

Though we all love classic names for our baby boys, we realize they sound boring with changing times. Our new-age babies demand a more unique name in accord with their cool personalities. A badass name helps the little one to grow up confident and strong. The name is the first impression of a person. A sweet name will make people think the boy is timid, and a strong name creates the impression of a robust personality, ready to take on any challenge he will face.

A cool, badass Irish boy name for the baby boy tells the world he is super cool. The chilled-out kid will be popular not only in his school but in later life, too, as he grows up. A cool name to suit his burgeoning badass personality will enhance his style quotient where ever he goes. The badass boy namesis a must for the confidence of the cool kid to enter the world.

Cool Badass Baby Boy Names with Meanings

A cool, badass name for your little boy ensures the little boy is never taken for a boring and docile person. People around us first form an image of us by our name. A badass name ensures a boy is taken for strong in school, college or his job. Though many parents earlier thought badass names were harsh and severe, in contemporary times, parents have changed their outlook and are naming their baby boys with flinty, steely and stony names to imply the strong personality of their boys.

To know what some badass boy names see the below list to choose the apt badass name for your baby boy:

1. Apollo

Apollo is a macho badass name of German origin. The name of Uncle of Tristan means ‘destroyer’.

120+ Badass Boy Names & Their Meanings (1)

2. Arlo

This name, meaning ‘fortified hill’, is the perfect unique name for a boy. The name implies a strong personality.

3. Baldwyn

Baldwyn is one of the unique names. The name with German origin means ‘brave friend.’

4. Barack

This name has an Arabic origin and the meaning of the name is ‘blessed’.

5. Carlos

Carlos is a badass name meaning ‘strong’.

6. Caesar

Caesar is a popular name in the Roman history. Julius Caesar was a powerful emperor of Rome at one time, and a popular one. This is a latin name meaning ‘cut’.

7. Damion

A historical name with the meaning “to tame” or “to subjugate” is Damian. It comes from “Damianos,” a Greek word that can indicate “master,” “overcome,” or “conquer.”

8. Einer

This name means ‘warrior’ And has Scandinavian roots.

9. Enzo

This is an Italian name meaning ‘home ruler’.

10. Fox

This name is the name of a bushy-tailed animal from the dog family and has British origin.

11. Griffin

This Welsh origin badass name means ‘strong in faith’.

12. Jesse

Jesse meaning ‘wealthy’ is a badass name for boys.

13. Kaiser

This badass males name means ’emperor’.

14. Krishna

This name has Indian origin and is the name of an Indian mythological God.

15. Lars

This is a Scandinavian name meaning ‘crowned’.

16. Moses

This is an Egyptian name and means ‘river nile’

17. Neil

This name has Gaelic origin and means ‘passionate’

18. Neron

As most of the badass names, Neron of Spanish-origin means ‘strong’.

19. Orwell

This is a British name that means “branch of river”

20. Phoenix

Phoenix meaning ‘mystical bird’ implies rising from the dust.

21. Ranger

Ranger, rhyming with Danger is an occupational male name meaning ‘forest guardian’. The is one of the best badass cowboy names that implies a dangerous job of protecting the wild with a western, cowboyish feel.

22. Sawyer

This is an English name meaning ‘woodcutter’

23. Snow

This name means ‘having light hair’. The name Snow is primarily a female name of English origin that means Frozen Rain, Light-haired.

24. Thor

Thor is associated with God of Thunder and implies a macho and strong personality.

25. Vader

This is the Dutch word for father

26. Wolfe

This is a masculine name of German roots meaning ‘wolf’

27. Zale

Zale os a beautiful Greek name meaning “having strength like the sea”

Modern Badass Baby Boy Names

Modern badass baby boy names exude strength and individuality. Discover bold options for a distinctive choice:

1. Archer

Archer is a latin name meaning ‘bow archer’. It is primarily a male name of English origin.

2. Arnold

This is a germanic name meaning ‘powerful as an eagle’. It is a is a masculine German, Dutch and English given name.

3. Blade

The badass name for boys, Blade, though sounding macho, is a bit threatening. The name associated with a superhero implies toughness and determination.

4. Blaze

Blaze is one of the most badass boy names. The name with English origin means ‘stutters’ and implies a fiery personality.

5. Chance

This badass name for males means ‘good fortune.’

6. Damon

Damon is the edgier variation of Damian. This badass name implies stoic strength. The name Damon, from classical mythology, was the symbol of true friendship.

7. Falkor

This is an Icelandic name meaning ‘guardian of the people’.

8. Gunnar

This is another Scandinavian name and it means ‘bold warrior’.

120+ Badass Boy Names & Their Meanings (2)

9. Hugh

This is an English name for the old French name ‘Hugo’. The name means soul, mind, and intellect.

10. Iggy

This is an English origin name meaning ‘the fiery one’.

11. Keanu

This is a Hawaiian name meaning “cool breeze”

12. Lennon

This is an Irish name meaning lover.

13. Marcelo

This Italian origin name is derived from Marcellus meaning ‘hammer’.

14. Mason

Mason is an English origin name meaning ‘worker in stone’.

15. Talon

This French origin name means ‘large claw of a bird of prey’.

16. Tyrion

This is a popular latin origin name that means “rock”.

17. Van

This is a British name meaning ‘marshland’.

18. Wilder

This is a German name meaning ‘untamed’.

19. Winston

This is a British name meaning ‘joyful stone’.

20. Zane

Zane is the quirky and edgy version of the classic name John. This Hebrew origin name for John means ‘Gift from God’.

Popular Badass Baby Boy Names

Popular badass baby boy names exude strength and confidence. Here are some names for you:

1. Alpha

Alpha is one of the badass male names meaning ‘firstborn’. The name implies the leader of a pack or gang.

2. Boris

Boris is an old Russian name that is now becoming popular in Europe and the US. The name means ‘to fight’.

3. Bond

This name is derived from British origin and the name means ‘farmer’.

4. Chasin

Chasin is a Hebrew origin meaning ‘strong’.

5. Darby

Darby is one of the hardcore badass boys’ names. Darby, meaning ‘deer town’ has been the name of the frontman of a famous punk rock band ‘the Gems’.

6. Darwin

This is a British name meaning ‘dear friend’. Darwin is a British-born boy’s name that hardly ever needs an introduction.

7. Faust

This is an Italian origin name meaning ‘lucky’.

8. Hawking

Hawking is an English name that means ‘like a hawk’.

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9. Kemen

Kemen meaning ‘strong’ is a Spanish origin male name.

10. Lennox

This badass male name means ‘abounding in elm trees’.

11. Leo

Leo is a common male name meaning ‘lion’.

12. Maverick

This is an American ne meaning ‘a strong man’.

13. Nelson

This is an Irish name meaning ‘son of Neil’.

14. Orion

This is a Greek name meaning “the rising sky”.

Powerful Badass Baby Boy Names

Powerful badass baby boy names convey strength and resilience. Discover some bold name options below:

1. Artur

This is a celtic name meaning ‘bear’. It is believed to be derived from the word “artos.

2. Bowie

This is a Scottish name which means ‘yellow-haired’. It is a unique name for boys.

3. Boyan

This is a Norwegian name meaning ‘the sun’.

4. Cobain

This means ‘positive soul’ and has Irish origin.

5. Dimitri

The meaning of this name is ‘follower of demeter’. The name Dmitri is a Greek newborn boy name.

6. Donovan

Donovan is Celtic origin name meaning ‘strong fighter’.

7. Farrell

Farrell is a Celtic name meaning ‘brave’.

8. Fhelix

This is a Latin badass name meaning ‘lucky’.

9. Harley

Harley meaning ‘hare’s meadow’ is associated with the macho image of Harley Davidson.

10. Hardwin

Hardwin meaning ‘brave friend’ is an English origin badass name.

11. Kestrel

This is an English name that means a small colorful falcon.

12. Legend

This is an English name meaning ‘a great story’.

13. Phillip

This name means “lover of horses” And had greek roots.

14. Ryder

Ryder is a British origin name meaning ‘cavalryman’, ‘messenger’, ‘knight’. The super badass name sounds like it should be the name of some race car driver.

Badass Biblical Baby Boy Names

Badass Biblical baby boy names blend ancient wisdom with a modern edge. Explore names the names below:

1. Aziz

This is a Persian name meaning ‘all-powerful’.

2. Bruce

Bruce is a popular Scottish name which also the name of a strong Scottish king.

3. Bryant

This Celtic origin name means ‘strong’. The name suggests a strong, badass personality.

4. Corbin

This name has anglo norman roots and the meaning of this name ‘crow’.

5. Cohen

Cohen is a badass name with an opposing meaning. The name means ‘priest’.

6. Dean

The badass name honoring James Dean, is perfect as the first name of a tough boy. The name meaning ‘having lived near a valley’ conjures an image of a young boy riding a motorcycle at night.

7. Diesel

Diesel is a neo-macho badass name that is a type for fuel. The name is a German origin surname which is derived from Mathias or Mattew.

8. Frederik

Frederik is a German origin badass name means ‘Leader’.

9. Jagger

Jagger is a unique badass name meaning ‘hawker of goods’.

10. King

King is a popular badass male name meaning ‘tribal leader’.

11. Liam

This is an Irish name that means “protector”

12. Logan

This means “hollow” And has Scottish roots.

13. Steele

Steele is a macho name meaning ‘hard’, ‘durable’.

14. Tyson

Tyson meaning ‘son of Tye’ is a popular badass name.

Badass Baby Boy Names Inspired by Celebrities

Badass baby boy names inspired by celebrities evoke charisma and coolness. Discover some iconic choices below:

1. Denzel

Of Cornish origin, Denzel means “from a high stronghold” or “from a high hill” connoting strength and elevation.

2. Idris

A Welsh name meaning “ardent lord” or “impassioned prince,” reflecting leadership, passion, and a regal presence.

3. Evander

Derived from Greek, Evander signifies “good man” or “strong man,” representing virtue, goodness, and moral strength.

4. Pierce

Of English origin, Pierce means “rock” or “stone,” symbolizing stability, resilience, and a solid foundation.

5. Rowan

A Gaelic name linked with the rowan tree, representing strength, protection, and the ability to withstand challenges.

Badass Baby Boy Names Inspired by Nature

Here are some are badass boy names inspired by nature.

1. Alonso

Alonso is a Spanish name that means ‘ready for battle.’ It also means noble.

2. Bjorn

This is a name of Swedish origin meaning ‘bear’. It is quite a unique name to have for boys.

3. Bauer

“Bauer” is a German occupational surname meaning “farmer” or “one who works or owns a farm or agricultural land.”

4. Colt

This English origin name Colt means ‘from the dark town or unknown owner of the property’.

5. Draco

This name has Greek origins and means ‘dragon’.

6. Dustin

Dustin is an English origin name meaning ‘valiant’.

7. Flynn

Flynn is an Irish origin name meaning ‘son of a red-haired man’.

8. Hendrix

This name has a germanic origin and means ‘estate ruler.

9. Huntley

Huntley means ‘from the hunter’s meadow’ implies a macho personality.

10. Jacques

This is a French name meaning “supplanter”.

11. Knox

Knox means ‘from the hills’ and is a strong name.

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12. Luke

This means “emitting light” And had Greek origins.

13. Maddox

Maddox is an out and out badass name. Maddox meaning ‘beneficent or fortunate’ was an obscure Welsh family name, now this moniker has come to the mainstream as the first name.

14. Striker

Striker is an English origin name with a macho and aggressive image.

Badass Nicknames for Baby Boys With Meanings

Unique badass nicknames for boys are parent’s way of acknowledging their baby boy’s naughty and adventurous personality. Choosing a badass nickname ensures their baby boy is taken for a macho and strong person.

Here are some delightful badass male names for you to choose from:

1. Ace

Ace is one of the badass boys’ nicknames even though it has many positive connotations such as acing any examination. The name means ‘one’, ‘unity’ and has Latin origins.

2. Ajax

Ajax is Greek origin name meaning ‘eagle’.

3. Axel

Axel is a badass nickname from Scandinavian and German origins. The name ‘father of peace’ is opposite to its image, but the edgy name sounds cool.

4. Buck

Buck is a popular male nickname meaning ‘male deer’.

5. Buster

Buster is an old-fashioned belligerent nickname.

6. Dagger

Dagger is a new badass boy’s nickname. The name of English origin implies a sharp and edgy personality.

7. Dash

Dash is a popular badass nickname for males. The name implies a dashing person.

8. Flash

This name is associated with a superhero, Flash Gordon. This badass nickname is perfect for modern parents looking for an active baby boy nickname.

9. Jax

Jax is a boy’s nickname and edgy diminutive of Jackson or Jaxon. The name implying Jack’s son means ‘God has been gracious or has shown favor’.

10. Hunt

Hunt is the badass diminutive of Hunter meaning ‘the one who hunts’. The English origin name combines the macho imagery with soft masculinity.

11. Max

Max is a popular nickname of Latin origin meaning ‘greatest’.

12. Neo

Neo is a neo badass nickname. The name got popular from Keanu Reeves’ character in “The Matrix”.

13. Rocco

Rocco meaning ‘Rock’ is a tough name as hard as a rock. This name from Italian origin is the perfect badass nickname for any boy.

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14. Wild

Wild is the perfect badass male name implying asking for trouble or causing trouble.

15. Zeke

Zeke is an English origin name is abbreviation of Hebrew name Ezekiel meaning ‘God strengthen’.

The modern-day parents want their baby boys to break the mold of sweet and docile imagery. The best way to do so is by giving them or naming them with a badass name. A badass name doesn’t mean the boy or man is evil, it just tells the world the person is adventurous and cool. The name befits his active and badass personality and makes society take them with respect and reverence.


1. How to Choose Badass Boy Names?

To choose badass names for boys, consider attributes like strength, uniqueness, and confidence. Research names with powerful meanings, draw inspiration from pop culture and ensure they resonate with your personal style and values.

2. Can a Badass Name Affect My Child’s Personality?

A name alone doesn’t determine a child’s personality. However, a strong name may instil confidence, influencing self-perception positively. Ultimately, upbringing, environment, and experiences have a greater impact on personality.

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120+ Badass Boy Names & Their Meanings (2024)
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Name: Reed Wilderman

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